Chapter 11

What The Heart and Mind Can't Forget

(At Aiden’s Private House)

Beep, beep… beep, beep…


Hyukjae almost jumped out of bed when he heard his alarm and groggily looked for his cellphone to turn the annoying noise off. Reaching for the drawers beside the bed, he almost toppled Donghae who was now half-rising from the bed as well with eyes still closed.

"Ugh! What's that noise?" a startled Aiden mumbled sleepily and turned to his side with a pillow covering his ears. "Shut it off, Hyukkie"

Beep, beep… beep beep…

"Yes, just a moment, Aiden" Eyes still blurry from sleep, Hyukjae managed to grab his phone and shut the alarm off. It's 9:30 pm. Sighing, he mentally fought with the sleep still lingering in his system. 

Gotta go, now.

 Just when he was about to get up, strong arms encircled his waist and pulled him. He slumped back on Donghae. "Going back home?" he asked.

.Hyukjae turned around; he smiled and caressed Donghae’s face lovingly. "Aiden, I have to.  You don’t want others to be suspicious why am I always gone right especially Jessica. He might notice we are always coinicidentally gone at the same time." His eyes turned sad and Donghae saw how worried Hyukjae was.

"Is that the main reason Hyukkie" Donghae asked gently, propping on his elbows as he tried to sit up. "Aiden…" Cupping his lover's face with both hands, he tilted it up so they were looking in each other's eyes. "I love you, Hyukjae. I promised not to make you wait long, like I’ll said we’ll fix everything okay?"

"I love you too, Aiden. And thank you." Hyukjae smiled warmly, the fear and sadness in his eyes vanished, replaced by affection and love towards his lover.

Donghae smiled and leaned in to plant a chaste kiss in Hyukjae's cheek then proceeded with a not-so-chaste one on his lips. W-w-ait, I have to go.

Hyukjae closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Donghae's neck, pulling him closer.

Donghae slanted his mouth over Hyukjae's and gently nibbled on his lower lip, coaxing them to open. Hyukjae obliged. He felt Dognhae's tongue flick on his lip first before sliding inside his mouth. 

I- we have to stop.

He welcomed him with his own, swirling around a few times before Donghae his tongue. He moaned in the kiss. 

Ohh no.

Donghae leaned onto Hyukjae even more, pushing him back on the bed. 

Hyukjae opened his eyes then hesitantly pushed Donghae back and sat up.

"Aiden…" he doesn't know what else to say, he just looked at him pleadingly. The brunette-guy just smiled reassuringly and nodded like he knows what Hyukjae wants to say but cannot.

At that, Hyukjae breathed a sigh of relief and gave his lover a quick hug then got up and started to pick his clothes from the floor and dress up as he goes.

Donghae chuckled to himself when he noticed that while Hyukjae was walking from the bed out of the room, a vital piece of his clothing would be easily picked up.

At the foot of the bed(on the side where Hyukjae slept) were his socks and underwear, on the other side(Donghae's side and the one near the partition to his bed and) were his jeans, on the bookshelf that serves as the partition was his navy blue t-shirt, on the table in the receiving area lay his cream-colored sweater and hanging on the sofa's armchair was his blue jacket.

Everything clearly shows where they started last night and where they ended up. Hyukjae heard his throaty chuckle and looked at him over his shoulder.

They seem to be thinking of the same thing because his face is a light hue of red.

"Aiden, I'm going now."

He nodded, "Okay Hyukkie, take care. I'll see you later."

"Oh and kiss Haeeun  for me." He added with a wink.

Hyukjaei rushed to the door but not quick enough for Donghae saw his flushed face and embarrassed smile before he reached the door.

He almost laughed out loud, his Hyukjae is really adorable.

And he has never been this happy his entire life. Hyukjae completed him. He felt his heart swell with pride knowing that it is he whom Hyukjae loves; it is to him that Hyukjae gave his everything.

It is with that knowledge that he swore to take extra good care of his beloved. It may be too early but he has been making plans for their future. Yes, theirs. Because he can never see his future without Hyukjae.

We'll be together, forever. Too bad for Donghae leaving Hyukkie alone… may be he is really my destiny.

With a contented smile, he sank back onto the bed and slept the remaining hours.


Back home as Hyukjae is grabbing his keys, he suddenly notice Siwon standing at the front door.


“Oh goodevening”

“Well uhm, you’re still up?”

“I couldn’t sleep so I went jogging. This past few days I noticed you come home late or sometimes you don’t go back at all. Why? The truth is I’ve been watching you”

“So you’ve seen us together?”

“Yes, whenever he brings you home I just wonder why he let you go home alone tonight. I see you outside he’s kissing you” Siwon replied.

“It’s not of your business!” Hyukjae answered back.

“I’m confused, aren’t you his wife’s bestfriend?”

“Shut up! So what!” Hyukjae walk towards the door when Siwon grabbed his wrist.

“He’s a married man!”

“Let go! You’re hurting me!” Hyukjae said as he tried to removed Siwon’s hand.

”You’re hurting me too!” Siwon exclaimed.

“I love him!”

“I love you!”

“Siwon please.” Hyukjae said as he released himdelf from Siwon’s grasped.

“He’s just using you, when it’s through  it’s over Hyukjae. Think of yourself, your son, your career!”

“The trouble with you Siwon, we don’t have a relationship yet you are starting to control my how should I control my life… my thought. You’re reprimanding while I you’re not even my boyfriend!” Hyukjae said.

“Hyukjae I wanna marry you.”

“Siwon, I don’t like you!” Hyukjae exclaimed finally going inside the apartment slamming the door leaving a heartbroken Siwon outside.

Sungmin who was at the living room heard verything.

“Hyung don’t start with me.” Hyukjae told him as he went upstairs for his daughter.

Every words that Siwon said get registered in his mind, all along is he right that he Entered this whirlwind relationship, he looked at his wedding ring thinking all the rights that still has, why can’t they just understand and let him do what he wants.

He looked at his baby who is sleeping soundly.

“Haeeun, this is for you, you know Umma loves you and Appa he loves you so much I promise I won’t give up Appa I know that is what you also want right?”

Hyukjae muttered to his daughter, he is sorry for hurting everybody but the day Donghae goes to him as Aiden he knew there is no turning back.

Seems like Aiden is rivaling himself for Hyukjae's heart that's all I can comment LOL

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Hani97 #1
Chapter 13: Epilogue please author-nim??‍♀️
Chapter 13: Oh my shisus I love this story XD it was really good and I had my eyes glued on to the story the entire time I read this
I love the ending, I just loved it I can't even find words XD
Thank you for the great story
Chapter 13: Whoaaa , i really love this !!!!!! Such a happy ending !!!!!!!!!!! Please produces more haehyuk story !!!!!! I love to read urs ;*
Jewelmilas31 #4
Chapter 13: Finish reading its in one go. Love the drama of the story...
Chapter 13: the end...okay ^^
i like the ending though ^^
Chapter 13: Great. I hope Jess never come again. Tehehe.. Lucky they are together.
Chapter 12: I'm speechless !! Its like jess is suddenly gone !poor jess but well , she can't bear a child !!!!
Chapter 12: i like this chap ^^
it turned out better..
thanks~ ^^
Chapter 11: Bwahahaha ,, aiden is having a rival battle with himself xD i don't know what to say cause i'm so sad with jess n i'm so happy with hyuk's happiness ! Aishh , so complicated TT
Chapter 11: thanks~
you're fast.
i don't know what to say..>.<
good luck.