Will You Still Love Me? Or Will You Hate Me?

After putting Mizuki to sleep and tiring to fall asleep but couldn't. She decided to take a walk at the park near her house. The park near her house was her comfort zone. This is where she did most of her thinking or when she want to be left alone. She sat on the swing thinking about the past and many unanswered question came in mind. 

I want you to know that I never stop thinking about you. Did you know how much you've hurt me when you left without saying goodbye. I maybe engage to Keiko but I don't love her. It's you that I loved. Please I'm asking you to give us a second chance to be a happy family.

End of flash back

Why doesn't he hates me? said Maki feeling horrible that all those years she thought he didn't love her was all a misunderstanding. After awhile she finally made up her mind that she would give him a second chance with little choices to chose from.

She left the park and headed back to the house to sleep.
As Keiko was heading out to see Yamapi play his basketball game for the company, her phone rang. It was her brother calling.

"Keiko-san why didn't you tell me?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Kitagawa told me all about it. Do you think you can hide something like that from me?"

"Yamapi ex's is in town and what worst is that she brought his daughter. I don't know what to do big brother. Yamapi doesn't love me big brother. He was only force by his parents to marry me."

"Nonsense sis, I'll talk to Yamapi"

*He will be your sis, don't worry big brother will take care of it.*

"You don't have to I'll deal with it. I'll find my own ways"

As the game was about to begin, Keiko brother pulled Yamapi aside for a talk. Keiko watched his brother and Yamapi talking in the corner.

"You know my sister has been with you all this time. Are you really going to chose your ex over my sister?"

"What if I am? This got nothing to do with you?"

"It does because if you end it with my sister everything you have will disappear right before your eyes. I'll make sure of that"

"Is that a threat?"

"No I like you as a brother in law. You will have to chose, you can't have them both"

His brother then waved at Keiko with a smile on his face while Yamapi went into a concentrated mode.

"Chose wisely" said Keiko brother before putting him in.

Throughout the game Yamapi was not in focus and Keiko could see that because she had watch him play and he would alway bring home the winning trophy. She didn't like the way he was playing and got so annoyed that she stand up from the stand and called him out when he was about to make a basket.


He turned around to looked at her.

"Are you trying to lose the game on purpose? This is not like you. Is it because of her and your daughter? Why are you doing this to me? I've been waiting all this time for you to love me back. Is it that hard for you to love me?" yelled Keiko.

Yamapi heard every single word and was pissed at himself. He remembered everything she did for him even though he was treating her bad. He was horrible to her and deep down she deserved better than him.

He started to play the game for real and won the game but before he could go to Keiko she was gone.

A/N: So what do you guys think of this so far? Who will Yamapi chose? I'm thinking about replacing the poster and finding someone to make me another one with Mukai and Keiko in it.
Copyrighted. © Laura 2009. All rights reserved.

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ohmygoddss! keiko is a !<br />
im soo sorry for mukai...and toma<br />
but both yamaki and mukai falled in love with her in 1 sight!<br />
even if i love yamaki....i love makiXmukai too....<br />
oh im soo coonfused!<br />
i dont know who to chose!<br />
please update soon!<br />
who is the cutest with maki i will shipp...even if i know she will stay wiwth p-chan in the end...<br />
*holding mukai as he cries*<br />
sorry i didnt review on the others 15 chaps...so engrossed on the fic...<br />
i love her!<br />
pleaseee update soon :D
akisan_sen #3
yay!!!! yamaki fanfics!!<br />
i'm waiting for an update ^^
SHEfan #4
HI thanks for the story really cool! Keep up the good work and support the YAMAKI FANFICS!! ther aren´t many of them anymore!! SOO keep writing YAMAKI stories PLEASE!! :)