Winning Your Heart

World of Color

You had expected Taewoo to keep his distance after he confessed to you. And he did, for about a week. After that, he pulled you aside to talk again. You let him down gently, but he said he had anticipated the rejection.

You thought your friendship would be lost after this, but it had returned to normal. Almost better than normal actually. Now that both of you had worked out your relationship, it eased the tension that had been there.

As a result, being around Taewoo was fun again. The two of you started to hang out more. You would go to museums, art exhibits, new restaurants, movies, all sorts of things. With Him gone a lot, it was nice to still have Taewoo around.

One evening, you and Taewoo had gone to a noraebang with co-workers. It had been a lot of fun and you liked getting to know some of the other teachers at your school. When Taewoo dropped you off at home, he walked you up to the door. He always insisted on doing this 'to be sure you made it home safe'. You opened the door to your apartment, said goodbye to Taewoo and then went inside.

You found Him sitting on the couch, and he didn't look happy.

"Oppa! You're here?! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" You hurried over to sit next to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Why, so I wouldn't know you were out with Taewoo again?" His tone was icy. You pulled away a bit to look at him. He was staring straight ahead, not looking at you. You took his chin in one of your hands and turned his face towards yours. You leaned down and kissed him.

"Oppa, I love you, not Taewoo." You spoke gently, looking into his eyes, trying to give him the most loving look that you could. He let out a deep breathe.

"I'm sorry baby. I just get jealous of how much time he can spend with you. It feels like I'm always busy and can't see you. So when I finally got time off, I hurried over here, only to find an empty apartment." You suddenly felt guilty. It was true he had been busy a lot, and you had spent a lot of time with Taewoo as a result. You felt bad for not being here when He got time off and you wanted to make it up to him.

"Oppa, you're off for the weekend, right?" He nodded in response. "We can go to your dorm, pack a bag for you, and you can stay here for the weekend. Then we can spend the entire time together." He suddenly smiled wider than you had seen in a long time.

"Really?! Just you and me? All weekend?"

"Just us, all weekend." He pulled you into his arms, still smiling.

"Thank you baby. You have no idea how much this means to me."


It was better than you could have imagined having him at your apartment like this. After picking up some things from his dorm, the two of you decided to make dinner together for the first time. You found out he wasn't a very good cook. He could only do a few recipes that his mom had taught him. You ended up giving him jobs like stirring ingredients together or moving the heavy pans around.

When the two of you finally sat down to eat, he complained that eating on different sides of the table felt awkward. He moved his chair over next to yours and the two of you occasionally fed each other bites of food as you talked. He helped you clean the dishes, a task he seemed very comfortable with. The two of you then played games for rest of the evening. He was a sore loser and very competitive.

As the night went on, you both got tired. When you decided to go to bed, you went to the bathroom to clean up and changed into your pajamas. Upon emerging, you found him wearing only pajama pants. You blushed at the sight of him. It was your first time seeing him shirtless and you tried not to stare at his body.

"Where do you have extra pillows and blankets? I can pull them out..." He was very obviously nervous. It calmed you down to know he was just as nervous as you were.

"I actually figured you would just sleep in the bed with me, but if you would be more comfortable on the couch, I can"

"No! It's okay, the bed would be perfect actually." You both blushed as you climbed into bed. You weren't ready for "the next step" yet and you were anxious that maybe he was expecting it.

The two of you laid down next to each other but didn't touch. You stayed that way for a few minutes before he spoke.

"This feels weird, right?"

"It does." You turned to look at him, and saw that he was already watching you, laying on his side. His eyes were staring into yours like they were trying to see into your soul. You didn't know where you got the courage from, but you shifted towards him, laying on your side as well and cuddling against him. He gently wrapped one arm around you and put the other under your head to act like a pillow.

You smiled at the feeling of being tucked into his chest. You felt safe, warm, and loved. You looked at him, the movement catching his attention and he looked down at you as well.

"I love you, Oppa. Sleep well." He smiled at you and leaned down to kiss you.

"Sleep well. I love you too, jagiya." You cuddled closer to him, smiling at his first use of the affectionate term before giving into sleep.

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blackjacklex #1
Chapter 23: Omg my feels! I loved this :D
ozwalkr #2
Chapter 16: I just am reading this.. Did the bonus chappie get put up? Or is it link only?? I want it... buing buing!! Really good story btw.
mabella85 #3
Chapter 21: wow.. this story is awesome ♥ i like all of your fanfics especially with seungho <3 please write more about him ;)
Chapter 17: Awh this story is so sad but cute at the same time *MY FEELS*
Chapter 16: I don't know why but I keep getting this feeling that someone should die, I honestly don't know why but I think a plot twist would just make up the ending perfectly. This story is great! If you want I'm more than happy to promote it to my review shop, if that helps :)
Chapter 15: authornim, you might as well keep updating constantly! I wish Taewoo will kick *bias's* . Love this story keep it up!
Chapter 14: please update, this story is so good!