Chapter 6

What The Heart and Mind Can't Forget

“I won’t I’ll never give him up! Even if he had known Jessica first he is married to me and I have all the evidence!” Hyukjae said as he shoved the documents right into his uncles’s face.

“in case you forgot all of those were falsificated, because we don not know his real name, accept the reality, Donghae or Aiden he is not yours.” Heechul said to him.

“No! I won’t I will not give up my rights!” Hyukjae said as he tried to walked away Heechul clenched to his chest, Sungmin and Kyuhyun came to his aid.

“hyukjae Uncle…”

Hyukjae looked at him and terrified he rushed towards him and rushed him to the nearest hospital.

Kyuhyun was left to take care of Haeeun as the two brothers stayed in the hospital.

Hyukjae walks back and forth, biting his lips, suddenly the doctor went outside.

He pats the shoulders of Hyukjae and Sungmin.

“I am sorry, we tried to revive him but it was too late.” The doctor said.

Hyukjae cried with Sungmin comforting him.

“Hyung this is all my fault, if only…”

“Hyuk don’t ever blame yourself okay this is not your fault no one’s to blame.”

“But he is the family we got after Appa passed away how could I…”

“Hyuk we need to be strong okay?”

And so the famous Dr. Kim passed away, a week after all of them decided to just move to Seoul perhaps to start all over, Hyukjae leave all the things that are related to Donghae, and to show it he even agreed to attend his husband’s wedding with Jessica, Sungmin and Kyuhyun decided not to go and just take care of his brother’s daughter.


(at the wedding day)

Hyukjae was still wearing a black suit, he is still mourning, first for the loss of Donghae and for his uncle’s death suddenly he was snapped out of his trance when Jessica appeared in front of him.



“I heard what had happen, I want to express my condolences.”

“It’s okay, I am glad you got Aiden back and now I want to congratulate you on your wedding.” Hyukjae said with a fake smile. “I better go now, I am just here to congratulate you.”

“What? You haven’t met my husband yet.”

“Maybe next time, here this is our address in Seoul you can visit us anytime.” Hyukjae said as he walked away.


(At The Lee’s home)

Sungmin woke up seeing his brother crying again.


“When I see Jessica’s smiling face, I wished it was me, that could have been me, I now all I have is Haeeun, promise I will forget everything about Donghae, I realized Jessica is a dear friend of mine, I can’t take away her happiness, I just can’t even if I want to be selfish for Haeeun’s sake.”

“Remember Kyu and I are here for you, you are never alone, and Haeeun we love herlike our daughter, hush hyung is here to always comfort you.” Sungmin said as he embraced Hyukjae.


Living in Seoul is quite a challenge for them, but seems like fate had been kind to them, Kyuhyun got a job on a gaming company, Sungmin decided to just stay at home with Hyukjae as his brother keep on painting for a living, especially Junsu still taking his artworks and they also have a friendy neighbor Choi Siwon, the landlord’s son who usually visit them and played with Haeeun and even babysit him when Hyukjae is not with them.


Finally New year arrive, as they are preparing they were surprised when Jessica visited them, along with no other than Donghae who is now known again as Aiden. Sungmin and Kyuhuyn who knew the truth just pretend he does not know him and still show him a warm welcome.

“Omo! I hope we don’t disturb you or anything.” Jessica said.

“No I am glad you visited me, Junsu was here last Chirstmas I think you were on your honeymoon that time he said that’s why you haven’t dropped by.”

“I wish now it’s 2013, I hope Donghae will come for you and haeeun.” Jessica said and Kyuhyun and Sungmin looked at each other excusing themselves.

“By the way what makes you come here?” Hyukjae confusedly asked them.

“Well.” Jessica giggled hiding her face behind Aiden.

“You see, since we are like bestfriend and we’re like super close I want you to be the first to hear the good news.”

“What good news?” Hyukjae asked them.

“Hyuk, I’m pregnant I will have a litlle angel like you have.” She said which stunned Hyukjae.

“t-that’s great I am happy for you. Too bad Haeeun is already asleep I am sure you want to see her.”

“By the way we bought some gifts for your daughter.” Donghae said giving it to Hyukjae.

“Thank you Mr. Lee.”

“No need to be formal, you can call me Aiden, and any of my wife’s friends is my friend as well.”

A friend… we are more than that Hae… Hyukjae wants to say it to him but he does not want to ruin anything at all.

“By the way my wife recommend you to me, you see we want to have my family’s portrait to be done by someone and Jessica said you have exemplary talents, I hope you accept the offer.”

“But I usually just do sceneries I don’t know if I can do portraits.”

“I believe you the way my wife did, and think about the money you’ll earn, you have a kid right? So this will help you at least.


Donghae has a point they only have a few earning and he can’t also ask money to his brother and brtother-in-law he promised they will share all of the spendings.

“Sure I will.”

“Oh! Look at the time, we better go ahead, you see we have family dinner see you at our house tomorrow Hyuk.” Jessica said as he kissed Hyukjae.

“By the way nice meeting you in the flesh, my wife was right you were beautiful as your paintings.” Hyukjae was shocked to hear those words from him.

“Now, now Aiden I told you he is good looking and you don’t believe me, so we better go ahead give Haeeun my kiss ok?”


As they left Hyukjae went to his room and cradled Haeeun. He started crying again, he can’t believe would speak to Donghae again, he suddenly yearned for him but, he will now be starting his own family with  Jessica.

“My angel I am so sorry, I do miss you appa I just hope he could hold you just even once.”

Sungmin entered the room, seeing his brother crying again.

“Hyuk, how many time do you need to cry because of him. Can’t you really get over him?”

“Hyung even just once I wish I could feel his love again, even just once I hope he carried Haeeun, just once I want to tell him I am his…”

“Hyuk, why did you accept the offer?”

“I just want to see him, I am still hoping he would come back.”

“But he will never come back…”

Hyukjae bring down Haeeun.

“When will you get tired? It hurts me seeing you cried like this.” Sungmin said.

“I am sorry, but perhaps my hearts desire is just really stronger than what my mind is telling me. But I promise I won’t do anything”


The next day Hyukjae, will start entering Donghae’s life again, but this time Donghae know him as the Hyukjae who is their family friend but not as the Hyukjae that he had loved and married.

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Hani97 #1
Chapter 13: Epilogue please author-nim??‍♀️
Chapter 13: Oh my shisus I love this story XD it was really good and I had my eyes glued on to the story the entire time I read this
I love the ending, I just loved it I can't even find words XD
Thank you for the great story
Chapter 13: Whoaaa , i really love this !!!!!! Such a happy ending !!!!!!!!!!! Please produces more haehyuk story !!!!!! I love to read urs ;*
Jewelmilas31 #4
Chapter 13: Finish reading its in one go. Love the drama of the story...
Chapter 13: the end...okay ^^
i like the ending though ^^
Chapter 13: Great. I hope Jess never come again. Tehehe.. Lucky they are together.
Chapter 12: I'm speechless !! Its like jess is suddenly gone !poor jess but well , she can't bear a child !!!!
Chapter 12: i like this chap ^^
it turned out better..
thanks~ ^^
Chapter 11: Bwahahaha ,, aiden is having a rival battle with himself xD i don't know what to say cause i'm so sad with jess n i'm so happy with hyuk's happiness ! Aishh , so complicated TT
Chapter 11: thanks~
you're fast.
i don't know what to say..>.<
good luck.