
World of Color

Saturday finally came, and you were grateful for it. Adjusting to the new time zone had left you exhausted. When you finally woke up, it was late in the morning. You got out of bed, showered, and changed into cute, but warm clothes. You went out to the kitchen to pour a bowl of cereal for your breakfast/lunch. You thought about the concert you would be attending this evening and got very excited. The concert had been the topic of most of your conversations with Seojin during your lunches together. Taewoo would roll his eyes whenever the subject came up. 

"I don’t understand what is so exciting about watching a group of guys sing and dance on stage in sparkly outfits." He had said this so many times, you no longer felt the need to defend your favorite group. 

"You wouldn’t say that if it were a girl group" was Seojin’s go to response. Taewoo would then turn away and grumble something about idol girls not being his type, his eyes glancing to you. 

You took your cereal to the table and pulled a stack of papers from your bag. You had given your students a test to learn more about their abilities. You wanted to tailor your lessons a little bit, so finding out their skills would be essential. 

After a few hours, you couldn’t look over any more broken English. You decided to call Seojin to see if she would want to grab some dinner before the concert. She happily agreed and gave you an address to a little cafe near the concert venue. When you both arrived, you quickly ordered your food from the waitress. 

"Thank you so much for coming with me! As you could probably tell from Taewoo-ssi’s response, there aren’t many people our age that like to attend these type of events. They consider it childish." She said the last sentence with a bit of a pout, making you smile. 

"Thank you for inviting me! I can’t believe I have only been here for a little over a week and I’m already going to a k-pop concert! And don’t worry about Taewoo oppa. He just likes to tease."  You said, still smiling widely. 

"Oppa?" Seojin’s eyebrows rose and she smirked at you. “Is there something going on with Taewoo ‘oppa’?" 

"No! Of course not! I mean, he is nice. But I’m not interested in him romantically." You blushed through your defense and Seojin didn’t look entirely convinced. 

"You better tell me if something does happen. I’m still older than you, so that makes me your unnie." She stuck her tongue out at you a little and you both laughed. Your food arrived, making you both excited for the delicious looking meals. The topic quickly changed back to the concert and the two of you began eating. 

After finishing your food, the two of you made your way to the venue. It was only a few blocks away, so you decided to walk. As you got closer, you could see more and more fans. Some were wearing shirts, others had signs, and there were more light sticks than you could count. 

You and Seojin entered the building and immediately approached one of the merchandise tables to buy your own light sticks. You wanted to buy one of everything they were selling and had to remind yourself that you now lived in Korea and didn’t need to go crazy. You each purchased a light stick and then went in to find your seats. You gawked at how perfect they were. You had a fantastic view of the stage, but wouldn’t be too crowded by other fans. 

As the hall filled up, the air was full of excitement. It was hard to hear anything other than the buzz of thousands of people talking. Then, the lights went out and a voice came over the speakers, causing the crowd to erupt in screams. 


When the concert ended, you were still in a state of awe. You couldn’t believe you had actually seen your favorite group performing live. They had so much talent and charisma on stage. You couldn’t stop yourself from going crazy during your bias’s y solo stage either. As you tried to commit everything to memory, Seojin tugged at your arm. 

"They are outside! The idols are outside!" She had to yell to be heard over the crowd that was now rushing for the doors. The two of you took off as well, somehow managing to stay together. When you made it outside, you both looked around. You spotted the growing crowd of fangirls and the two of you ran towards it, pushing your way in. 

Amongst all the pushing and shoving, you fell forward onto the asphalt. You tried to get up, but the density of the crowd made it difficult. Suddenly, a strong hand gripped your forearm and helped pull you up. You realized it was now very easy to stand up and glanced around to see the crowd had backed away a little to give you room. You couldn’t figure out why until the hand on your forearm squeezed a little. You turned to look and saw that the hand belonged to a man. And not just any man, your bias. 

"Please be more careful. We don’t want our fans to get hurt just so they can see us." He flashed a brilliant smile at you and then returned to his group, climbing into the van. Even after the van had driven away and the mob was dispersing, you were still frozen in place. Your bias had spoken to you. He had even touched you. Seojin was freaking out next to you. 

The incident in the parking lot was all the two of you could talk about on the way home that night. You split the taxi fare so neither of you would have to walk in the cold. After arriving home, you quickly changed into your pajamas and laid down in bed. Your heart still pounded and your palms got sweaty whenever you thought about it. Still in shock, you fell asleep, dreaming of your bias. 

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blackjacklex #1
Chapter 23: Omg my feels! I loved this :D
ozwalkr #2
Chapter 16: I just am reading this.. Did the bonus chappie get put up? Or is it link only?? I want it... buing buing!! Really good story btw.
mabella85 #3
Chapter 21: wow.. this story is awesome ♥ i like all of your fanfics especially with seungho <3 please write more about him ;)
Chapter 17: Awh this story is so sad but cute at the same time *MY FEELS*
Chapter 16: I don't know why but I keep getting this feeling that someone should die, I honestly don't know why but I think a plot twist would just make up the ending perfectly. This story is great! If you want I'm more than happy to promote it to my review shop, if that helps :)
Chapter 15: authornim, you might as well keep updating constantly! I wish Taewoo will kick *bias's* . Love this story keep it up!
Chapter 14: please update, this story is so good!