Will You Still Love Me? Or Will You Hate Me?

Waking up in the same room five years ago brings back alot of old memories. I was the only one sent to live with my grandparents at the age seven. My father is surgeon and my mother is a nurse (A/N: Maki's parents are the parents from Hana Kimi). I have one older brother named Seji (Maki's brother from Innocent love), who live up to my parents expectation.

I was the total opposite from him.

I guess I got my stubborness from my father, but my looks from my mother.

I'm no genius like my parents and Seji but I'm not that dumb neither.

I'm just average like a normal person.

I studied hard to get a good grades just to make my father proud.

Society looks at my family as a perfect family but honestly my family isn't perfect as you think. It's more of a broken one.

Have you ever seen a window glass being made to fit the exact measurement like the one in your house. How the edges of the glass needs to be perfect, just so it can go into place.


Let's say that the window breaks, those shattered pieces represent my life. Behind closed door, my father and my mother would argue alot to the extent where my mother wants to divorce my dad.

Of course, my grandparents would not allow that to happen.


My brother had his own problem to deal with while I was left alone to deal with my parents problem. I sometime blame myself for their arguing, that is why I tried so hard to change.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my family for being they way they are.

My grandparents knew the situation at home, and offered to take me in their care.


That my parents could work out their marriage.

My grandma and grandpa are the sweetest couple, I've seen in my life. They had showered me with so many affection that I did not get from my parents.

They were the best grandparents a kid could ask for, in my opinion.

Although they never showed any disappointment in me, but I knew I had let them down when I told them I was pregnant at the age fifteen.

What grandparent would not be disappointed?

They did not force marriage upon us because they believed that marriage should be sacred and should be shared with the one we love. Though, my parents thought differently.

When everybody thought I was perfect, you were the only one saw my imperfectionist, as I saw yours.

Our personality were a total opposite from each other.

You were label as "Popular" while I on the other hand tried not to shine as much. I've never thought I would fall for someone like you. You weren't even my type.

I guess I was wrong and you know what they say opposite do attract.

When I thought my world had shattered into pieces, Mizuki had put things in their place. My mother and father had stop fighting and my brother's problem had been resolved.

Maybe things are meant to be broken, so that later the pieces can fall into place.

I laid in bed for a couple of minutes as my eyes wondered around my bedroom. It's exactly the same as five years ago. Not one furniture had been moved from my room.

I began to frown as I thought about my grandparents. The day I left, must have been excruciating for them. I never considered their feeling back then.

"Are you going to sleep all day?" My grandmother said opening my door. I slowly got up from my bed and stretched my arms. "Lunch is ready," she said. There was a smile on her face as she looked at me.

"Grandma" I paused.

"Your grandfather and I left your room exactly the way it is, just incase you come back" she said smiling. 

"I'm sorry" I said looking at the floor.

"Sorry for what" She said so delicately, walking close to me.

"I'm sorry for causing so much trouble for you and grandpa" I said with an upside smile.

"My dear grandchild, you were never causing any trouble for us. It's your mother that we blame " she said lifting up my chin. My grandmother had always known how to cheer me up. "Oh Grandma" I said in a childish tone.

My grandma exited my bedroom and headed back downstairs to the kitchen. I took a shower, brush my teeth and then headed down stair all dress for today. "Grandma, where's Mizuki" I asked looking for her in every room.

"Mizuki went with your grandfather to the flower shop. He could not wait to show everyone your daughter. They should be on the way back soon" My grandmother paused to look at me "Why are you dress up? Are you meeting someone"

"Yes, grandma. I need to meet with my assistance for a couple of hours. I was hoping if you could watch Mizuki for me. It will only be quick," I said helping her set the table. "What other reason did you come here for? You didnt come here to visit us did you?" She gave me a glare.

"That's not true grandma. I miss you guys so much. It's just that my boss wanted me to check out the new art gallery that he invested on. I'm responsible for the grand opening, so I have to make it perfect" I said embracing her from behind and laying my head on her shoulder. This always does the trick.

"Oh alright" My grandmother said giving in. I let go of her and sat down on the floor (Japanese style). "Maki, about last night?" My grandmother had change the topic. "What about last night?" I said holding my chopstick out.

"Do you really want Mizuki to meet her father?" She said in a worry tone.

"Grandma, as much I hate the idea I just can't take that rights from her. Mizuki want to see her dad" I said wetting my chopstick before I eat. "Are you sure your doing it for Mizuki sake or for your sake?" My grandmother said observing me.

"What are you talking about?" I said looking up at her.

"You darn well know, what I'm talking about. Your grandpa and I are not that stupid. Have you thought out this plan lucidly? Did you think about the consequence of your daughter meeting her father? What if Tomohisa want to take her away from you?" My grandmother said getting all worked up for. 

"Grandma, you know I don't think of you guys that way. I'm not the same Maki I was five years ago. Just have faith in me, will you? Plus, Yamapi would never take her away from me and if he does I won't let that happen" I said calmly.

"He can still file custody of her and if he does, it will only complicate you life. Are you going to risk that? Or are you just using Mizuki as an excuse to see him?" She said trying to read my face.

I chuckled at what she said. "Grandma, why would I use my own daughter to see Yamapi? I can see him anytime I want. If he does file custody of Mizuki, then I guess I have to move back here but that doesn't mean I would lose my job" I said carefree.

"You still love him, don't you? Tell me the truth Maki" she said in a serious but caring tone. "I have no feeling what-so-ever for him," I said keeping a straight face so that she wouldn't notice. Apparently, I failed.

