Will You Still Love Me? Or Will You Hate Me?

Coming to a stop in front a tall tinted glassy building, I had taken away the PSP from my daughter to unbuckle her seatbelt. I could see my daughter's eyes widen, staring at the building with interest, as I sat her down on my lap.

"Mommy, is this where daddy work?" she asked me, still forcused on the building. "No sweetheart. Mommy has business to take care of here" I said brushing my fingers over her bangs. Koji opened the door for us, he took Mizuki from me so that I can get out.

I straighten out the wrinkles around the edge of my black fitted dress with a white leather belt around my waist that I had bought from H&M, as Koji held Mizuki's hand.

"You don't need to wait for us, Koji. You can go back to the house. I'll just call you when it's time to pick us up" I said looking at my reflection from the car.

"Yes, Ms. Maki" He said letting go of Mizuki's hand and walking back to the driver side. "Koji. Thank you" I said smiling at him. He nodded at me before getting in the car. That was the first time, I said "Thank you" to him.

Koji's dad had been our family's driver ever since I could remember. I was only ten when Koji took over his father. He had just gotten his degree in business when his father fell ill. My grandparents had paid all the expenses for his schooling and the hospital expenses for his father. In return for my grandparents gratitude toward his family, he offered his service to us.

I made his life so miserable back then, being a snob and all, but not once did he complained. My grandfather would yell at him and beat him whenever I would tell them that he had left me on the street or that he did not come to pick me up. I'd used my tears to convinced my grandfather even though my grandmother could see pass that.

It was my way or the highway back then. If I didn't get what I want, I would run away from home. Eventually, they would find me because my cousin Mao would tell them where I was.

During my pregnancy with Mizuki, I came to realized that everything I did was wrong. Because of her, I decided to change. My daughter became my first priority and motivation in life.

My point is, Koji is not just our family driver, he is also the right hand of my grandfather like how I am in the company I work for. (A/N: I got this idea after watching East of Eden)

I was already late for the meeting with my assistance, so I decide not to rush since he was the one who told me to take my time. I took hold of Mizuki's hand and we walk in the building together. As we entered the building a security guard had stop me abruptly.

"I'm sorry Mrs. but I can't not allow you to enter. You must need a pass to get inside the building" the guard said.

"I clearly understand officer but I'm already late for my meeting with Mr. Masuda Shota. So if you don't let me pass, as of this minute, I'll see to that you will never work in this company again" I said a bit too harsh.

He looked at me for a brief second and then walk back to his desk. He picked up the telephone and speed dial someone from upstairs.

"Ms. Kuroki this is Tanaka the security guard downstairs. There's a lady with a little girl who says she has an appointment with Mr. Shota. Should I send her up?" I could hear him say.

"Did you asked the lady her name?"

"Excuse me Mrs. I forgot to ask you your name?" he said to me.

"Horikita Maki" I said plainly.

"Ms. Kuroki her name is Horikita Maki," he said lightly.

"Tanaka! you idiot, why didn't you say so? Send her up"

He hanged up the phone and from the looks of his face, you could tell he just got yelled at. "You can go up now" He said with a sad tone.

"This is your first time working here, am I right?" I said feeling guilty. "Yes. I was only following the guideline" he said with his head down.

"Don't worry about it, you were only doing your job. I'll make sure that you'll keep your job" I paused and then said "We need more people like you"

"Thank you" he said in relief. I smiled at him, and then went on our way to his office.

"Mommy, do you really work here?" Mizuki asked as we arrived in front of Mr. Masuda Shota secretary desk. A woman with long silky light brown hair sat behind the desk. From the looks on her face, you could tell automatically that she was in her twenty.

"Yes, honey" I responded to Mizuki and then returning my attention to the lady in front of me. "I will be right with you in just one moment," she said to me, still typing something on her computer. "Excuse me Miss, but can you tell Mr. Masuda Shota that Horikita Maki is here" I said impatiently.

"You're Ms. Horikita?" her eyes looked surprised and her jaw opened.

"Yes I am. Is that a problem?" I said.

"No, Ma'am" she said stuttering. She quickly got off from her seat and headed to his door. She knocked twice before opening it and then she closed the door behind her.

"Sir, Ms. Horikita is here" Meisa said to Shota who had just finish signing some paper works for the company.

