Review ~ Do you Remember?

Midnight Wolf Reviews and More [Re-opened]

Title: Do you Remember?

Author: BAPisPerfect

Reviewer: PandaChels


Title:  (3/5) The title fits the story perfectly. However, there are so many fanfics with that title and it could easily be overlooked. I would maybe suggest focusing on a different aspect of the story, or thinking of a more unique title about remembering.

Foreword & Description: (8/10) Interesting, yet there were a few grammatical mistakes in the forward. The ending of the excerpt was slightly confusing though. I think that she should have said the question first, and then you could have talked about how Daehyun’s world shattered as each word left her lips.

Grammar, Spelling, etc.: (14/15) There were a few errors, but close to none. Although you did mess up on the correct form of ‘your’ towards the end, nevertheless there were very few errors for such a long story. It was very close to perfect!

Plot Line: (19/20). Honestly, when I saw that chapter and how much you had written, I thought that it was just going to drag on, but it didn’t. Whether it was the marriage, honeymoon, birth, visiting the parents, or dealing with Mee, your story was constantly interesting!

Flow: (9.5/10) The only part that I will take off is that in some places you messed up the names. One incident that I remember is when Mee confronts Jae in the diner, and Daehyun comes in. You wrote down the name ‘min’ instead of ‘mi’ and it caused me to become momentarily confused, but I understood.

Also, a lot of your pronouns were confusing. You would sometimes put a ‘her’ where ‘his’ should be and I would have to reread with what I assumed you meant.

Originality: (7/10) It wasn’t that original. She lost her memory and then stayed with the guy she loved, but I still liked it. I loved how Mee was kind of like a saesang fan.

(R/N: Towards the end, I was like: Wouldn’t it be weird if Daehyun wasn’t the guy that she fell for? But that isn’t all too original is it…I don’t know…maybe. Lol)

Characters: (10/10) You seriously had these guys down to a perfect ‘T’. I was especially surprised with how you were with Mee. She was the perfect psycho/desperate/fanatic/jealous girl!

Personally, my favorite was Jongup. You made him seem so adorable and childish and once you said he was your dancing bias I understood! XD

Overall Enjoyment:  (10/10) I loved it! Towards the end, when Jae went through the same feelings of watching Daehyun…it was amazing! I was like…wow…this was well though through.

Bonuses: (10/10) Mee was a psycho and made the story so interesting. I love characters like this, even though while I’m reading the story I hate it.

On a similar note have you read/seen ‘Goong’/’Princess Hours’. The antagonist, Yul, is my favorite character in the whole story and he actually reminded me of Mee to a certain extent.

This was your first story?! Wow, so much better than my own. It was honestly A-MA-ZING! I can’t believe you wrote that as your first story!


Reviewer's Note: Normally, I don't try to make my reviews so short, but I honestly didn't see much wrong with this story! Again, I loved this story! So much fluff and so adorable! Sorry it took some time to review! I was busy with Summer Reading! >_>

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Chapter 23: Wow! Thank you so much for the amazing review and such a high score! I think it's the highest I got so far!!! *^*
I'm so happy about it because I put so much effort into it along with my co-author who wrote eg. the childhood scenes of Sungmin!
I credited you<3
1.Username: aidylx16

2.Story Title: Strange Sights


4.Password: Voodoo by Vixx or Where are You? What are you doing by B.A.P

5.Pereferred Reviewer: Any availible to review!

6.Fluent English Speaker: About 90%? I have trouble with my grammar sometimes. Other than that i'm pretty fluent
Lovex2254 #3
1. Username: LoveX2254

2. Story Title: The 27 Club

3. Story Link:

4. Password (favorite song): Good Luck

5. Preffered Reviewer(List is below):Anyone who's free

6. Are you a fluent English speaker: yeppers
1. Username: myunghyun4ever

2. Story Title: Runes of Despair

3. Story Link:

4. Password (favorite song): 1004

5. Preffered Reviewer(List is below): PandaChels

6. Are you a fluent English speaker: Yes

P.S: Please make it as detailed as possible and focus lots on Characterisation, description of events and settings, flow, plot etc. Thanks in advance.
1. Username: Angel110 (JanineLoveLife and me are/were writing both requests together equally)

2. Story Title: The Two Faced Beauty

3. Story Link:

4. Password (favorite song): Strong-SJ M

5. Preffered Reviewer(List is below): KreiKrei

6. Are you a fluent English speaker: look at the comment below
1. Username: Angel110

2. Story Title: All That I Have

3. Story Link:

4. Password (favorite song): Strong-SJ M

5. Preffered Reviewer(List is below): anyone who is comfortable reading about mental pain and self-harming

6. Are you a fluent English speaker: pretty much? I'm no native speaker but on a high level i think~
chquine #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for the review KreiKrei... =D
I appreciate the feedback and the advice... =D
I'll try to improve the plot and the OC better...
Thank you! =D
Lovex2254 #8
1. Username:LoveX2254

2. Story Title: Ice Queen

3. Story Link:

4. Password (favorite song): Still Alive by Big Bang (as of right now, anyways ^^)

5. Preffered Reviewer(List is below): PandaChels

6. Are you a fluent English speaker: Yes!