Broken promises, and Love Confusions.

Finally Falling For You


At Seoul Hospital:

Yonghwa: *eyes flew open and look around to see his band members and seohyun only. Once his eyes met seohyun he immediately smiled and pull her into a hug*

Seohyun: Oppa are you okay?

Yonghwa: Dehh...I missed you....Shin hye.



5 months later: Flashback

Yonghwa: I'm going out for a while.

Seohyun: Waeyo? Let's go together.

Yonghwa: You don't have to.

Seohyun: Oppa you're my husband now. Everywhere you go i go. And plus you can't go very far. We have a interview today.

Yonghwa:*sighs deeply* You're annoying. I said i'll be back. Don't follow me. *he jumped in his car and drove off. Little does he know his wife hopped into a taxi and followed him to shin hye house.*


Min young: *opens the door to see yonghwa. She tried to close the door but he stopped her* Yahh leave.

Yonghwa: Shin...Shin hye... Where is she?

Min young: That's not you're problem anymore.

Yonghwa: Dammit min young just tell me where she is.

Min young: Yong oppa...Just leave her alone. If she see's you again she will get hurt all over again. Lucky for you..whenever you're stupid show is on tv i drag her outside so she won't have to see the two of you happily married.

Yonghwa: I want to see her.

Min young: She's at Minoru Dance Studio. But yong please don't show up in front of her.

Yonghwa: Waeyo?

Min young: You would just break her heart even more.

Yonghwa: And what about me? How about my feelings? Don't you know how hard it was pretending to love someone else?

Min young: I don't want to see my sister depress again yong. Ever since you broke up she has been crying and she lost a lot of weight. She doesn't get much sleep and she goes to this dance studio and comes home late at night.

Yonghwa: She doesn't sleep?

Min young: Dehh she stays on the couch and cry...but now she smiles a little. Just yesterday i heard her laugh.

Yonghwa: Chincha? Arasso. *he thanked min young and walked out to his car. He made his way to minoru dance studio. He parked and walked in. He searched around for shin hye and then he saw it..She was dancing. He tried to walk in but then remember what min young said so he hid.When the music stopped she sat against the glass with her eyes closed. He inched closer to her when her eyes opened and stared at him shock that he was there*

Shin hye: Y...Yong.

Yonghwa: Shi...Shin. Ho..Ho*he couldn't finish when shin hye push past him to leave. He ran after her and grab her wrist* Yahh where are you going?

Shin hye: Why are you here? *she forced her hand out of his.*

Yonghwa: i came to see you dummy.

Shin hye: Oh...Wel..l...go back.

Yonghwa: Mwo? I came because i thought you would want to see me also.

Shin hye: You're married now. So don't come see me.

Yonghwa: yahh are in you're right mind now? I haven't seen you for 5 months and that's all you have to say to me?

SHin hye: What am i suppose to say then yong?

Yonghwa: How about I miss you?

Shin hye: Mwo? *she turned and ran into seohyun who looked pissed and angry to see them together*

Seohyun: *slap shin hye* Yahh!!

Yonghwa: *glared at seohyun* Yahh!! Why did you hit shin for?

Seohyun: Yong oppa you're my husband but why do you come see her?

Shin hye: Yahh seohyun ssi. You think i asked him to come here?

Seohyun: Everyone knows you seduced oppa to like you. Someone like you should never date oppa.

Yonghwa: seohyun shut up.

Seohyun: Shireo.. You're my husband you should defend me not her.

Yonghwa: I defend the person i love and seohyun that person is not you. *he turned around and saw shin hye exiting the studio. He ran after her and grabbed her wrist. When seohyun did the same thing also. Both of them held on to shin hye's wrists and started to pull.*

Seohyun: Oppa let go of her. You're mine.

Shin hye: yahh!! Let go of me. Are you crazy?

Yonghwa: Yahh seohyun ssi. Wehh let go of her.

Seohyun: Not until you promise to stop seeing her.

Shin hye:*force her hand from both seohyun and yonghwa and ran off. Yonghwa ran after her but seohyun grabbed on to his arm and pull him back*


Yonghwa: Seohyun Let go NOW! *he forced his hand out of hers and she fell foward in the air and on to the ground. Yonghwa turned to face her on the ground crying before running after shin hye*


shin hye pov: AISH CHINCHA!! Why did they have to come see me today? I ran away so i won't have to face it all again. After months ago of breaking up with yonghwa when i saw him again today my heart was about to jump out of my chest. I thought maybe dancing would make me forget the reality that he was out of my life. Miahn Yong....Just for a little while i wanted to be with you but i can't think about myself..when you have a wife.


