Will You Still Love Me? Or Will You Hate Me?

Maki Pov

I opened my eyes slowly to find myself in my own bedroom with my daughter sound asleep beside me. I got out of bed slowly so that I don't wake my precious daughter. I looked at the clock that read three am. My head still pounding a little as I got up and walk to the door. I tiptoed downstairs making my way to the kitchen to get some water. After drinking one glass of water I began to recollect of what happened. Of all places I would have never thought that I would see him again and for my daughter to spot him like that, I knew that I had a lot of explaining to do later to him and everybody but first I would get more sleep. I tiptoed back upstairs to my room and slid beside my daughter. I can't help but wonder who was that woman beside him.

"Baka!" I said to myself knowing that he has found someone else.

"Demo nande (But why!) do my heart still ache for him? Why does it still hurt to see him with someone else?"

I put my hand under my daughter neck to cradle her in my arm gently not to wake her. My little angel is the reason I came back. I was being unfair to her and that she deserve to get to know her own father. I will used my head instead of my heart to face him. I kissed my daughter forehead before going back to sleep.

Yamapi POV

I can not believed that the person I saw at the airport was Maki and the little girl asleep in the pink stroller was my daughter. It had never crossed my mind that Maki my love could change drastically. Hopefully, the feeling she had for me back then did not change but who am I to assumed that since she found someone new.

Of all people why did it have to be Shota step brother Mukai? What is he to her?

What am I saying? I have no right to be jealous. Maki is not mine anymore. Shouldn't I be satisfied that my daughter called me "Daddy".

No I can't be satisfied if she's with someone else. I've waited for her this long I will not make the same mistake again. Maki isn't going to get away from me this time. I will make her mine for sure even if I use my own daughter to make her stay by my side. I wont lose to Mukai or any guy that is after her. I doze off to sleep of thinking a plan to get her back.


"Grandma! Grandpa! Is it true Maki's home" Mao said as she barged into the house to find her grandparents in their usual spot and a little girl eating her breakfast.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" her grandpa said as he stop reading the newspaper to look at her.

"I don't work till 1pm. So is this Mizuki my niece?" Mao said going up to the little girl.

"Soka (I see). Mizuki why don't you say hi to your auntie Mao" her grandpa said smiling.

"Good morning auntie Mao" Mizuki said in her high pitch tone.

"Mizuki, auntie brought something for you" Mao said taking out a white teddy bear.

"Arigatou auntie Mao" Mizuki said politely and giving her auntie a hug.

"I'm glad you like it Mizuki" Mao said with a huge smile on her face. "

"Grandma where's Maki?" Mao said realizing that her cousin was not in the kitchen.

"She still sleeping in her room" her grandpa said.

"She must be tired since she woke early this morning" her grandma said.

"I'll just go check on her" Mao said leaving the kitchen to go upstairs to Maki's room.

As she entered the room, she found her cousin still sound asleep under her blanket. Mao grabbed one of the pillow and threw it at her, this was her way of waking Maki up.

"I'm up" Maki said in her sleepy voice as she rub her eyes only to see Mao staring at her.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Mao said taking a seat on the bed.

"How did you found out I was here. Oh wait let me guess Jun told you. I was going to visit you but I got caught up with work related and forgot. I'm sorry cousin" Maki said apologetic tone.

"I'm still mad at you" Mao said crossing her arms together.

"Mao...don't be like that. How can I make it up to you?" Maki said making a puppy face.

"That wont work" Mao said.

"Fine then I'll just tickle you until you forgive me" Maki said tickling Mao.

"S..ttt.o..pp..Okay! Okay! I'm not mad at you" Mao said given into Maki.

"I thought so" Maki said grinning.

"Awe I miss you so much cousin. It felt like old times" Mao said.

"I miss you too Mao." Maki said giving Mao a hug.

"So how long are you and my niece staying?" Mao asked with sadness.

"I don't know. Mizuki wants to meet her father and last night she did. I have to get in touch with Tomohisa"

"Jun told me what had happened. Did you really come back for Mizuki or for yourself?" Mao said reading her cousin like a book and noticing that she used Yamapi first named.

"What does that supposed to mean? Of course I came back for Mizuki sake. Plus its over between me and Tomohisa for the longest. He had moved on and so have I" Maki said.

"I'm not totally convinced but if you say so then I would go with your words" Mao said. "If you only knew how much you've hurt Pi when you left and that he never forgotten you" Mao thought to herself.

"Why are you all of a sudden quiet? Are you planning on something" Maki said glaring at her.

"Nope I was just thinking about work in fact I got to go or I'll be late." Mao lied since she was going to go over to Jun place to inform everyone.

