Yongshin ending

Finally Falling For You

Yonghwa's dream flashback~

yonghwa pov: I was in a world i didn't know. In front of me stood a girl dress in white...as i inched closer i saw a light flash before my eyes and without warning i saw the girl in white was hit by the car. I tried to scream out to her but couldn't find my voice. i watched as she lay on the ground with blood gushing out of her forehead and her face turned a pale color..that i realized she was speaking to me...well trying at least to tell me something.....when i looked closely down to the girl....my heart stopped and i felt it in my heart that my world was gone.....the girl in white was not just a girl in my dream.....it was shin hye..and the last word she spoke to me was....YONGHWA!!

Dream end.~

Yonghwa: *jumped up in bed covered in sweat he looked outside to see it was still dark and on his side table the clock reads 4:30 a.m. Without thinking he ran downstairs to where shin hye's room was located and barged right in to see ner sleeping peacefully.*

Yonghwa: *he sat on the side of the bed and stared at her intensely when her eyes  shot opened and she sat up and stared at him*

Shin hye: *looked at yonghwa and smiled metling his heart* Yong...why are you here?

Yonghwa:*shot foward and pull her into a tight hug* Gomawo...gomawo shin hye.

Shin hye: *returned yonghwa's hug in confusion when she realized he was covered with sweat* Yong...are you okay? are you sick? why are you covered in sweat? Did you go for a run?

Yonghwa:*let go of the hug and layed down pulling shin hye with him. They layed on her bed with  shin hye in yonghwa's arms. She layed her heard on his chest and heard a loud "THUMP" sound and realized it was his heart beating. * Lets go to sleep.

Shin hye: MWO?? together?

Yonghwa: dehh why not? I want to sleep here tonight.. in you're bed.

Shin hye: *reached over to turn off the lights so yonghwa wouldn't see her blushing* but..wouldn't you're parents....you know.

Yonghwa: What? See us sleeping together? they won't care...unless we do other things. *he said and she immeditely went still making him laugh. He kissed her goodnight and wrapped his arms around her tightly enough so she won't leave him*

During the night shin hye layed awake and watch yonghwa. She noticed that the more he sweat the more tighter he holds her. She tried her best to slip out of his hands and when she did she sat on the ground and held his hands. She also went out and brought back a rag and cold water to put on his forehead while he sleep. When it was 12:30 p.m. yonghwa's mother came in and saw yonghwa on the bed while shin hye was on the ground watching him carefully. She asked shin hye to go shopping with her which shin hye agreed to go but before she left she told the blue boys to keep an eye on yonghwa.

Jungshin: Eonni, omma you're leaving?

Mrs. Jung: Girls night out today..but watch out for yonghwa. *she watched as shin hye walked out of the bathroom wearing a white dress and she smiled along with the blue boys. *

Jonghyun: Shin you look great. What happen to yonghwa? I notice that he was in your bed this morning.

Shin hye: *she frowned at the boys before telling them what happend* He came in my room around 4 or 5 and he was covered in sweat. The more he sweat the more he held on to me...i think he had a nightmare.

Minhyuk: What do you mean?

Shin hye: During the night i watched him carefully...and he keeps saying...my name. He called out my name everytime.

Jungshin: So the nightmare has to be about you.

Mrs. Jung: Maybe his having dreams about his accident. Maybe that's why.

Shin hye: No this time is different....when he calls my name....he cries afterwards

Jonghyun: MWO?? He cries?

Shin hye: Dehh..he yelled my name and then i see his tears fall. But guys make sure you keep an eye on him today. Watch him all the time okay?

Jungshin: Arasso...arasso.. but what do we do if he asks for you?

Shin hye: Tell him i went out with omma. *she grabbed yonghwa's mom's hand and they both waved goodbye before walking outside.*



Jonghyun: I wonder what the dream is about.

Minhyuk: you think...he dreamt about shin hye leaving him?