Yonghwa pov: Shin...Did...Did you not miss me at all? Is that why you ran? you didn't want to see me? Please don't tell me that's the reason...I just wanted to see you again.'re hair grew..and I didn't know you were a great dancer..I miss you. I ran to house today and sat on the stairs hoping you would come by.*


Shin hye: *ran towards her house and saw yonghwa sitting at the stairs* Ahh yong go away. Please.. *she ran up the stairs and try to get inside when yonghwa grabbed her and pull her into a hug*

Yonghwa: Shin...Just for a while..Could we stay this way? Just for a while?

Shin hye: *she wrapped her arms around him and embraced him. She felt the familiar warmth that he had when they used to date and then she let go and pushed him gently away. She stared into his eyes before turning and enter her house. *


Min young: Unni did yon..

Shin hye: dehh..him and his wife...Well his wife slapped me today.

Min young: MWO? That stupid barbie slapped you? Aishh chincha i wan't to slap her now.

Shin hye: Aniya. It was my fault. I shouldn't have talked to yonghwa...I should have just hid when i saw him or ran away immediately...

Min young: you did nothing wrong...and get this i watch wgm and they call themselves the potato couple, gogumas and yongseo...But here's something else...There are more yongshin fans then yongseo fans. It's a war zone out there.

Shin hye: Chincha?

Min young: Dehh...Alot of people ship yongshin. I ship yongshin also.

Shin hye: Ahh gomawo unni. *she embraced her sister before walking up to her room.*


During the night shin hye tossed and turned but still couldn't sleep. So she got up and snuck downstairs. When she opened the front door she saw yonghwa sitting on the stair case with his eyes closed. She inched closer to him until her lips was inches away from his. Without thinking shin hye planted her lips on to yonghwa and immediately his eyes opened to confirmed that it was shin hye he was kissing before closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him.

Shin hye: yong..this is wrong.

Yonghwa: If this is wrong....then i don't want to be right. I hated these past few months. I tried my hardest to fall in love with seohyun but all i could think of is you. Why did you run away from me? Did you not miss me back?

Shin hye: Yong...ever since i broke up with you...I haven't been smiling or laughing a lot lately. It's hard to see you smile and laugh with someone that's not me.

Yonghwa: but it's only acting.

Shin hye: Well to me it doesn't seem that way. I got attack many times by goguma fans yong. Just by walking down the streets i get scared. I can't be with you. Not anymore.

Yonghwa: Shin....we made a promise.

Shin hye: Yong....miahn.

Yonghwa: MWO? Wehh? *he grabbed her hand and she pushed him away and ran onto the road*

Shin hye: The promise we made yong.....I'm breaking it off.

Yonghwa: Shin...we both promised...don't do this. *he down the steps to see her standing in the road afraid she would run away if he walks closer to her*

Shin hye: I thought i would never get hurt again...if maybe i would stop seeing you or anything that has to do with you..but then you came to find me and i got reminded of all the times we spent together.

Yonghwa:*feeling his eyes tear up also hearing her words*


Shin hye: I want you to alone.


Shin hye: What we have just memories now. *she turned to see a white flash not realizing it was a car speeding towards her without a warning or sign of stopping. She closed her eyes waiting for the impact when she felt somone pushing her out of the way and then she heard it...*BOOM* after hearing the loud sound ringing in her ear she fell head first on the curb and without warning everything around her blackend and she found herself drifting away into pure darkness*


Flashback end~

Jungshin: When do you think he would wake up?

Minhyuk: i don't know but....what if he can't remember anything? or any of us.

Seohyun: I sure as heck know's he remembers me though. I'm his wife...the only women in his heart.

Jonghyun: Seohyun now is not the time to gloat about yourself. If hyung wakes up and he can't remember any of us the best thing for us to do is remind him.

Jungshin: Should we call shin hye and tell her that yong is here. I'm sure she would want to see him.

Minhyuk:*exchanged glances with jonghyun before answering jungshin* Shin ah....hyung and unni are both in a coma.

Jungshin: Ahh wehh? Is shin hye unni hurt?

Jonghyun: Did you not hear? Hyung and shin hye came here together. Yonghwa got hit saving shin hye and shin hye hit her head badly.

Jungshin: MWO??

Jonghyun: *grabbed junghsins arm and drag him over to another room where he saw shin hye hooked up to IV. * Shin ah...shin hye has been here the whole time.

Jungshin: Why....when...How....Who did this?

JOnghyun: The person is getting questioned right now but don't worry too much they would declare it guilty or not guilty based on the report.

Jungshin:*stole a glance at shin hye eyes closed peaceful on the hospital bed. At that moment minhyuk ran in to announce that yonghwa is now awake*

Seohyun: Oppa are you okay?

Yonghwa:Dehh i missed you....Shin hye. *he smiled at seohyun confusing all the other members*

Minhyuk: Hyung? Shin in another room.

Yonghwa: Ani....she's right there. *he pointed at seohyun*

Jungshin: Hyung. *he helped yonghwa into a wheel chair and wheeled him over to where shin hye was at*

Jonghyun: Hyung...who is that?

