Chapter 13

What The Heart and Mind Can't Forget

Everyone seems so tired after Haeeun’s birthday celebration, Hyukjae fixed their room for while Donghae sitting on his bed. He laid beside him as the other man puts his arms to cuddle him.

“So Hyukkie how are you now?” he asked him.

“I’m okay,”

“How about them?” Donghae referring to Kyhyun and Sungmin.

“They’re doing fine, we are all in good health, though we’re still adjusting here since it has been a long time since we left this place.”

“Aiden it’s so lonely.” Hyukjae told him Donghae smiled and kissed his forehead and motioned to turn off the the lamp in the table.

“Hyukjae… whatever happens, whatever Jessica does I really can’t forget you.” Donghae commented


“On your side, how is Donghae?”

“Aiden, I wanted for so long to mention everything to you about Donghae, but…” Hyukjae started crying again.

“Hyukkie, stop it, you don’t have to say a word I understand everything.” He said with a reassuring smile.

Hyukjae hugged him tightly, he guessed it’s better this way that Donghae don’t know anything, he should already be happy he had the one he loved in his arms.


Hyukjae and Donghae are still sleeping heavily when suddenly they heard Sungmin screaming.

“Hyuk! Open the Hurry!”

“Okay I’ll be there.” As he opened the door he was surprised to see Junsu and Sungmin together.

“Donghae, I mean Aiden my niece!”

“What happened? What Hyung!” Hyukjae asked worriedly.

“Jessica she…” Jusnsu tried to tell here


As they went outside they were shocked to see Jessica there holding Haeeun in her arms pointing a gun on her, Junsu tried to calm her but he can’t. Kyuhyun can’t go near him as well.

“What!, areb’t you going to follow my orders I want you to start the boat now!” Jessica shouted at them.

“I’ll kill this girl!” Jessica announced to them all.

“NO! PLEASE JESS!” Hyukjae pleaded her.

“Leave me all alone, I am going now, and look my husband and my traitor best friend.” He suddenly pointed the gun at Hyukjae but Donghae blocked it and tried to calm her.

“Jessica stop it!” Aiden tried to tell her.

“MY DAUGHTER GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!”  Hyukjae is already crying as he wants to have Haeeun back who is now crying beside Jessica. “YOU SHOOT ME! KILL ME!”

“You took my husband, I’ll take your son!”

“Jessica you’re not killing anyone, you are not gonna hurt anyone if you really love me, you’re not going to do this. You’re not like that Jessica.” Aiden calmly said to her, still holding Hyukjae.

“I’m sorry it was all my fault, I am the one to blame , put the gun down, give me Haeeun, I’m sorry lets talk, the two of us, only the two of us.” Aiden said Sungmin and Kyuhyun are nervously watching Jessica, Junsu praying hard for her to listen to him and Hyukjae who is still crying wanting his daughter’s safety.

Finally Donghae was able to approache Jessica who put the gun down, Hyukjae rushed to Haeeun and hugged her tightly. While Jessica and Donghae embraced each other, that time all Hyukjae could think of was his daughter back in his arms safe.


As everything calm down, Hyukjae is still carrying Haeeun in his arms when suddenly Sungmin arrived with Junsu.

“Hyuk they’re leaving..” Sungmin said but he did not reply at all.

“Hyuk we’re leaving I hope to see you again. Anytime that you come to Seoul just call me okay?” He just look at Junsu.

“I might not go to Seoul anymore. I don’t know I’m not sure yet.” He said

“Okay.” Replied Junsu

“Junsu thank you for everything.”


As Junsu left Donghae with a calm Jessica arrived to see him, Donghae can’t hide how he still gazed at him lovingly and Hyukjae do the same and they smiled at each other with Jessica who can’t look Hyukjae in the eye, Sungmin excused himself and took Haeeun from Hyukjae’s arms so the three of them could talk. Before Sungmin could leave Donghae took Haeeun and hugged her tightly like a worried father who was relief that his child is out of danger, Sungmin looked at Hyukjae who wants to cry again seeing the scene. Jessica approached Haeeun as well while carried by Donghae and muttered. “I’m sorry.”

Sungmin, took her again and finally leave them all alone.

Aiden comfort Jessica who keeps crying and approached Hyukjae

“I-I was desperate, I was out of my mind, I don’t know what to do.” Jessica said as he embraced Hyukjae who did not say any word.

“I know we won’t be seeing each other again, I can feel it please forgive me, even if you don’t want me to be your friend, for me you are still my best friend. Please forgive me, I also forgive you.” Jessica said with this words, Hyukjae finally snapped in his mind he is thinking what is there to be forgiven about him, with tah he slapped Jessica who make the other shocked.

“I have not done you wrong. Why di you have to forgive me? You were the one who do me wrong.” Hyukjae finally exploded. “Why do you have to threaten the life of my daughter? Don’t you know that if you have killed Haeeun, you would have killed the son of your husband?”

Jessica was dumbfounded and looked at Donghae.

“Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be surprised! Jessica I never took anyone’s husband, you were the one who took mine! You took my husband away from me!”

Donghae was almost speechless hearing it from Hyukjae, Jessica is hust crying while being dragged by Hyukjae to his room with Donghae following them.