Jungshin: No...i think it's bigger then that....maybe she left him...for lee jong suk. *they talked amongst themselves when they heard someone yell "SHIN HYE" that they all ran towards shin hye's room to see they're hyung covered in sweat and tears. Jungshin ran to wake yonghwa up while the other two grabbed towels and water to help yonghwa up. When yonghwa opened his eyes and saw his hyungs and not shin hye he jumped out of the bed and ran upstairs to look through all the rooms and saw no sight of shin hye. He came back downstairs and stared at his hyungs who looked at him in confusion*

Yonghwa: She's gone....she left me.

Jonghyun: *he walked up to pat yonghwa's shoulder and exchanged looks with the others* Who left yong?

Yonghwa: Shin..shin hye. She left me.

Jungshin: yahh...hyung.. She just went out shopping with you're mom she won't be back until few more hours.

Yonghwa: MWO?? WHERE?? Tell me where they went. *he got up and jonghyun hopped up to block his way and so did minhyuk*

Minhyuk: Hyung...what's going on?

Yonghwa: I don't have  time i have to get to shin hye before it's too late.

Jonghyun: What do you mean before it's too late?

Yonghwa: *he tried to push past his hyungs but they wouldn't budge until he tell them what's going on*

Jungshin: Hyung sit for a moment. During the night...shin hye said you came to her room. You hugged her as if she was going to leave you and you cried after calling her name.

Minhyuk: What happend in you're dream?

Yonghwa: *shook his head while tears started falling from his face*


Minhyuk: Hyung...don't cry. *he ran foward and wrapped his arms around yonghwa's shoulder*

Yonghwa: I remembered everything last night through a dream. The accident..our fight the promise i remembered everything.....

Jungshin: The night you and shin hye were arguing and you saved her from the car?

Yonghwa: Yeah....in my dream it was different.

Jonghyun: How?

Yonghwa: I watched her get hit....She had her back to me and i watched her get hit. I didn't even try to save her.

Minhyuk: Hyung...it was just a dream.

Yonghwa: But that's the thing....it was real to me. She called my name but i couldn't do anything but watch her get hit by a car.

Jungshin: Yong....it was just a dream. It's not like it was going to happen. The accident was long gone...now you and shin hye are together now.

yonghwa: You should have seen it.....she was so beautiful. No matter how many times i dream this dream i cant do anything but watch her die in front of me...and when she called my name i thought my world was gone.. *he covered his face with his hands and sobbed while the blue boys tried they're best to help they're hyung*



Mrs. Jung: *took shin hye over to look at wedding dress hoping to drop hints that she wants shin hye to marry her son* Omo shin hye this would look very pretty on you.

Shin hye: *looked at the dress and smiled* Dehh it really does. but omma i thought were going shopping for groceries. Why are we here?

Mrs. Jung: Mwo?? Yong didn't ask you? *she realized what she said and immediately grab shin hye's hand and pull her out of the bridal shop*

Shin hye: ask me what?

Mrs. Jung: Aniya.. I thought yong would have asked you by now.

Shin hye: Ask me something? Like what?

Mrs. Jung: *she tried to avoid the question so she quickly walked onto the road when uncoming car came speeding her way. She quickly turned to see the car and closed her eyes when everything happend way too fast. Shin hye calling her name and feeling herself hit the hard cement. The scream from bystanders and a sharp pain pushing through her body. Before she out shin hye's voice was still ringing in her ears. *


Kang Hospital~

surgeon teuk: Patient is stable at the moment. Did you call in the family yet?

Nurse honia: Dehh.. i called in the family of Mrs. Jung. They are on they're way.

Surgeon teuk: and the other patient?

Nurse honia: Dehh....her sister is here with her. waiting for her parents to arrive.

Surgeon teuk: Arasso. I'll go talk to the sister then. Where is she at?

Nurse honia: At the east gate..I told her she can't see the patient for at least two more hours.

Surgeon teuk: Take care of Mrs. Jung then. *he walked over to the east gate to see a beautiful girl sitting in a chair tears streaming down her cheeks*

Min young: *quickly wiped her tears away and stare up at the doctor* HOW IS MY SISTER. CAN I SEE HER NOW? WHAT HAPPEND? 