"Send her in, Meisa," he said turning his chair around to face the window. He could not believe that his step-brother, Osamu Mukai, had send one of his people to be in charge of the new art gallery exhibition.

He had heard so many things about her and that she had a child. However, he never saw any picture of her, so he'd imagine her to be an older woman like his brother age. The reason they had different last named was because they had different father. Mukai had kept his father last name, and Shota had kept his father last name. For the sake of their mother, the two decided to work with each other, combining their father's company. Mukai was in charge of the company in the State while he was in charge with the company in Japan.

"Ms. Horikita, I'm sorry but you're sister is not allowed to go with you" Meisa said stopping me from entering. "She's not my sister, she's my daughter" I corrected her and then entered the room.

"So you must be Horikita Maki," Shota said turning his chair around to face Maki. His jaw nearly dropped and his eyes widen at the image of Maki. He got up for his chair to greet her.

"Please take a seat," he said politely. I led Mizuki to the sofa and the PSP.

"Mommy, I'm thirsty" she said as I put the head set on her.

"What does she want to drink?" Shota said. "Orange Juice will be fine," I said to him. "And for you?" He said. "A water bottle will be fine". He told Meisa to get our drinks. I left Mizuki on the couch and sat in one of the chair infront of his desk. He had kept staring at him, which made me feel unease.

"Why do you stare at me? Do I have something on my face?" I said touching my face.

"No. No. No. I apologized for staring at you. It's just that I didn't you to look so young. May I ask how old are you?" He said shaking his head. "No, it's fine. I get a lot of that impression. I'm twenty and yes that's my daughter. I had her when I was fifteen" I said not ashamed.

"Wow, you were young when you had her," he said looking at Mizuki. "Why does that little girl looks so familiar to me?" He thought in his head.

"Yes, I was young. Now can we get back to business. Did you have the papers I need look at," I said.

"Oh yes of course" Shota said handing her the papers. Then, Meisa came in with the drinks. She opened the orange juice to Mizuki and then handed me my water.

"Mizuki, honey, don't spill. Mommy didn't bring an extra cloth for you to change into," I said pausing to look at her.

"So, what's your relationship with my step-brother" he asked.

"Sorry to be rude but I don't like talking about my personal life during work and I don't really know you that well," I said with my eyes on the paper. After that, he had stop asking question about my personal life and we talked about business.

I called Koji at the house, to come pick us up after the meeting was over and reminded him to bring the pink stroller since we where going to the out door shopping center.

Shota had offered a ride but I declined it, sensing that he had somewhere else to go.

"Are you sure, you don't want a ride?" He yelled out from his black lexus convertible car window.

"That's nice of you to ask, but my driver and grandparents are on their way here. Maybe next time and thank you so much for helping me" I said giving him a smile. "Ok, take care" He said and then drove away.

I was thankful that my grandparents came five minutes later because my foot started hurting after carrying Mizuki, in a four inch heels, for a very long time. She wouldn't let anyone carry her and talk to her after she had just woken up from her sleep.

"What's wrong with Mizuki," My grandmother asked as I got into the car. I tried putting her in her car seat but she just held on to me. "She just woke up so she a bit grouchy" I said as my hand ran down her head.

"You must be tired, here let me take her," My grandmother said trying to take her but Mizuki just grabbed on my shirt tighter and started to cry. "Mommy" she said crying.
"Machiko leave our Mizuki alone, you know how kids can get when they just get woken up," My grandfather said, who was sitting in the front seat beside Koji.
"Honey, Maki is tired and I want to hold my great grandchild," My grandmother said to him.

"It's okay grandma. I'm not tired at all and as for Mizuki, you'll have to wait till her grumpiness wears off" I said, shifting Mizuki to my right and positioning her head on my chest. I patted her head to make her stop crying.

We got to the outdoor shopping center around five-thirty in the afternoon. We waited for Koji as he parked the car in the station one. "Where are we going first?" My grandmother said anxiously as if she had never been here before. "Looks like your grandmother is more excited to be here than you are" My grandfather said teasing. "Grandma, you'll have to wait" I said putting my arms around her shoulder.

"Your grandpa and I haven't been to this shopping center since you left," My grandmother said sadly. "Honey, why are you bringing up the past" My grandfather said afraid that it would hurt me again.

