First Date

World of Color

You paced around your apartment, waiting for an acceptable time to leave. You hadn't slept well the night before because you were so excited for your date. As a result, you got up early and showered. You changed into a pair of jeans and a stripped v-neck top. Since he had said to dress casual, you followed his instructions.

Finally, the time came to leave. You caught a taxi and read off the address to the driver He had texted you. It was to a large park by the Han River. You were curious about why you were going to a park, but you were sure he had something in mind.

As you sat in the cab, you received a text message from Taewoo.

"Call me if you need anything. Don't do anything stupid :p"

That was just like Taewoo. Be sweet, and then be a punk.

When you arrived at the park, your eyes widened as you got out of the taxi. There was a carnival set up. You were taking it all on when you heard your name. You turned to see Him walking towards you while his dazzling smile. He had worn a dark pair of jeans, a light blue shirt with a dark pattern and a dark blazer over it. He also wore a black hat and a pair of sunglasses to hide his identity.

He gave you an awkward hug when he got to you. As you greeted him, you started to say his name but he shushed you.

"Just call me oppa when we are in public. It's safer." You nodded and said it, causing his cheeks to get a pink color.

He led you into the carnival and paid for a roll of tickets for the both of you. You didn't want him spending a lot of money, but he insisted that you not worry about it. As you looked around, all sorts of attractions surrounded you.

"What should we do first?" He asked, also looking around.

"Mmm... That one!" You said pointing to a roller coaster. You weren't sure if he would like your selection but he got a huge smile and quickly headed for the ride.

While you waited in line, you asked each other all sorts of questions. It was interesting to get to know the man behind the idol, and in all honesty, you stopped thinking about him as an idol, and only as a man. He was very curious about you as well. He asked about your childhood, university, how you liked Korea so far. He looked at you as you spoke and remembered details about you. He made you feel special.

When he got to the front of the line, he gave the boy in charge some tickets, and then helped you into the ride. When it took off, you were both screaming and laughing like children. When the ride ended, you laughed at each other and he helped fix your hair.

You made your way through various other rides including another roller coaster, bumper cars and then went into a haunted house. A large zombie jumped out at you inside the attraction and you clung onto him for safety. He smiled at you and took your hand into his, leading the way but being sure to keep you close to him. You liked this feeling of him protecting you.

When you finished with rides, you moved onto games. You both played skee ball, tried to make baskets with basketballs and played a variety of shooting games. At one booth, the challenge was to get a plastic golf ball to land in a cup of water for points. If your ball landed in the center cup, which was filled with pink liquid, you won a giant stuffed animal.

He took a couple tries, but once again proved his skills and got a ball into the center cup. He asked which toy you liked and you pointed at a big, brown teddy bear. He pulled it down and handed it to you.

"You won oppa, not me. You should keep this." You said as he handed it to you. In truth, you did want it, but you didn't want to seem to eager.

"I won it for you. I don't know what I would do with it anyway." He blushed a little.

He continued to hold your hand as you walked around. When you both got hungry, he paid for an assortment of carnival food. You enjoyed trying all sorts of things and feeding each other big wads of cotton candy. Even though this was your first date with him, it felt like you had known him for years.

A loud voice came on over the speaker system and said the carnival would be closing soon. You both had been having so much fun that you lost track of time. He led you to one last ride, the Ferris Wheel. He helped you onto the ride, your big bear in tow, and climbed in next to you. The ride started and as you approached the top, you could see all the lights of the carnival and park turning on since the sun was setting.

A breeze swept by you, causing you to shiver a little. He noticed and put his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his body. You enjoyed his warmth and took in his scent. It was a mixture of his cologne and his own smell. It was addictive. You wished the ride would go on for hours so you could stay right here.

All to soon, the ride was over and he was helping you out of it. He had to take his sunglasses off to see since it had gotten dark. He led you through the park with his head down to try and keep from being recognized. He led you into the parking lot and to his car. He opened the door for you to get in and then moved around the car to the drivers seat.

"I hope you don't mind me taking you home. I wouldn't want to make you find your own way in the dark."

"Of course I don't mind, Oppa." His cheeks turned pink again when you still called him that even though you weren't in public.

You started giving him directions when he pulled the car out and soon he was parking the car in front of your apartment. He got out to open your door and walk you up.

When you reached your door, you turned around to look at him. You didn't want to say goodbye yet and it looked like he felt the same.

"Thank you for today Oppa. It was a lot of fun." You said while smiling at him.

"I enjoyed it too. I've wanted to go to something like that for ages but I never had anyone to go with. I'm glad I went with you. We should go out again." He looked up at you nervously after his last sentence. You smiled and agreed hastily.

Your reaction must have been a confidence boost for him because he then took a step closer to you and put his hand on your cheek. He leaned in and pressed his lips softly to yours. You barely had time to process how his lips felt against yours before he pulled back, smiling. Before he had time to get too far from you, you leaned up to him again, pressing your lips against his a little more firmly than he had done. When you pulled back, you were both smiling and blushing.

"I-I'll call you, okay? Sleep well.” He said as he turned to go back to his car. You called after him saying goodnight.

You opened the door to your apartment, kicked your shoes off and went into your bedroom, jumping onto the bed with your bear in your arms. You squealed and wiggled around like a little kid.  When you sat up, you perched the bear next to your pillows. It looked perfect on your bed and took care of your desire to buy a stuffy. You smiled at it, remembering the date. You decided to name it after him.

While you were busy reminiscing, your phone went off. You pulled it from your pocket to find a few text messages. The first from Seojin asking to see you soon so she could hear all about the date. The second was from Taewoo checking to see if you were home yet. You responded saying that you had just gotten in. The last one was from Him.

"I just wanted to let you know again that I had a really great time with you today. I wasn't sure how to say this in person, but I really like you. I hope you'll go out with me again soon."

You laid back against your giant bear, staring at the text with a smile on your face.


A/N: Hey guys! I know I’ve updated a lot today, but Idk if I will have time to do it tomorrow. So here is the next chapter. I’m caught up now so updates will come as I get motivated. Please let me know what you guys think so far. I’m not as excited to write when I think people aren’t reading. 

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blackjacklex #1
Chapter 23: Omg my feels! I loved this :D
ozwalkr #2
Chapter 16: I just am reading this.. Did the bonus chappie get put up? Or is it link only?? I want it... buing buing!! Really good story btw.
mabella85 #3
Chapter 21: wow.. this story is awesome ♥ i like all of your fanfics especially with seungho <3 please write more about him ;)
Chapter 17: Awh this story is so sad but cute at the same time *MY FEELS*
Chapter 16: I don't know why but I keep getting this feeling that someone should die, I honestly don't know why but I think a plot twist would just make up the ending perfectly. This story is great! If you want I'm more than happy to promote it to my review shop, if that helps :)
Chapter 15: authornim, you might as well keep updating constantly! I wish Taewoo will kick *bias's* . Love this story keep it up!
Chapter 14: please update, this story is so good!