Suregeon teuk: Please miss park have a seat. You're sister is in a coma now. we are placing her there until she wakes up.

MIn young: What happend?

Surgeon teuk: An accident.

Min young: I want you to tell me the truth......is my sister going to die?

Surgeon teuk: *takes off his glasses and let out a deep sigh* During the operation her heart failed. She lost too much blood and we were able to revive her but at this moment there is no telling wether or not you're sister would live or not.

Min young: How about my blood? Can i donate my blood to her? You can take as much as you want just save her please?

Surgeon teuk: In order for us to transfer you're blood to you're sister it has to be compatable. Shin hye has blood type A what about you?

Min young: I have B but is they're any other way? to save her?

Suregeon teuk: Well we do have enough blood to transfer to her but it can't be you're blood and plus you don't look stable at the moment so wait two more hours and i will send you to you're sister's room. *he got up and layed a hand on min youngs shoulder before walking back to mrs. jung room. When he arrived he saw mr. jung and the cn blue boys. One of them in particular stood out the most and it was yonghwa who pased back and forth waiting for the doctor. Once he walked in yonghwa jumped up in front of him and asked for an explanation*

yonghwa: doctor...what happen to my mom? *he stared over to his mom when her eyes open wide and she looked around the room to see her husband and son smiling in relief* OMMA.. what happen to you? Why didn't you be more careful?  *he kneeled down on the side of the bed when jonghyun looked over to the doctor to see that there was more bad news*

Jungshin: *walked up to the doctor and whispered to him* Was there anyone else that was with this women?...the name is shin hye. * the doctors frowned and lead jungshin out the room while the other two was trying to comfort mrs. jung*

Surgeon teuk: The patient shin hye is in a coma you won't be able to see her until hour pass by but there is a girl waiting also to see her..the name is min young. Sister of the patient.

Jungshin: min young? Where is she now?

Surgeon teuk: Waiting at the east gate. I talked to her before hand. Shin hye....doesn't have a chance at living....we tried our best but i have no feeling that she would wake up today or ever.

Jungshin: what do you mean?

Surgeon teuk: Well....you see...once i ran the test on her brain it was already damaged..due to the fact that she hit it somehwere also. well today...when she got hit by a car....not only did it break her rips...once she hit her head on the ground it caused internal bleeding in her brain. We were able to stop the blood...but we don't know wether she would wake up or not.

Jungshin: yeah...she was in a accident before. My hyung jumped in just in time to push her out of the way. She hit her head on the cold cement but was able to remember everythig. I didn't know it was this serious.

Surgeon teuk: Well from what i heard....the car would have hit mrs. jung if shin hye didn't jump in to save her. Luckily for mrs. jung shin hye saved her today. If mrs. jung would have gotten hit then she would have died on the spot.

Jungshin: What do you mean?

Surgeon teuk: Well mrs. jung is more older. If she would have gotten hit today she would have died but since shin hye was younger she had a better chance of still living. So may i ask what you're relationship to shin hye is? Are you the boyfriend?

Jungshin: Ani...i'm the best friend... *he pointed in the room to yonghwa who was smiling* That's the boyfriend. But doc before you tell him shin hye is in a coma...give me a chance to tell the other members first okay?

Surgeon teuk: Up to you. I'll come back to check in on you're mom but take care. *he walked away and jungshin whistled to minhyuk and jonghyun to come out*

Jonghyun: Hey what did the doctor said? Where is shin hye?

Jungshin: In a coma.

Minhyuk: MWO? *he looked over to see yonghwa staring at them before turning his back and walking further down the hallway to continue they're talk*

Jungshin: Shin hye...saved mrs. jung today. The doc told me that shin hye doesn't have a chance at living....she may not wake up forever.

Jonghyun: What? How did that happen?

