Lovely dovey?~

Falling In Love With My Ex Again~

--------JOnghyun's POV------------

"Hey, come out now! i have something to ask." I called key and the rest.

"Where?"Key asked.

"My house." I hung up the phone.

Few minutes later,


I opened the door. "Hey! what up..!" Taemin smile at me.

"Not in that mood now.! come in." I flashed an indignant glance at him.

"Help!" Taemin said as he rooted to the spot.

"Come on! stop playing let's go in." Minho pushed taemin in.

"Ouch that hurt~" Taemin rub his back.

"Why did you call us to gathered here?" Onew asked.

"I want to ask all of you about jae." He sat down on the sofa.

"I...Think... I to go..hehe.." Key uttered and started to turned around with fear...

"Tell me! i want to know about junhyung and her." I looked sharply at the rest.

"Fine!" Onew said and the rest pushed key to the sofa.

"Why did you care so much about her?"Minho asked.

"Easy! I like her." I said. "What about sun hee?" Taemin and the rest said.

"I will tell her when the time come." I said.

Onew and the rest told me the whole thing about jae and junhyung. Taemin stopped.

"Even if we told you all this, you can't do anything."Taemin said.

"Then tell me what i can do!." I kicked up a fuss.

"Relax." Onew said.

--------END of JONGHYUN's POV--------------

Junhyung brought me to the theme park. He brought me to the roller coaster and play.

"NO.. no..please." I was scare.

"Have to try, come one. I will be here." He said.

I finally agree after dragging the time of about 20 minutes.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I was screaming so did the rest of the people.

It was exciting, This was my first time riding a coller coaster.

"Let's play again."I was addicted.

"No..!#$" Junhyung puke. we actually rode almost 3-4 times.

"Are you okay?" I laughs. 

"Yar I'm fine."he said .

We went to take a rest and i brought drinks while he sit there and rest.

"Here," I passed him a bottle of mineral.

"Better?" I asked as he drank the water.

'Yup." He said.

"Sorry, it was supposed to be fun but i.." He continued

"It's FUN!." I said and smile.

"Let's go."He hold my hands,. My face was burning when he held me.

"Where.... we....g...going..?" I stutter.

"Haunted mansion.. hahah" He smirk.

"What! no no no." I said.

Ended up, we went in.

"Wait!." I said as i grabbed tightly on his arms. "Okay, let's go." I said.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" a high-pitch voice echo and surrounded in the mansion.

i was having goosebump and the next thing i do "AHHHH" Screaming. The headless ghost pop out nowhere.

FInally, i was sweating and so do junhyung. We survived from the haunted mansion.

We went to lot of places to play, like the pirates ship.. swinging there and here. It was night. 

"Close your eyes." He said suddenly.

"Why?" I was curious. "No asking, just followed me." As i close my eyes and hold on to his hands walking slowly.

"Where we going?" I asked, i was urging to know.

The surrounding getting very quiet. and classic music was playing.

"Sit down." He said, so i followed him.

"Wait for me." He said and left me waiting there alone.

"Can i open my eyes?" I felt insecure.

"You can open your eyes." Junhyung voice was loud.

I opened my eyes and saw him standing infront of the stage.

"Are you ready?" I saw him smirk.

I looked at the surrounding, it was a restaurant only me and him.

He snapped is finger, the light dimmed down.

He started to sing

I was surprised that he sang so well and i was attracted to his voice.

(The song he sang link: "" )


What jonghyun should do ???

PLEASE COMMENT and TELL me. ( i am out of ideas!!!) :X

Thank you. Hope enjoyed. ^__^



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C-Ninja-H #1
HAHAH XD kathietee is okay ~~
kathietee #2
Oh wait, I'm sorry! It was my mistake, I read that wrong lol sorrryyy <3
C-Ninja-H #3
kathietee, i don't think i spelled wrongly. can you tell me whr is it ?? HAHA I could not see the mistake hahah .. " A Bit Blind XD"
If Jae says no im going to die ....... update soon <3 <br />
~hwaiting ~ !
kathietee #5
And say YES Jae! It's that easy! lol
kathietee #6
You misspelled Jonghyung's name in Chapter 18! lol You spelled Junhyung instead! :D
adeleshinee #7
Just say yes!! Haha that easy! Hehe!
get well soon ^3^ hwaiting and hope you update soon <3 <3 <3
C-Ninja-H #9
thank you for your concern, i felt much better after taking the medicine. HAHA XD