Is it my imagination?

Falling In Love With My Ex Again~

The next day in school.

-----------------Jonghyun's POV--------------------

I told everything to Minho and the resst of them.

"What!" They shouted in unsion.

"Calm down! you guys!" I said.

"Why did you ask her all this! You this babo!" Onew raised his voice.

"It not my fault, i just got angry when she said the date was fun and great. All the image of she and junhyung holding hands, laughing with each other, playing and ... and even kissing!!!" I was frustrated.

"Relax,,," Taemin said.

"What should i do? What should i do? Oh gosh!" I looked down putting my both hands on the side of my head.

"Oh no.. Speaking of the devil." Key said.

Key, others and I looked up, we saw jae and junhyung walking together towards our direction, holding their hands.

----------------------Jonghyun's POV end -------------------------

----------------------Jae's POV -------------------------

I woke up in the morning and got a message from him.

To Jae:

Annyeong!! ^^

To Junhyung:

Annyeong! :)

To Jae:

I am waiting for you outside your house, once you done, come out.

To Junhyung:

Oh my gosh ;x

Okay, i will be done in the moment.

I looked down and saw him waiting outside, standing at his car's door. I went to take a quick shower and pack my my bag. I put some light make up and dress up casually. I quickly went down and slipped in to my little heels.  [what she dress: " "]

"Annyeong." He said as i came out from the house.

"Annyeong." I felt a bit awkward.

'Let's get in. Have you eaten?" He asked as we walked to tawrds his car.

"Not" I asked and he shook his head.

He opened the door for me and then get on to the car. He brought me to a nearby stall to had our breakfast.

"Do you mind?" He asked.

"No, of course not." I smiled.

We order some foods and started eating. The food is so delicious and we were very quiet all the moment after yesterday. I could still remember the kiss on my forehead.

"Jae? are you okay?" He asked as he saw me dazing.

"Huh?.. nothing, i am full." I said as i wiped my mouth. 

"Let's go then." He paid the bill and we left.

It's took some time to reach the school.While we were walking towards the class, I saw jonghyun and the rest was sitting at a corner which makes me think of the words he said yesterday. It made me felt angry, when we were getting closer to them, i purposely move closer to junhyung and even holds his hand.
I could not believe why did i do that but it somehow i wants to made him jealous.

"Good morning!" I walked towards them and greet key and the rest.

"Good morning!" They greet back.

Jonghyun smacked the table and then stood up and walked away. I could see him very angry.

"Is he alright?' I asked them.

"I think he is jeal.." Before taemin could finish his sentence, minho covered his mouth and answered for him.

"He is alright.. just morning temper." He smiled weirdly.

"Ya ya... hehehe" Onew and key nodded and smile awkwardly.

We walked back to class in slient and i realised i was still holding to junhyung hand. He looked at me.

"Jae, can i speak to you after the class?' he said.

"Ya, sure." I smiled.

----------------------Jae's POV end -------------------------

----------------------Junhyung's POV -------------------------

I could feel something is not right.

How can a couple eat together like a stranger so awkward?

I looked at her and could not bear to ask. I am scare, scare that she don't really loves me. However, The feeling get stronger as we went to school and walks towards jonghyung and the rest. The closer we walking towards them, Jae always and only looked at jonghyun but i still could not accept the fact because i love her. All of the sudden, She holds my hand, i was shocked. I was happy that actually she really accepted me as her boyfriend but i was wrong.

They greeted each other. Jonghyun smacked the table and left and that moment i could feel that jae was looking at him with a sad looks. I knew it she did it on purpose. She did not let go of my hand.

is this my imagination? or my guessing is correct? She still loves him.

"Jae, can i speak to you after school?" I took up my courage and asked.

"Ya, sure." She smiled.

----------------------Junhyung's POV end -------------------------

--------------TO BE CONTIUED-----------------------

HAAHAH It has been long time i had never update my this story!! @...@

Sorry to my subscribers but hope you like it. Thank you.

Enjoy and do subcribes my other stories too. Thank you.

All of you are awesome! ^__^


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C-Ninja-H #1
HAHAH XD kathietee is okay ~~
kathietee #2
Oh wait, I'm sorry! It was my mistake, I read that wrong lol sorrryyy <3
C-Ninja-H #3
kathietee, i don't think i spelled wrongly. can you tell me whr is it ?? HAHA I could not see the mistake hahah .. " A Bit Blind XD"
If Jae says no im going to die ....... update soon <3 <br />
~hwaiting ~ !
kathietee #5
And say YES Jae! It's that easy! lol
kathietee #6
You misspelled Jonghyung's name in Chapter 18! lol You spelled Junhyung instead! :D
adeleshinee #7
Just say yes!! Haha that easy! Hehe!
get well soon ^3^ hwaiting and hope you update soon <3 <3 <3
C-Ninja-H #9
thank you for your concern, i felt much better after taking the medicine. HAHA XD