Jungshin: Seems like shin hye was injured all along..yonghwa lost his memory but shin hyes mind was broken this whole time. Internal bleeding occured in her head and now with this accident....she might not even live.

Minhyuk: So what now?

Jonghyun: Should we tell hyung?

Jungshin: I don't know.

Minhyuk: We should....tell him.

Jonghyun: But you know if we tell him he would be destroyed. you heard his dream....this is what his dream is...what happend to be a dream became a reality.

Jungshin: I agree we should keep it a secret.

Minhyuk: Shireo!! we kept her identity a secret also. we pretended that seohyun was shin hye...but this secret is way too big to hide from hyung. He needs to know.*he walked back in the room to hear yonghwa asked his mom where shin hye was at*

Mrs. Jung: I don't know...the last time i heard her she was calling my name.

Yonghwa: And then what?

Mrs. Jung: And then i felt myself hit the ground and i out.

Yonghwa: Then were is shin hye at? did she left somewhere? Did she come with you at least?

Minhyuk: Shin hye is here.

Yonghwa:*turned to face minhyuk with a relief smile across his face* Where is she? I want to speak to her now. i was so wo- *he stopped what he was saying when he saw min young walk from behind minhyuk *

Min young: She's in a coma....we can't see her for at least a half an hour.

Yonghwa: MWO? *he looked at each and everyone of his hyungs before looking at min young* Wh-...why di-

Min young: My sister jumped out to save you're mother. Now she is in a coma....

Yonghwa:  i have to see her NOW!!! *he tried to walk past min young but she didn't move or budge*

min young: yong.....she may die. *after she said it yonghwa fell foward and everyone jumped in to catch him. They set him on the floor and was soon in a daze. When the doctor walked in and announced they can see shin hye again he was the first to jump up and follow the doctor. Once they came in the room yonghwa fell to his knees as if everything he had was all gone*

Minhyuk: *looked at a pale shin hye and felt his own tears fall*

Jonghyun: *looked away quickly to hide his tears from everyone*

Jungshin:* the last to walk in eyes filled with tears also* shin.......

Min young: * looked at all the blue boys crying before sitting on the ground to cry also* eonni....eonni jeabal wake up eonni.

Yonghwa: I want's there....this is my fault * he  layed his head on min youngs lap and cryied his heart out* Miahn...chincha miahn...in my dream i couldn't save her...and now...it's real and i still couldn't save her.

Min young: yong...shut up. You didn't know.

Yonghwa: But i did...even in my dream i didn't save her. I should have stayed beside her.

jungshin: Hyung...we all didn't know.

Yonghwa: *looked over on the side table to see a bag. In the bag had a dress covered in red.He got up off min young's lap and walked over to the dress. He opened the bag and the doctor saw him drop the bag* what's this?

Surgeon teuk: The dress she wore today.  Why?

Yonghwa: It was the dress in my dream.....the dress she.....

Jonghyun: The dress she what hyung?

Yonghwa: The dress..she died in. *he turned his back to the others while reaching in to his pocket. he pulled out a box.*

Min young: What's that?

Yonghwa: The ring.....i was going to ask her.

Jungshin: Marry?? *he walked over to look at the ring yonghwa had and smiled through his tears*

Jonghyun: when did you plan on asking?

Yonghwa: Before the accident...when i went to her house and the accident happend.

Min young: Why didn't you ask?

Yonghwa: Because she ran into the road and then it happend....when i lost my memories when i was packing my stuff...i stumble across the ring and that's when i remember...instead of the promise we made i was going to cancel wgm that day so i could ask shin hye to marry me..

Jungshin: Hold on...so coming to you're parents house.....you remembered shin hye??

Yonghwa: dehh...that's why i called my mom before we came to tell her that i'm bringing shin hye home...that's when i was going to ask shin hye to marry me. That's why i invited all of you to come also. But my dream ruined it. Now i don't know what to do with this. *he said refurring to the ring. *

Min young: *got up off the ground and took the ring out of the box and handed it to yonghwa* here...ask her.

Yonghwa: Mwo? But she won't answer me.