Yonghwa: *looked at shin hye and his head started hurting* AHH...hurts.

Jungshin: Do you remember who she is?

Yonghwa: I've seen her...Before i woke up...i had a lot of dreams about her. But...

Minhyuk: But what?

Yonghwa: Who is she? *just when he asked that shin hye eyes open and she sat up. She looked over to where yonghwa was and they stared at each other before what seemed to be forever before shin hye tried to remove the IV from her hands. Jungshin ran in to stop her while minhyuk pushed yonghwa in to see shin hye*

Jungshin: Shi...*he look at yonghwa and stopped himself* Are you alright?

Shin hye: My head hurts..

Jonghyun: Do you remember what happend?

Shin hye: Ahh dehh. *she hopped got off the bed and wrapped her arms around yonghwa who didn't return the hug instead he gently brushed her off before giving s a confused look*

Yonghwa: we...?

Shin hye: *looks up to jonghyun who shook his head along with minhyuk and jungshin* Ahh ani...I thought you were someone else. Miahn.

Yonghwa: Ohh that's okay...but what is you're name?

Shin hye: Shi...Lee Kyu Won.

Yonghwa: Ahh nice to meet you lee kyu won. *he told jungshin to turn his wheel chair around and request that he get discharge out of the hospital immediately. Before leaving he grabbed onto seohyun's hand breaking shin hye's heart. Minhyuk stayed behind and so did jonghyun to help shin hye discharge also.*


Jonghyun: Unni...Don't worry about what just happend...before you know it he would recognize the real shin hye..

Shin hye: ANI!! *she grabbed both minhyuk and jonghyun's arms and tighten her grip* No matter what happens....don't tell yonghwa that i'm the real shin hye. Arasso?

Minhyuk: But...unni.* he felt he grip loosen and she walked away. Before she went into the elevator she turned to face the two boys with tears in her eyes.*

Shin hye: I don't want him to remember me....AT ALL! *with that said she got into the elevator and disappeared leaving the two boys with pity.*



Manager Han: Ohh are you feeling? *he watched as yonghwa was staring at seohyun with love and admiration*

Yonghwa: I'm that shin hye is with me again.

Manager Han: *saw how he said shin hye's name but looked at seohyun* Ahh're with shin hye again..but wgm is not over yet.

Yonghwa: I know...I'm glad i got married to shin hye.

Manager Han: *looked over at jungshin who mouthed "just go with it"* Ahh dehh...shin hye. She is one of a kind.

Seohyun: Dehh i am. It's about time you guys figured it out.

Yonghwa: *layed his head on seohyuns shoulder and closed his eyes* Shin....Don't ever leave me again okay?

Seohyun: dehh oppa. *she looked over to jonghyuk who gave her a glare along with the other members*



They dropped off seohyun first before going back to the blue boys house. When they entered yonghwa limped to his room immediately with the help from the boys. When he was in his room something caught his eye and he limped towards it. He picked up the cute bear and looked at it when his head started to hurt again.

Yonghwa:*put down the bear and looked over to his music book. He smiled and grab it when a picture fell out. He looked down to the ground to see the picture of him and shin hye*

Jungshin:*ran up to yonghwa room to see him looking at a picture. When he inched closer he saw the picture of him and shin hye. He snatched the photo from yonghwa's hands* Hyung.

Yonghwa: Why does the picture say her name is shin hye and why are we posing together? Do i know her?

Jungshin: *thought back to what shin hye said at the hospital* Ani...she was a fan of ours. She's acutally my child hood friend lee kyu won.

Yonghwa: Whenever i see her head hurts.

Jungshin: you really not remember her?

Yonghwa: Aniya. If she's just a fan then why did i keep this photo of her? and who owns this teddy bear?

Jungshin: The teddy bear is a gift from our fans. you really liked it so you decided to keep it. And don't worry about anything okay?

Yonghwa:Ahh dehh...Jungshin ah...manager han said we have to go to the studio tonight....were meeting up with 2pm. 2am and shinee.

Jungshin: dehh hyung...umm if it's okay with you...manager han decided to bring back shin hy...i mean lee kyu won tonight also. He wanted to discuss something with her and lee jong suk.

Yonghwa: Ahh chincha? That's okay why wouldn't it be okay? * he asked jungshin to leave so he could change. After he was done he limped down the stairs where the boys help him into the car and they drove down to the studio quietly.Once they arrived the first thing yonghwa saw once he got out of the car was shin hye*

Jungshin: *ran out to shin hye immediately and put his arm around her. Once he did this yonghwa did something he never thought he would do.