"It's okay, grandpa. You should take grandma out more often instead of running the flower shop" I said smiling at him. My grandfather just chuckled and embrace me into a hug. "Koji is here" My grandmother said pulling me away.

I lead my grandparents and Koji to one of the best spa place in the city with the help of Masuda's secretary Meisa.

"My dear you shouldn't have," My grandmother said zestfully.

"Ms. Maki, I can't accept this" Koji said.

"How did you manage to get a reservation here? This Spa isn't open to anyone" My grandfather asked.

"Grandpa. Grandma. Koji. This is my treat for everything you've guys done for me in the past. This is a complimentary gift from my job so I decided to give you guys the best," I said from the bottom of my heart.

"Are you not going in with us?" My grandfather said.

"No, grandpa. While you guys are in there relaxing, I'm going to take Mizuki to see one of her godmother. She haven't seen Mizuki over a year now" I paused and then said "Don't worry, I won't get lost. She has her own department store around the corner from here,"

"Oh" he said. "You guys go in now. I'll come back in an hour or two to see if you guys are done. Afterward, we can eat out for dinner" I said hurrying them inside. Once they were inside, I took my leave and look for my best friend department store called "Be Mine". I dialed her number using my phone from the state.

"Best friend, I'm so happy you called. Why haven't you called in two weeks? How's Mizuki?" She said.

"Sorry for not calling you friend. I had my reason and as for Mizuki well being check for yourself?" I said giving her a hint.

"What are you talking about? Horikita Maki is my goddaughter okay?" She said in a alert tone.

"Ueto Aya, how can you not get my hint? Mizuki is doing good. We're standing outside of your building? Don't you want to see your goddaughter" I said.

"What!" Aya shouted out loud making all her employees stop and stare. Aya then hurried outside to see if her best friend was lying but she wasn't.

I stood there with a huge smile on my face as I saw my best friend Aya coming out of her store.

"Surprise! Best friend" I said hanging up on her.

"Best friend" Aya yelled out as she came running to embrace me.

Ueto Aya has been my best of friends since birth literally. My mother and her mother had been best friend for a long time. We lost contact with each other, when I came to live with my grandparents at the age seven. When I came back to the States pregnant, I found out from my mother that her family had moved away. I was sadden by the news.

However, we met up again during my freshman year of college. I was seventeen at that time when I saw her again. I also told her the truth about my daughter. I did not graduate like a normal high schooler but I did pass the standard of learning test that qualified me to get my GED dipolma. I went to school day and night. During the day I would take online classes, and during the night I would take night classes. I would be the youngest person in my class and the youngest to have a child. Only a few people know about Mizuki that's because my parents wanted to shield me from being look down by other people. Lucky for me, my father didn't pay any hospital expenses because the hospital he worked for had covered me for free. Both of my parents were thankful for their generosity.

I met my boss, Osamu Mukai during an art event at our college campus. He was twenty-four and I had just turned eighteen. I had dragged Aya with me that day and I was not a bit shocked to find out that Aya and him were closed friend. Aya was the type of person who made friends easily and very outgoing. The three of us were all majoring in Arts. Aya was more into fashion designing while Mukai and I were more into painting and sculpture. Mukai had his Master in Business and decided to go back to school for Arts. All three of us had graduated at the same time. I didn't know that he would end up being my boss when I applied to Everlasting Art Corps. Aya had kept that secret from me and then she move back to Japan to start her own line. I didn't get hired because I was friends with Mukai. When it come to work, Mukai becomes a different person. He does not mix personal matter with work related. He made me partner of the company six month ago. He knew that I was a mother when he hired me and it didn't bother him one bit.

"Oh my goodness! I miss you so much friend" Aya said after hugging me.

"I miss you too" I said.

"How's my precious god child" Aya said to Mizuki while unbuckling her and then taking Mizuki in her arms for a tight embrace and kisses.

"Mommy" Mizuki called out to me and trying to reach for me but Aya held her hands. "Your scaring her" I laughed.

"Mizuki, don't you remember mama Aya" she said slowly walking away with my daughter.