Hyukjae took a small box and gave it to Donghae, as he opened it he saw some of the pictures that were taken during his wedding with Hyukjae.

“Donghae, came into my life on April 2011, my uncle adopted him, he knew nothing of his past of his whole being, and we believed in his kindness and truthfulness, we both fell in love with each other we got married on November 2011.”

Donghae keep staring at those pictures while Jessica can’t even find a word to say.

“You may say our marriage is not legal, but you cannot deny it was not fake, that marriage was a contract between two consenting adults who proved that they were in love with each other. Last July 22 2012, I gave birth to Haeeun, that same day, Donghae met a vehicle accident , his amnesia got cured  and found out he was Aiden Lee, you re not yet married with her, and I plan to tell the truth for the sake of our daughter Aiden, but I came to realized that my revelation will ruin your life so I decided to keep silent, forget all about Donghae, put my daughter’s father to the grave. I don’t want to ruin your relationship with Jessica, I have done that because of my great love, I realized if you love somebody you’ll do everything just to see him happy. I wanted to avoid you but your were the one coming closer to me, so I though God is trying my patience on up to what extent can I show my love to the man I truly love so I let it go, I didn’t avoid you guys. I told my self, as long as Aiden is happy, I’m also happy. I have done all those until one day Aiden told me about your problem of not having a child anymore and Jessic, Aiden is the was the one who came closer to me, not me and Jessica not even once did I use this truth.” Hyukjae said now breaking down in front of them.

“It’s true you’ve known Aiden first, but I was the one whome he married as Donghae. And what’s the difference between Donghae and Aiden it’s only in the name only in thought… but at heart, in whole being what’s the difference between Aiden and Donghae or that of Donghae and Aiden, by law with the documents of law, with the documents and contract marriage with the pieces of paper what power does it make to the power of a man’s heart Jessica What?” Hyukjae exclaimed, Aiden atill silent and Jessica staring now at Hyukjae with pity.

“My child id Lee Donghae’s child does it mean he is not Aiden Lee’s daughter? Even if the cell of my child comes from only one man and that’s you Aiden, you’re the only one, he’s the only one Jessica . pointing at Donghae. He suddenly grabbed another chest and took a rolled paper, as he gave it to Aiden he opened it and see a painting of him made by Hyukjae.

“Jessica I didn’t take him away from you, “ Hyukjae cryingly told her as he approached Donghae.

“Aiden, you were mine first. I have you first! I own you first!” Hyukjae told as he is still crying, Aiden comforted him by holding his hand and embracing him tightly, Jessica does not have strength to fight or to argue anymore.

After the chaos, Junsu, Jessica and Donghae decided to leave, Hyukjae along with Haeeun did not want to see them go.  Sungmin entered his brother’s room.


“This is for the best, I would rather lose him than lose our daughter.” Hyukjae answered.

As the sun is coming down watched it along with his daughter.

“Haeeun, I am sorry I can’t give you a complete family, but as you grow up I will always tell you how Appa loves you the way that I do.”

Hyukjae said, as he walked away suddenly someone called his name.


He turned around and his eyes wide when he saw Donghae.


“No it’s Donghae.” He smiled approaching Hyukjae and his daughter

“Why?” Hyukjae still confused for he knew he already left with Jessica.

“You’re the one I love.”

“Aiden I…”

“Aiden or Donghae whatever name you call me, just always stay with me okay?” he said as he cupped his face and kissed Hyukjae and his daughter. 

"A-appa!" Haeeun suddenly muttered to Donghae and Hyukjae's surprised, she even touched his father's face to show him how much she loved Donghae.

"But how about Jessica?"

"She said she'll fix everything." he replied.

And so the three of them enjoyed the sunset as Donghae played around with Haeeun with Hyukjae holding his husband's arm. 

Yes this is the end I know its boring sorry about that. But i will be doing an epilogue still I might write it next week becasue My Day off is done and I have shift later.

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Hani97 #1
Chapter 13: Epilogue please author-nim??‍♀️
Chapter 13: Oh my shisus I love this story XD it was really good and I had my eyes glued on to the story the entire time I read this
I love the ending, I just loved it I can't even find words XD
Thank you for the great story
Chapter 13: Whoaaa , i really love this !!!!!! Such a happy ending !!!!!!!!!!! Please produces more haehyuk story !!!!!! I love to read urs ;*
Jewelmilas31 #4
Chapter 13: Finish reading its in one go. Love the drama of the story...
Chapter 13: the end...okay ^^
i like the ending though ^^
Chapter 13: Great. I hope Jess never come again. Tehehe.. Lucky they are together.
Chapter 12: I'm speechless !! Its like jess is suddenly gone !poor jess but well , she can't bear a child !!!!
Chapter 12: i like this chap ^^
it turned out better..
thanks~ ^^
Chapter 11: Bwahahaha ,, aiden is having a rival battle with himself xD i don't know what to say cause i'm so sad with jess n i'm so happy with hyuk's happiness ! Aishh , so complicated TT
Chapter 11: thanks~
you're fast.
i don't know what to say..>.<
good luck.