Yonghwa: YAHH DON'T TOUCH HER!! *both shin hye and jungshin turned to face him in shock. He quickly apologized and limped quickly inside the studio. Once he was inside they made they're way to manager hans office where yonghwa say lee jong suk. The moment lee jong suk saw shin hye he jumped up and tried to hug her and yonghwa stood in front of shin hye and pushed him back. Everyone turned to face yonghwa who was confused himself. He turned to look at shin hye and she quickly glanced away. She ran foward and wrapped her arms around jong suk causing yonghwa to get mad again.*

Jong suk: Shin you been?

Yonghwa: *turned to face jong suk and then shin hye* Why did you call her shin hye?

Jong suk: Because thats her.* shin hye cut in before he could finish* 

Shin hye: because he thinks i look like shin hye but i told him i don't. *she looked at jong suk and mouthed "call me lee kyu won"*

Jong suk: Ahh dehh...kyu wonnie...kaja. *he reached for her hand when yonghwa grabbed his wrist and glared at him*

yonghwa: Maybe you didn't hear me...don't touch her.

Jonghyun: Hyung...let go.

Yonghwa: Not until he stops touching kyu won.

Shin hye: ahh...yonghwa don't have to worry about me. *she walked out of the room followed by jong suk*


Jong suk: So explain to me why you want me to call you lee kyu won?

Shin hye: Because yonghwa doesn't know me...he know's my name but he thinks seohyun is me.

Jong suk: Then tell him that you're shin hye and seohyun is seohyun. Easy as pie.

Shin hye: Not easy as pie. I...don't want him to remember me.

Jong suk: Waeyo? Did you two have a fight?

Shin hye: Dehh.

Jong suk: Will you tell me why?

Shin hye: They casted him for wgm with seohyun while me and him were still dating. I decided to break up with him becuase i can't have a boyfriend who has a wife. But after we broke up we made a promise to each other and after five months i couldn't wait anymore..I was finally smiling and laughing but yonghwa showed up to see me and everything fell apart. Before our accident i told him to leave me alone.,..and i was in the road. I didn't realize there was a car coming until it was too late and yonghwa came and pushed me away and i hit my head pretty yong doesn't remember me and i want it that way.

Jong suk: do you think if yonghwa still remembered you would he want that also?

Shin hye: I don't want him to remember me because it was my fault he can't remember me. I told him to leave me alone and now he can't even remember me.

Jong suk: Well shin i say this because i care about you...and...i...Should.....GET MARRIED TOMORROW!!

Shin hye: MWO...ahh shireo.

Jong suk: Yahh!! I wouldn't marry you if we were the last people on this planet.

Shin hye: I wouldn't marry you if you were the only boy on this planet.

Jong suk: But i think you should tell yonghwa...what happen that night was not you're fault.

Shin hye: Let's just forget about it okay?

Jong suk: Dehh...lee kyu won. *he grabbed her hand and they both turned their backs not knowing that yonghwa heard they're whole conversation. Yonghwa stared after them with hatred burning in his heart....hatred and jealousy.


Yonghwa pov: MWO?? Shin...shin hye...Is kyu won? Ani...ani andwae shin hye is my wife and were married. Kyu won is just a crazy fan who wants me to fall in love with her...If she's a fan...then why do i want to see her so badly? If she is JUST a fan then why do i get jealous when she's with other guys? why did i get jealous when she smiled at manager han today? All of these questions i want the answer to but where do i start? How do i find out? Jungshin ah? Ani he would just tell me she's a fan....Jonghyun? Ani he wouldn't tell me the truth, minhyuk? ani he would just change the subject and bring up food....shin hye?? ani i don't know who she is....


There's the update please be patient for the update i am very busy but I would be finishing this fanfic so wait for it and enjoy.

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Wendy-1977 #1
Ohhh....yongshin 🤗😍
Great story
danie1822 #2
Chapter 17: Hay que linda esta historia tiene de todo pero sobre todo mucha felicidad al final. Gracias por esta historia hermosa.
rubyani #3
Chapter 17: Very nice story authonim... thank you
lynybera #4
Chapter 17: wow what a beautiful story, every chapter that i read, i enjoyed it very much, even though in the last chapter i cried a lot, i thought shin hye will die ... thank you for a happy ending. KEEP IT UP authornim!!! more fanfics to come (^_^) GOD BLESS !!!
Sheimen23 #5
Chapter 17: Very nice story....keep it up...more story for our Dooley couple...fighting!!!
Iztea_Agustina #6
Chapter 17: Thank you authornim, for your nice story.
I was really enjoyed every chapter you made.
Thank you again, you make yongshin end up with happy ending,
so I'm feel happy, too.
tnylaiviv #7
Chapter 17: such a weird ending but yeah i guess i kind of love it... thanks authornim for this story! :)
zangsia1 #8
Chapter 17: great ending authornim
Chapter 17: This ending is just a starting of their marriage life. Love this cute YongShin couple. Thank you for your wonderful story.