"Aya-chan! Where do you think you're going with my daughter?" I shouted at her back but she just kept on walk until she reach the tall two-side frame glass door like the one from a hotel where there would be a doorman waiting outside to open the door for you, except there's no door man. She pulled the door opened with one hand and then turn her head to look at me.

"I'm going to show off Mizuki to all my employees" she said sticking out her tongue at me then going inside.

"What a friend she is? Couldn't she at least opened the door for me since I had the stroller," I said talking to myself and trying to get the door to open.

As I got in the store, Aya was already showing off Mizuki to everyone. I got to admit, her shop was enormous like the one from San Francisco outlet mall.

"Did you really designed all this? I said touching every item in the store as I came near her.

"Ms. Aya, she's so pretty" one employee of her said.

"Of course she's pretty, she take's her looks after me" Aya said tickling Mizuki.

The employees became silence as they stared at her. One of workers had the courage to ask "Is she really your daughter?" but before Aya could reply, I made myself presence in the room by coughing out loud. "Can I help you with anything?" the same employee who asked her said to me in a polite way.

"No, I'm just here to take my daughter back?" I said blowing up Aya's cover.

"Maki-chan" she said giving me a nudge on the elbow. "Everyone, I like you to meet my best friend Horikita Maki. The mother of this child" she said without much enthusiasm. They lower their head at the same time and said "Nice to meet you Ma'am".

"The pleasure is all mine" I said uncomfortable as other customer stared.

"Aya how many floors is this?" I asked following her to the elevator and leaving Mizuki stroller behind for the employees to watch.

"Four. The first three floors are for the customers and the whole fourth floor is my work zone" she said pressing the button to the fourth floor, still carrying Mizuki. "Do you want me to take her? Mizuki has gotten a little bit heavier since you'd last seen her" I said offering to take Mizuki back but she decline.

When the elevator door opened, a tall slender lady with wavy hair step aside as Aya and I got out of the elevator.

"Ms. Aya I already ordered the fabic you need and the things we are out on. Is there anything else you would like me to do?" she said following us.

"As a matter of fact there is something you can do for me" Aya said as we entered her office.

"Haruka, this is my best friend Horikita Maki and this little cutie in my arms is my goddaughter Mizuki. Maki this is my assistance Ayase Haruka" Aya said with a quick introduction. We shook each other hand.

"Haruka, you cancel the package I was going to send to the States, if you haven't send it off yet. Secondly, can you take Mizuki to the second floor and let her play with any toys she wants," Aya said to her assistance.

"Aya, Mizuki has alot of toys to play with. I don't want her to end up being a spoiled brat" I said.

"Yes ma'am" she said trying to take Mizuki but she would let go.

"Mizuki, sweetie, can you go with the nice lady? Mama Aya don't want you to get bored while your mommy and I are talking. She's going to take you to a room full of toys" Aya said trying to convince her.

"Mommy" Mizuki said looking at me as if I was going to abandon her. "Honey, mommy isn't going any where. Be a good girl and listen to Mama Aya," I said instructing her to obey. Mizuki went to Aya's assistance Haruka.

"Haruka, don't let my god daughter out of your sight," Aya warned her before leaving. I made myself at home, taking off my shoes and putting them up on her marvelous European sofa. Aya handed me a cold can soft drink before sitting down herself.

"So, when did you two arrived Japan?" she asked opening her drink. "Last night" I said circling my fingers on the lid of the can.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have picked you guys up" Aya said. "Ah, if I told you then it wouldn't be a surprised" I said now opening my drinks.

"Oh right. Are you two staying in a hotel because if you are, you can stay at my place" Aya said.

"No, we're not staying in a hotel. I'm staying with my grandparents while I'm here," I said.

"What brings you to Japan? Wait! Your not here to look for Mizuki's father are you?" Aya asked. I was quiet for a moment and then said "Well, that's was the main reason but then Mukai had put me in charge with the new project that he and his step-brother are working on. Mukai couldn't come since he had to take care of other businesses but he will be here for the grand opening. He say hi." I said taking a sip from my drink.

"I can't believe Mukai didn't come with you. So, tell me friend. Did Mukai make any progress with you? Be honest." Aya said putting down her drink and poking her face up close to mine.

"Aya" I paused trying not to laugh and then slowly said "There's nothing going on between Mukai and I. We are just friends"

"Friends my " she said getting fussy. "I'm telling you the truth. Why would I lie to my best friend?" I said. "That Mukai! He's taking to slow to make a move on you," she said a bit annoyed.