After Mao left, Maki took a shower and get ready to arrange a meeting with her ex-boyfriend Tomohisa.

Maki went downstair (the same outfit she wore at Kurosagi) to eat her breakfast/lunch.

"Are you going somewhere?" Her grandma asked.

"Yes, I got to take care of some business" Maki said eating really quick.

"Mommy! Mommy! I want to go" Mizuki said running to her mommy side.

"Honey I'm afraid I can't take you but I promised mommy will be back soon" Maki said.

"You're not by any chance going to see Mizuki's father" her grandpa asked.

"I want to see daddy, mommy" Mizuki said pouting.

"No, grandpa I'm not going to see him" Maki lied as she took her last bite.

Maki handed the plate to her grandma and then got up to go put on her filpflop.

"Mommy will be back soon so be a good girl to grandma and grandpa" Maki said as she kiss her daughter on the cheek.

Mizuki nodded at her mother request.

Maki waved to her daughter as she drove away in her blue BMW. She quick dialed Shota number to get Yamapi number.

"Maki-chan I'm glad you called," Shota said.

"Shot-san do you by any chance have Tomohisa Yamaa number?" Maki asked in a business tone.

"Yes I do. Why don't you meet him at his cousin Jun condo" Shota said.

"I don't recall where that is" Maki said.

Shota gave her the address and Maki punch it in to her navigator. When she got to Jun place she notice that there was six different cars parked.

She walked up to the front door in a professional manner and rang the door bell. Shota opened the door.

"I'm glad you made it. Come in" Shota said.

"What are you doing here? Am I in the wrong place" Maki said entering.

Maki followed Shota into the living room to find Jin, Jun, Toma, Oguri, Kame and Yamapi all sitting down chatting. The guys stop chatting when they notice her presence.

"Am I interrupting something, if so I can come back later" Maki said feeling weird. Yamapi couldn't help but stare at her. She was more radiant than ever.

"Here have a seat." Toma said getting up.

"No thank you. I can't stay that long" Maki said.

"Maki-chan, you've change so much since you've left" Kame said.

"Yeah its good to see you guys again" Maki said giving hugs to everyone except for Pi.

"What brings you here? Maki-chan" Jun said.

"I came here to talk to Tomohisa" Maki said using his first name formally.

"Ouch" Jin whispered into Pi ear. Yamapi was a little irate that she used his first name. He wanted to hear her call him Yamapi like she did last night.

"What is it that you want to speak to me about" Yamapi said getting up.

"I prefer not to say it here. Do you think I can talk to you in private?" Maki said trying to avoid looking to his eyes.

"Okay." Yamapi said calmly but was happy to talk to Maki alone.

Maki and Yamapi walked outside and everyone went to watch through the window.

"You know they're watching us from the window" Maki said knowing the guys so well.

"So which car should we take" Yamapi said with a grinned on his face.

"I'll take my car and you take yours. I'll just follow you" Maki said.

"Ok" Yamapi said hiding his disappointment.

Yamapi took Maki to one of their places that they used to go together.

Yamapi got out of his car and Maki did the same thing.

Maki realized the surrounding and the memories of them filled her mind.

"Why" she let out.

"It's still beautiful isn't it?" Yamapi said. Maki looked at him.

"Yes, it haven't changed a bit" Maki replied looking at the sky. A smile formulated across her face and Yamapi noticed that.

"M.." said Pi but was cut off by Maki has she got herself together.

"I didn't come back just to see you. I came back because our daughter Mizuki want to meet you. All I want is for you to fulfill your duties as a father to her" said Maki.

A/N: Happy Memorial day everyone ^-^. Does my story ? If so please tell me. I'm not sure whether I should still continue writing? Thanks you for the support Zing, lilaznxbebe, anonymousreader, jsmilez.

Copyrighted. © Laura 2009. All rights reserved.

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ohmygoddss! keiko is a !<br />
im soo sorry for mukai...and toma<br />
but both yamaki and mukai falled in love with her in 1 sight!<br />
even if i love yamaki....i love makiXmukai too....<br />
oh im soo coonfused!<br />
i dont know who to chose!<br />
please update soon!<br />
who is the cutest with maki i will shipp...even if i know she will stay wiwth p-chan in the end...<br />
*holding mukai as he cries*<br />
sorry i didnt review on the others 15 chaps...so engrossed on the fic...<br />
i love her!<br />
pleaseee update soon :D
akisan_sen #3
yay!!!! yamaki fanfics!!<br />
i'm waiting for an update ^^
SHEfan #4
HI thanks for the story really cool! Keep up the good work and support the YAMAKI FANFICS!! ther aren´t many of them anymore!! SOO keep writing YAMAKI stories PLEASE!! :)