"I knew you would say that. You know grandpa and I can tell if you're being untruthful. I just want you to know darling, that whatever you decide, your grandpa and I will support you all the way. We don't want to see you get hurt" she said taking my hands in hers.

"I know" I said assuring her that I'd be okay.

"Machiko, Maki we're back" My grandfather shouted. Mizuki came in running in the hall way with her shoe still on shouting "Mommy, where are you?."

"We're in the kitchen Jun," My grandmother yelled. "Mizuki, honey, I'm in the kitchen" I called out to her. The next thing I knew, she came running to embrace me. "Mommy, guess what?" she said in her high pitch tone and her arms still around my neck.

"What?" I said acting all surprised. "Grandpa took me to the flower shop and I saw alot of pretty flowers" she said. "Oh really," I said. "Yep" Mizuki nodding her head. At that moment, I just wanted to pinch her little chubby cheek.

"So did you bring back flowers for grandma and mommy?" I said as I planted kisses on her cheek. "Mommy, that tickles" she giggled as she tried to push me away but I held on to her. "Grandpa has the flowers" she said in between her laughter.

My grandparents stared at us with a smile on their face. "Gosh it's good to hear a child laughing in this house again" My grandfather said. "I know what you mean," My grandmother agreed with him.

"Maki stop tickling my great granddaughter. That poor thing must be hungry," My grandmother said taking Mizuki away from me.

"Maki-chan are you going somewhere," My grandfather asked after he'd put the flower in the violet glass vase with water.

"Yes, honey. Maki's boss wants her to meet the assistance that is going to help her on the art gallery exhibition. They put her in charge" My grandmother responded for me. He sat down on the floor with us.

"Mizuki, don't you know it's rude to have your shoe on. We're not in the States," I said taking off her shoe, while she sat in my grandmother laps.

"It's okay, Maki. She can do whatever she wants" My grandmother said.

It felt really nice eating lunch with my grandparents again. After we finish eating lunch, my grandfather called our driver Koji (A/N: the same person from Wings of An Angels) to take me.

"Mommy, I don't want you to go" said Mizuki runing after me. Tears running down her face. "Mizuki, honey stop crying. You know mommy hates it when you cry. Mommy will be back before you know it," I said rubbing her tears away.

"Mommy! I don't want to stay here. I want to go with you" she said crying even louder. " Sweetie, just take Mizuki with you" My grandfather said along with my grandmother.

"Oh alright. Mommy will take you but first let change your cloth, since it's dirty" I said taking off my shoe and running to my bedroom to get her cloths and put her PSP in my black prada bag along with her movies. I put a red with white floral patterns dress on her and a matching shoes. I retied her hair into a pony tail and wipe her face with a wet face towel, so it didn't look like she cried. I was running late for my appointment, as Koji fixed her car seat in the back. I made sure Mizuki was safely buckled in her seat before buckling up myself.

"Where to Ms. Maki" Koji asked. "Do you know where the Momo Arts Corps. is located, I need to go there," I said. "Yes, Ms. Maki" he said. "Can you drive fast, I'm late for an important meeting," I said. I took out the white PSP for Mizuki and put on a movie for her to watch. Then I took out my cellphone and called the office.

"Momo Arts Corps, this is Kuroki Meisa speaking. How may I help you?"

"May I talk to Masuda Shota?" I said.

"Yes, may I ask who's calling?"

"Can you tell him that this is Horikita Maki from Everlasting Arts Corps,"

"Please hold one moment," I began tapping on my window as she put me on hold.

"Ms. Horikita are you still on the line,"

"Yes" I said.

"I'm going to transfer your call to him, please stay on the line" a beeping sound went on.

"This is Masuda Shota speaking how are you Ms. Horikita?"

"I'm doing good. I apologized for my tardiness. I should be at your office in ten to fifteen minutes," I said.

"Dont worry about it Ms. Horikita. Just take your time, I'm not going anywhere,"

"Thank you for being so understanding. I promised I won't be late," I said to him.

"I'll see you soon" and then we both hanged up.



Please comments the story. If anyone is lost or confused tell me. The plot of this story is going to be complicated and you'll understand more once the story progress. There will be other characters in here but it will be mostly Maki and Yamapi.

@ Esmeralda: 
Yes, Yamapi is engaged in this fic, which makes it more a little interesting. Please dont stop commenting I love reading your comments.

@ Zing:
This story is exactly like you said. I had this story playing in my mind that I just need to write down.

@ lilaznxbebe:
Thanks you for commenting. I hope you don't stop.

I kindly ask those who are silently reading please don't be silence. The more comments I get the faster I updates.

Copyrighted. © Laura 2009. All rights reserved.

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ohmygoddss! keiko is a !<br />
im soo sorry for mukai...and toma<br />
but both yamaki and mukai falled in love with her in 1 sight!<br />
even if i love yamaki....i love makiXmukai too....<br />
oh im soo coonfused!<br />
i dont know who to chose!<br />
please update soon!<br />
who is the cutest with maki i will shipp...even if i know she will stay wiwth p-chan in the end...<br />
*holding mukai as he cries*<br />
sorry i didnt review on the others 15 chaps...so engrossed on the fic...<br />
i love her!<br />
pleaseee update soon :D
akisan_sen #3
yay!!!! yamaki fanfics!!<br />
i'm waiting for an update ^^
SHEfan #4
HI thanks for the story really cool! Keep up the good work and support the YAMAKI FANFICS!! ther aren´t many of them anymore!! SOO keep writing YAMAKI stories PLEASE!! :)