"What are you talking about. Mukai doesn't like me like that" I said.

"But then again, you're slow to" she said sighing.

"I am not slow" I said being offended.

"I just don't understand Maki, a guy like Mukai show's up in your life and yet you're so blind not to see it. The guy had a major crush on you since college and yet you're still stuck to the father of your child which isn't even your husband. I would understand if Mizuki's father and you were married but you two weren't. What do you see in Mizuki's father that you don't see in Mukai? I mean Mukai is not bad looking for a guy, in fact he's way to good looking. In addition to his look, he's very successful with good family background. Lastly, he cares for you and Mizuki dearly. Do you know that every girl out there is dying to be in your spot right now?" Aya said in a lecture tone.

"Best, you know I don't think of Mukai like that. He's a very important friend to me and I don't want to ruined that friendship. As for Mizuki's father, I didn't come here to get back with him. I came here so that my daughter can see her father. I can't take that right from her" I said.

"That's clearly your faults. If you hadn't told her about him, she wouldn't even know. You could have told her that her father was dead but instead you would bring presents for your own daughter with his name on it. What were you thinking? For all we know, Mizuki might think that you two are married. Did you ever think of that? Aya said.

"Aya-chan, your overreacting. Mizuki wouldn't think that," I said looking around the room and avoiding her glare. "Just don't come running after me when I turn out to be right," Aya said.

"Since were on the topic on my ex, do you know any private detective that would help me find where Mizuki's father might be? Please" I said making a puppy face. "You know I hate when you do that. Oh alright," Aya said getting up from the sofa and headed to her desk searching for a card.

"Here, this is my cousin Hiraoka Yuta business card. When you see him, just tell him my name" she said handing me his card. "Thanks best friend," I said giving her a hug. 
My text message tone from my cellphone went off. Koji had text me saying that they were finished. I text him the direction where Aya's store was located. 
"Who's that?" Aya said.
"My driver. I treated my grandparents and him to a Spa for making up everything I did bad to them. Aya do you want to come to dinner with us?" I said inviting her.
"I don't know" Aya said making an unsure face. "Come on, Aya. You have to go for old time sake. It will be on me and you'll get to meet my grandparents" I said sounding joyful and shaking her arms.

"Okay, I'll go" Aya said in defeat.


First of all I wanted to thanks you guys for leaving me a comments. It makes me so happy as an author to know that people are reading this. Like I said before, I can't stop myself from writing this unlike Wings of An Angels. But don't worry I will still update my first fic, it's just taking me a while to write it. I guess I'm not inspired as much in writing my first fic than this one. You guys can thanks Maricris for that. I wish I could post her story up for you guys to read, but I would have to get her permission to do that. Like what Zing said, this fanfic has been playing in my head over and over again like a movie, that I just need to write and share with you all. As an author, I want you guys to feel and visualize what Maki's character and Yamapi's characters is going through. Because I lack details on my first fic, I decided to add more detail here but I hope I don't end up boring you guys. Remember every character I mentioned will have an important role for bring them together and pulling them apart.

Prepare yourselves for the rollercoaster ride for this drama. Oh sorry about the background. I'm still waiting for Maricris to make me one. *Again please no silent reader*

Copyrighted. © Laura 2009. All rights reserved.

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ohmygoddss! keiko is a !<br />
im soo sorry for mukai...and toma<br />
but both yamaki and mukai falled in love with her in 1 sight!<br />
even if i love yamaki....i love makiXmukai too....<br />
oh im soo coonfused!<br />
i dont know who to chose!<br />
please update soon!<br />
who is the cutest with maki i will shipp...even if i know she will stay wiwth p-chan in the end...<br />
*holding mukai as he cries*<br />
sorry i didnt review on the others 15 chaps...so engrossed on the fic...<br />
i love her!<br />
pleaseee update soon :D
akisan_sen #3
yay!!!! yamaki fanfics!!<br />
i'm waiting for an update ^^
SHEfan #4
HI thanks for the story really cool! Keep up the good work and support the YAMAKI FANFICS!! ther aren´t many of them anymore!! SOO keep writing YAMAKI stories PLEASE!! :)