Falling...FOR her...????!!!

Falling In Love With My Ex Again~


Oh my god! Why am i so jealous about Jae? Oh gosh i must be sick!

"Let's go jongie." Sun hee said as she hold his hand.

We walked out of the canteen after we had our lunch. I was still thinking about the commotion that jae nearly fall. I should be the one holding on to her.

Why am I thinking of her!!!!!

I shook my head to clear my mind.

"Are you okay?" Sun hee asked me.

'Yar ya." I said.

After that day Jae and i went out together, We finally clear our misunderstanding. I hate her, she left without a word. She the only girl that made my heart torn so badly when she left me. I HATE HER!

"Jongie wants to watch movie tonight?" Sun hee asked me.

I did not hear anything because my mind was full of jae.

"Jong?" She shake me. "Huh....? What?" I asked. "Never mind....."Disappointed cross her face.

"Erm.......Sun Hee, i need to tell you something..." I hestitated.

"What?" She seems to be happy. "Erm..."The bell rang. "Nothing, see you later." I smile and walked away back to my class.

"Bye..." She said.

I was walking back to the next class when i saw junhyung and jae was chatting happily coming toward me. I was quite upset and furious.

Why am i falling for her again??

i looked at her and asked myself. i walked back to class as class started.

I miss her......wait!!! WHAT!!

I snapped out of my dream ....... and look up, Jae was staring at me.

"What?" I looked at her.

She move her head up and i turned around. Miss park, my homeroom teacher was just beside me.

"KIMJONGHYUN!!!!!!!!" Her voice went across the whole level of the class.

"Get out!" She shouted. I went out and stood outside the classroom.

The lesson was boring and i accidently fall asleep, should not have fall asleep. Miss park is a strict and fierce teacher. The worst thing is she is our homeroom teacher.

I sighed.... squatting down looking on the floor.

 *Boring*  I sighed again...

Finally class ended. Everyone walked out from the classroom and followed by miss park.

I was about to walked in when jae is standing infront of the class entrance.

"Take this..." She passed me a notebook.

"What this?" I asked and took the notebook.

"Inside the notebook had the note i just copied, take it or leave it." She said. I took it.

"Oh ya! How about the project tomorrow is the last day." Suddenly i remembered.

"Oh ! but.. ... Junhyung.." She called him.

"Yar?" Junhyung was packing and cleaning up the class room with some of the classmate as it their turned for the duty.

"Erm.. sorry i can't make it tonight. Why not next time.." She apologise. "I have project not done yet." SORRY!" She said.

"Okay then..." He looked disappointed.

I felt a bit happy and I felt i am very evil to feel the way. It should not be..

"Let's go..."She turned back and told me..

"Wait!! my bag.." I pointed my bag was still at the table..

"Oh ya!! hahahh" She laughs.

I took my bag and went out with jae. We went to buy ice cream as we saw the new-opened shop.

"I want tropical mix fruit icecream." She said to the waitress.

"Same then." I pass the waitress the menu and she went to take our order.

"You still like to eat tropical mix fruit icecream?" I asked.

"Yar.." She said.


"Wait..." She pulled me.

"I want to eat this.." She point at the icecream that stick on the windows.

"No.. The weather is cold..." I sneezed..

"PLEASE......PLEASE>....<" She looked at me with her puppy eyes and please me very long ...

"ER.....Okay .. " Ended up we went in and eat the icecream..

After That day, i had a fever for almost 4 day because of the icecream.. It was winter that season and i had already sneezing the pass few day so ended up i fell sick..

"Sorry...." She looked like she going to cry and she was pouting..

"It...okay.." I was coughing and lying on the bed..

--------------END flashback----------------

A memories that flashback suddenly.

"Your tropical mix fruit ice cream.." The waitress served us.

We started eating and the same old thing that jae like to do.. She will start to eat the strawberry first as she like strawberry the most. I always gave her all my strawberry to her last time..

We ate finished and went to my house as all the board was at my house.. We started doing the project and split the work up... Soon it was evening and we almost finished up everything, we only left to touch up...

"I got to go..." She said looking at the time.

"Erm...okay i will finished up the touch up and bring it tomorrow.." I said.

"Okay thank you..' She smile and took her bag and went off as i opened the door for her..

I leaned on the door as i close it.. My heart was aching...

I think i really falling for her again.. But Sun hee....

I sighed...


I saw the comment and saw reader was unsure ... SORRRy >.................<

This whole chapter is Jonghyun's POV .. hahah .. hope that it will be more clearer..

Thankyou and hope you enjoy...

Do comment... XD

Thank you for the readers who support my story ^.^



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C-Ninja-H #1
HAHAH XD kathietee is okay ~~
kathietee #2
Oh wait, I'm sorry! It was my mistake, I read that wrong lol sorrryyy <3
C-Ninja-H #3
kathietee, i don't think i spelled wrongly. can you tell me whr is it ?? HAHA I could not see the mistake hahah .. " A Bit Blind XD"
If Jae says no im going to die ....... update soon <3 <br />
~hwaiting ~ !
kathietee #5
And say YES Jae! It's that easy! lol
kathietee #6
You misspelled Jonghyung's name in Chapter 18! lol You spelled Junhyung instead! :D
adeleshinee #7
Just say yes!! Haha that easy! Hehe!
get well soon ^3^ hwaiting and hope you update soon <3 <3 <3
C-Ninja-H #9
thank you for your concern, i felt much better after taking the medicine. HAHA XD