Min young: Then...imagine the answer she would give to you when she's is awake.

Yonghwa: *smiled a little to min young before walking over to shin hye and got down on his knees* Will you marry me shin hye? * he waited with his eyes closed before he smiled and put the ring on her finger while everyone else clapped and cry at the same time*

Jonghyun: congrats hyung..unni.

Minhyuk: can't wait for the wedding. you guys are too cure.

Jungshin: As long as i'm the best man then i would ship this wedding.

Min young: congratulation yong....she would wake up. And when she does...she would need the man who asked her to marry him to be next to her. ARASSO?

Yonghwa: I like you like that.

Min young: Mwo? Like what?

Yonghwa: this way..you're nice and kind. that's the min young that i expect to meet.

min young: Well now i'm you're sister-in-law and i'm older then you so you have to bow down to you're ruler.

yonghwa: MWO?? Yahh!! *he looked over to shin hye and smile* Shin....when you're ready wake up arasso?




3 months later~

Yonghwa: *walked up the stairs to shin hye's room. when he walked in he watched as jungshin was singing to shin hye. he smiled and asked jungshin if she woke up yet and jungshin said no. Jungshin let for a moment and yonghwa looked down at shinhye* Yahh it's been 3 months since the accident and you haven't woken up yet...I'm still waiting for you just know that. Yesterday we had a concert and it was great. A lot of my fans sends regards to you and prayers. They want you to get well soon. *he held her hand and cried when the doctor came in and told him he has to leave for the day. He beggd the doctor just a few more moments but the doctor told him he needed to leave. Still holding on to shin hye's hand he said goodbye but when he was ready to leave. He felt shin hye's hand still honding on to his but this time it was her hand that was holding tightly onto his. * SHIN HYE!!! *he looked down to see her eyes slowly opening that he smiled while the doctor looked down in amusement to see shin hye's open eyes*

shin hye: y-y-yo-yong...*she said in a quiet voice*

yonghwa: dehh..i'm here. shin i'm right next to you. *he put his ear next to to hear her clearly when jungshin walked in to the room to see shin hye's eyes fully open*

Jungshin: SHIN HYE...BABO IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU WOKE UP!!! *he inched closer to hear what shin hye was saying also when yonghwa smiled became more wider*

Shin hye: Ju-ungshin...water. *she asked yonghwa to help her up and when he did he didn't want to let go of her*

Yonghwa: Gomawo...shin.

Shin hye: Waeyo?

Yonghwa: For waking up today.

Shin hye: *she looked down on her finger in confusion and so did yonghwa* Did i get married?

Yonghwa: Dehh.

Shin hye: To who?

Yonghwa: To me.

Shin hye: CHINCHA?? What was i wearing? did my parents come to the wedding? *she asked all of these questions which made yonghwa smile more and more*

Yonghwa: ani...i proposed to you and i imagined what you're answer would have been. As far as the wedding my mom and you're mom are planning it.

Shin hye: Ahhh...that reminds me...how's you're mom? I tried to get to her quick enough to save her.

Yonghwa: dehh...she told me. We even went to watch the video from the street. Why did you ran out?

Shin hye: Because yong...thats what i would have done for anyone if i see a car and they didn't i would at least try to save them.

Yonghwa: *he grabbed her in for a hug while smiling the whole time. once he pulled away he heard jungshin walk in with water and handing it to shin hye*

Shin hye: Shin ah...how you been?

Jungshin: good...i played our song yesterday at the concert. Plus hyung comes everyday to see you and sing to you.

Shin hye: Really? Sorry i worried you guys. But i heard you yong...i heard you singing to me.

Yonghwa: You did?

Shin hye: dehh i heard you're voice. Many times. When you were yelling at jonghyun for holding my hand...and when you and min young argued over who would stay the night with me and remembering she would always win.

yonghwa: you heard all that?

Shin hye: dehh...it made me happy to hear you're voices. I wanted to wake up but i couldn't open my eyes.

yonghwa: *took off the ring from shin hye's finger and got down on his knee* Will you marry me now that you're awake?

