Merry Christmas! "I love you" part 1

Falling In Love With My Ex Again~

----------------------Jae's POV -------------------------

"WOOOOOOOOW!" I walked out from the car and turned around with a surprised.

"Is your house?" I turned back and asked onew.

"Welcome!" He smiled.

"Let's go!" Jonghyun put his hand over my waist and the other hand carrying all the junk foods we brought just now.

"Hey! Taemin bring the box of marinated chicken wings from the car boot." Minho ordered taemin as he was holding bottle of drinks into onew's house.

----------------------Jae's POV end -------------------------

----------------------Soyeon's POV-------------------

"Let me help you." I smiled as i help taemin to carried the plastic bag full of utensil

"Thank you." He replied.

"By the way, do you know where is key? Is he coming?'I looked at taemin.

"Key were be coming later, he has something needed to do." taemin replied while we walking towards onew's house.

"Oh okay." I smiled, feeling relieved that he would come.

We walked in to onew house and started preparing for the party. The guys started taking the table out to the backyard where there is a swmming pool in the middle.

"Place it right outside of this big transparent window," I heard onew shouted.

While the girls will be washing the utensil and unpacking the food from the box in the kitchen. It was a awkward slience.

"Hello." I took my courage and said hello to jae.

"Hi." She smiled as she continued to wash the utensil.

"How is jonghyun as a boyfriend?" I started bombing question in order to break the silent moment.

"He was quite cheeky but he is very good to me."She said.

"How about you? do you have a boyfriend?" She asked.

We were chatting and laughing after round of questions was being asked.

"BOOM!" We heard a loud noise coming out from the backyard and we decided to stopped our task to see what is going on.

-------------------Soyeon's POV ended-----------------

-----------------Jonghyun's POV--------------------

Onew, minho and me decided to prank taemin as the weather was hot so we did some hands and eyes signal to tell each other.

"I, 2,3" Three of us pushed taemin in to the water at the right timing he was standing just beside the swimming pool.

"Merry Christmas!" We said and started chuckling.

"HHAHAHAHAHAH" Minho, onew and me was laughing very hard.

"What happened?" Soyeon came followed by jae.

"YAH!" Taemin was soaked and slowing swims toward the ladder, coming up.

Soyeon and jae bursted out of laughter due to his messed up hair after coming up.

"All of you going to take it from me." Taemin said as he tries to comb his hair with his hands.

"You all better don't run away." Taemin said and started chasing us with his wet body trying to hug us.

"RUN!" I shouted.

For about 20 mins, onew was being hugged and being threw into the water and soon soyeon and jae was also being pushed into the water by onew and taemin. Lastly minho and i was being tricked by the girls trying to pull them out of the pool.

Soon, the time flies and it was already in the afternoon.

"Hey! let's get started preparing if not key comes will start nagging again!" Taemin said.

All of us get out of the pool and went to change to a dry clothes. However, when jae and soyeon came out of the water, we all widen the eyes. While jae and soyeon trying to wipe the water away from their eyes and faces, I quickly went over to jae and took of my clothes to cover her. Onew went to take a towel and covered soyeon too with his head turning back without looking at soyeon.

"What?" Jae asked.

"Stopped asking and quickly go up for a change." I said.

----------------------Jonghyun's POV end -------------------------

----------------------Jae's POV -------------------------

As soon as jonghyun covered me up with his shirt and starting pushing me up to the stair for a change.

"Let's go." I told soyeon and both of us went up for a change.

"I know what is going on already." Soyeon said as soon as we take away the towel and jonghyun shirt.

I looked down and i blushed. I was wearing a white tee-shirt while my bra was a pink one and i realized the moment jonghyun was actually blushing while covering me up with his shirt.

"Are you girls done?" Onew came knocking the door, shouting in from outside after half an hour had passed.

We opened the door and went down with him to start preparing the foods.

Soon it was already in the evening and the fire has also started. we were waiting for key while starts to bbq some of the foods.

"Where is key?" Minho asked.

"I will call him." Onew said.

"Any card games anyone?"Jonghyun said.

"Yeah!" We agree as he took out a stack of poker card.

We were playing while waiting for key to come and playing some drinking games as we get bored of the card game.

About an hour and half had passed and soon key came.

"HELLO!" He raised his hands up with plastic bag in his hands.

"WOW! you finally here." Taemin said.

"Let's start eating!" Onew was already aiming for the chicken wings on the table.

"What have you brought?" Minho asked.

We were so curious as the bag was full things but it was wrapped well.

"These are presents for the games we playing later and also the exchange present time!" Key smiled.

After eating, chatting. The games started.

"The first game: couple couple." key said.

"What that stupid name." Taemin and us start laughing.

"Yah! listen, everyone has to get a partner and you will have to use your forehaed to hold this small plastic cup with water in it and also walk from this end to the end of this swimming pool."Key explained.

Everyone get excited and started to paired up. Of course, i am with jonghyun while the rest play scissors, paper stone. Ended up taemin with minho and onew with soyeon while key is the judge.

"Set? GO!" Key shouted and everyone start moving slowly. minho and taemin was the first to dropped that cup and needed to restart again. soon the first was not me and jonghyun but soyeon and onew.

After a lots of round of different games, the first runner up was minho and taemin while the last was soyeon and onew. it was a big reversed.

"OKAY! last game: exchange present" Key exclaimed!

"YES!!!" Everyone exclaimed!

----------------------Jae's POV end -------------------------

To be continued:

This was just the first part of the christmas party. While i will updating soon! Sorry for late updating as i was busy this week and last week.

I have a new blog for my shop and i have also opened up different request, one-shot request! Do feel free to request from my shop while my members will do their best in whatever they can for your request!

Here is my website :

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C-Ninja-H #1
HAHAH XD kathietee is okay ~~
kathietee #2
Oh wait, I'm sorry! It was my mistake, I read that wrong lol sorrryyy <3
C-Ninja-H #3
kathietee, i don't think i spelled wrongly. can you tell me whr is it ?? HAHA I could not see the mistake hahah .. " A Bit Blind XD"
If Jae says no im going to die ....... update soon <3 <br />
~hwaiting ~ !
kathietee #5
And say YES Jae! It's that easy! lol
kathietee #6
You misspelled Jonghyung's name in Chapter 18! lol You spelled Junhyung instead! :D
adeleshinee #7
Just say yes!! Haha that easy! Hehe!
get well soon ^3^ hwaiting and hope you update soon <3 <3 <3
C-Ninja-H #9
thank you for your concern, i felt much better after taking the medicine. HAHA XD