Can we start over again?

Falling In Love With My Ex Again~

----------------------Jae's POV -------------------------

I slowly opened my eyes, looking at junhyung whom fall asleep. The moment i moved woke him up.

"Sorry." I said.

"It's okay. Do you feel better?" He asked.

I nodded and i looked out from the window, it already evening.

"You did not go for the lesson?" I asked.

"No" he just simply replied.

"Thank you for just now.." I do not have the face to look at him.  I could still remember how he treated me and i treated him back.

"Well i should go home now." I get off from the bed.

"Let me send you home." He said, looking at me.

"Erm.. i think is alright. Thank you." He was helding my hand to prevent me from falling as i was still weak but i move my hands away.

I slowly walked back to class to get my bag and i saw him, jonghyun.

"You still here, it already evening. Lessons has ended also." I said and walked to my seat to get my bag.

"You feeling better?" He asked.

How did he know?

Then i rang a bell, remembered that he was the first one who notice me with pain.

"Yup, thank you for your concern." I said, don't feel like quarrel with him.

"Here take this." He passed and then walks off. 

"Annyeong." He added on

I looked at what he passed to me "A chocolate?...."

----------------------Jae's POV end -------------------------

-----------------Jonghyun's POV--------------------

Yes! Yes! She did not reject my chocolate and did not quarrel with me.

I was on a cloud nine. I went home and sings while taking a shower. 

"Jonghyun!! we here..." Taemin and the rest shouted outside. 

I quickly dressed up and came out from the washroom.

"Hey yo!" I was smiling all the way.

'What special occasion is today?" Minho said, looking at me with a smirk

"I thought we going to play basketball? aren't we going now?" I said, trying to change subject.

"Okay come on! let's go!" Key shouted.

~~~~~ The Next Day~~~~~~~

"Annyeong." I said to jae as she was earlier.

"Annyeong." She replied.

"Thank you,.. for the chocolate." She whispered.

"It's nothing..."I blushed.

"Can I talk to ...." The teacher cut me off.

"Good morning class! Let's get started, please take your english textbook out. People with no textbook, stand!" The teacher was very strict.

I looked at jae, she was searching and searching. It seems that she forgotten to bring it.

"Jae?" Teacher was already noticing her.

I quickly stand up and passed it to her secretly.

"You again! Mr kim jonghyun." The teacher scolded.

"Get out of my class and stand out with your both hands high up in the air until the lesson end." The teacher continued.

----------------------Jonghyun's POV end -------------------------

----------------------Jae's POV -------------------------

I started to get scare as i could not find my english textbook.

oh no! teacher will scold me~ !

Suddenly jonghyun standed up and passed me his english textbook.

I slightly bowed at him and he gave me a wink before he was being punished outside the class. While teacher was teaching, i flipped through his textbook and saw doodling on his textbook with faces, i could not resist but to giggle. 

"Miss Jae? are you okay?" The teacher and students looking at me.

"Neh!" I nodded.

Soon lesson ended. I made a lazy stretch after an hour of lecture. Everyone has left and i waited jonghyun to return his textbook, he was called by the teacher in to the staff room. 

Hope he will not get punished again..

Oh gosh! wake up! Why am i thinking of him!

I slapped myself.

"Is it fun to slapped your own face?" Someone said and chuckled.

"Yah!" I shouted with my face blushed.

"Here thank you, I should get going." I passed him his book and walk in a hurried as my heart beat so fast.

"Wait!" He grabbed on to my wrist.

My heart is in my mouth as he was holding my wrist. I was scared that he could heard the sound of my heart beating.

"Wha...What!" I uttered.

"Actually..." He paused.

It was an awkward slience.

"Can we start over again?" We both looked at each other, staring at one another.

I could feel my heart is going to explode.

What should i do!. Help~

----------------------Jae's POV end -------------------------

--------------TO BE CONTIUED-----------------------

Well another update again~ haha .. i still got another story to write but suddenly thinking should i delete that story a not hahah .. anyway hope you guys like it !! really.

Thank you so much :)

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C-Ninja-H #1
HAHAH XD kathietee is okay ~~
kathietee #2
Oh wait, I'm sorry! It was my mistake, I read that wrong lol sorrryyy <3
C-Ninja-H #3
kathietee, i don't think i spelled wrongly. can you tell me whr is it ?? HAHA I could not see the mistake hahah .. " A Bit Blind XD"
If Jae says no im going to die ....... update soon <3 <br />
~hwaiting ~ !
kathietee #5
And say YES Jae! It's that easy! lol
kathietee #6
You misspelled Jonghyung's name in Chapter 18! lol You spelled Junhyung instead! :D
adeleshinee #7
Just say yes!! Haha that easy! Hehe!
get well soon ^3^ hwaiting and hope you update soon <3 <3 <3
C-Ninja-H #9
thank you for your concern, i felt much better after taking the medicine. HAHA XD