Shin hye: Ahh shireo. *she said making jungshin and the doctors laugh*

Yonghwa:YAHH!!! YOU'RE MARRYING ME ANYWAYS!! *he put the ring on her finger while the doctors disconnect the wires from her body and yonghwa picked her up and carry her out of the room* ME AND MY WIFE ARE LEAVING NOW! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE HARD WORK! * he gave jungshin the money to pay and they all walked out. when they walked out of the hospital shin hye noticed a lot of fans waiting outside with posters with her and yonghwa on it. *

shin hye: What's going on?

Yonghwa: When i said my fans send they're regards...they stayed her night and day waiting for you to wake up also.

Shin hye: chincha? why?

Yonghwa: Because they love you.

Shin hye: can you put me down? *she waited for him to place her on the ground before she walked over the group of girls and boys. she bowed down with tears in her eyes* Gomawo.. gomawo.

Fans: You're welcome unni.

Shin hye: *looked back at yonghwa and extended her hand for him to take* Thank you again.

Yonghwa: dehh gomawo. You are all fans i am proud of. You're prayers help...my gir...my fiance to wake up and for that i am greatful to you all.

Shin hye:Me too. *all of them bowed before hoping into the van. While driving yonghwa noticed shin hye immediately went to sleep. He pulled onto the side of the house. Before hopping out to shin hye's side and open her door and carried her inside were the whole family was waiting patiently. Once they saw shin hye in yonghwa's arms they all jumped up in joy to look at her. She has gotten thinner. Yonghwa layed her on the couch when her eyes opened and she looked around to see her family and friends surrounding her.

Yonghwa: Welcome home shin.

Shin hye: Omma are you okay? *she got up and hugged mrs. jung and then went around the room to hug everyone. before she reached the boys yonghwa stepped in and stopped her*

yonghwa: that's enough hugs. *he gave his hyungs dirty looks when they started complaining. * I would like to say something if it's okay with shin hye.

Shin hye: Ahh dehh.

Yonghwa: Shin hye agreed to marry me today.

Shin hye: No i didn't. *she said making everyone in the room laugh*

Yonghwa: Yahh honey.. you agreed.

Shin hye: *sigh* arasso.

Yonghwa: I want to marry shin hye tomorrow.


yonghwa: just now. *he looked around the room and everyone was celebrating except for shin hye who walked out of the front door and yonghwa followed her*

Shin hye: yong....why marry so soon?

Yonghwa: Why not? You love me don't you?

Shin hye: I do...but...why so soon.

Yonghwa: Well calling you my girlfriend is just not enough.

Shin hye: and calling me what would be enough for you?

Yonghwa: calling you my wife... sounds much better.

Shin hye: hmph....yahh but it's still too soon.

Yonghwa: Aniya..it's just fine. tomorrow we get married. I can't wait anymore. I waited so long and you go into an accident which made me wonder if i lost you then and there.

shin hye: but you didn't. I'm still here.

Yonghwa: I know...that's why i want you to be my wife.

Shin hye: Arasso...but i won't wear a dress.

Yonghwa: yes you are my mom and you're mom pick it out already. *he pulled her into his arms* everything is ready....all that is left is "i DO".

Shin hye: Okay but just for this...i'm not spending the night with you tonight. i'm going to ignore you until tomorrow morning.

Yonghwa: Ohh and another thing....we have to have vows.

Shin hye: Chincha?? YAHH!!! * she ran after him slapping his back for planning everything ahead without her.she fell down to the ground and yonghwa ran towards her worried when he realized she was pretending and she smacked him hard on the back making both of them laugh*



Wedding day:

Jungshin: Can you believe shin hye agreed to marry hyung?

Jonghyun: i know...we all know i'm the handsome blue boy.

Minhyuk: I guess she settle for less.

Yonghwa: *walked out of the dressing room after hearing what they said* YAHHH!!!! you call yourself friends!!!

jonghyun: hyung were just messing.

Jungshin: dehh.. i haven't seen shin hye yesterday did something happen?

Yonghwa: Ani she was mad at me so she told me not to hang around her yesterday. I also told her to write vows.

Minhyuk: i wonder if she looks like a godess today. *he looked at jungshin and then jonghyun*  Well hyung were gonna go see her okay? well be back soon.

Yonghwa: Don't touch, flirt, smile or laugh with my soon to be wife..because if you do you guys would be soon to be fired.


Jungshin: *walked single file over to shin hye's room. he knocked on the door and heard her sweet voice say "come in"*

Shin hye: Hi guys.

Jonghyun: * looked at shin hye with his mouth open. he closed his mouth and smiled at her* Shin if we hurry we could get marry and not you and yonghwa.

Minhyuk:why would she marry you??....when she has me? Right unni you would marry me huh? *he looked at shin hye as if waiting for her answer*

Jungshin: shut up you two. Remember what hyung said. If we flir....ohh whateve if anyone has a chance of marrying shin hye it should be me. *he leaned on the side of the couch and smiled at her*

Shin hye: I would marry all of you.. but i think i would stick to the babo i'm marrying today. *at that moment min young barged in looking very pretty also *

Min young:Okay guys you have to leave we are about to start and another thing is...who is walking down the isle with seohyun.

Jungshin: mwo? Seohyun unni is here? *at that moment seohyun walked in and stared at all of them *

Seohyun: Hi guys. *she stared over at shin hye and her jaw dropped* woahh unni you look very beautiful today.

Shin hye: Ahh gomawo seohyun ssi.. i'm glad you came. I hoped my inviitation didn't reach you late last night.

Seohyun: Aniya thank you for the invite.

Jungshin: seohyun ssi....should we walk down the isle today?

Seohyun: i was hoping minhyuk could walk me down.

Minhyuk: Ahh...dehh we could walk together. *he extended his arm out to her and she gladly took it*

Min young: I guess it's you and me then. * she stared at jungshin who looked at her before refusing. he walked out leaving her and jonghyun*

Jonghyun: After you. *he extended his arm to her and she smiled at him before taking his hand.*

Mr. Park:*walked in to see his daughter and immediately started crying*

Shin hye: Yahh appa you promised you wouldnt cry.

Mr. Park: I know but i lied. why did you have to look so pretty today.

Shin hye: Appa. Will you be okay?

Mr. Park: Ani...you're my little girl and yonghwa is taking you away.

Shin hye: Aniya...you would always be number 1 to me dad. No one can replace you. *she kissed him on the cheek before they both walked out. When shin hye saw the aisle she didn't see anyone else but yonghwa who looked very handsome*

Shin hye: *whispered to her dad* appa...am i doing the right thing?

Mr. park: What do you mean?

Shin hye: I'm still young...is marrying yong a mistake?

Mr. park:only you know the answer. *once they got to the front yonghwa smile became wider*

Yonghwa: You look really pretty shin.

Shin hye: Dehh you too. I mean handsome.

Priest: First and foremost we are gather here to celebrate the love of jungyonghwa and park shin hye. Before we go futher the dearly beloved would like to state their vows.

Yonghwa: Shin...what can i say? your not the girl of my dreams ill tell you that...but you are the ONLY girl who was able to make me laugh and smile by doing nothing. When i see you...i smile. Everything you do now makes me laugh. I get jealous when you laugh with my hyungs. You even make me jealous today when you smiled at the priest. *he said making everyone in the room laugh* And most importantly when you're not next to me i feel as if i am missing something important. I love you now and will forever if you let me.

Priest: well ladies and gentlemen a word from our lovely bride.

Shin hye: Yong...you're arrogant and rude. Self-center and obnoxious. Everything you do makes me upset and angry and you know you make me mad and yet you continue to annoy me. You were rude to me when we first met. You didn't give me a chance to introduce myself and you would always call me hideous. Your jealous all the time and would always get mad when men flirted with me but when girls flirt with you, you said it's okay. But despite of all the things you do...you make me love you more and more. I wasn't sure if i wanted to marry you today...but after what you said...I think i know what my answer is now.

Priest: Do you jung yonghwa take park shin hye as your wife?

Yonghwa: I do.

Priest: And do you shin hye take yonghwa to be your husband?

Shin hye:*looked over to the crowd and then up at yonghwa* Of course..i mean i do. yes. okay. *she said making everyone in the crowd including the priest to laugh*

Priest: then i now pronounce you husband and wife. Yonghwa you may kiss you're bride.

Yonghwa: FINALLY! *he grabbed hold of shin hye and planted his lips on to hers. they continue to kiss when the priest spoke again*

priest: Okay you too..remember your still at a church.

Yonghwa: *pulled away from shin hye and stared at jungshin, minhyuk and jonghyun*  Thank you guys...for not flirthing with my wife today. *he smiled when min young and seohyun appeared.*

Min young: Mwo?? you think they didn't flirt with your wife...if only you heard what they were saying.

Yonghwa: *glared at his hyungs* mwo??

Seohyun: Yeahh i believe that they were all trying to get with your wife. They said something like...running away with her..to get married.

Min young: Yeahh and...instead of marrying someone like yourself they said she should marry them.

Yonghwa: Is that so? *he lunged for his hyungs while the girls laugh and watch the boys play*

Seohyun: unni congratulations. You look very beautiful today.

Shin hye: Gomawo...we all look beautiful today. Not just me.

Min young: Unni are you sure you want to marry yonghwa? I mean look at him.

Shin hye: I don't regret marrying him..everything i said today was the truth.

Seohyun: aww now you're just showing off. Hahaha maybe i should go deal with the others so you and you're hubby would get time alone.

Shin hye: Gomawo. *she hugged seohyun before turning to her sister*

Min young: Well congrats today. *she exchanged looks with jonghyun before leaving shin hye*

Yonghwa: Soo...you're vow.

Shin hye: What about it?

Yonghwa: I liked it.

Shin hye: i liked your's also.

Yonghwa: Soo today...since you're my wife now..do you have anything to say?

Shin hye: A promise.

Yonghwa: Promise? what promise?

Shin hye: the promise we made.

Yonghwa: Dehh...what about them.

Shin hye: Break them.


Shin hye: Because as my husband i expect you to choose me always. 

Yonghwa: Okay...and as my wife shin hye...i expect you to love me forever.

Shin hye: deal.

Yonghwa: *pulled her in for a kiss* i love you.

Shin hye: I love you too...husband. *they smiled at each other before joinging the others*


I do have another story coming out if you're a fan. Thank you for the support this is the end of falling for you.. next story is..live,laugh and love together.


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Wendy-1977 #1
Ohhh....yongshin 🤗😍
Great story
danie1822 #2
Chapter 17: Hay que linda esta historia tiene de todo pero sobre todo mucha felicidad al final. Gracias por esta historia hermosa.
rubyani #3
Chapter 17: Very nice story authonim... thank you
lynybera #4
Chapter 17: wow what a beautiful story, every chapter that i read, i enjoyed it very much, even though in the last chapter i cried a lot, i thought shin hye will die ... thank you for a happy ending. KEEP IT UP authornim!!! more fanfics to come (^_^) GOD BLESS !!!
Sheimen23 #5
Chapter 17: Very nice story....keep it up...more story for our Dooley couple...fighting!!!
Iztea_Agustina #6
Chapter 17: Thank you authornim, for your nice story.
I was really enjoyed every chapter you made.
Thank you again, you make yongshin end up with happy ending,
so I'm feel happy, too.
tnylaiviv #7
Chapter 17: such a weird ending but yeah i guess i kind of love it... thanks authornim for this story! :)
zangsia1 #8
Chapter 17: great ending authornim
Chapter 17: This ending is just a starting of their marriage life. Love this cute YongShin couple. Thank you for your wonderful story.