Will You Still Love Me? Or Will You Hate Me?

Maki woke up feeling refresh for some reason. She got up early to cook breakfast for her grandparent and her daughter. This was the very first time she cooked since she got home. Usually the maid would handle everything and she would still be in bed sleeping.

"What are you doing up so early?" Her grandmother said. Her grandfather looked at her and remained silence, he knew where this would end up going.

"I'm going to check on the plants" he said leaving the kitchen. This was his way of avoiding the situation and Maki knew that for sure.

"Good morning mommy. You should sit down grandma. Mommy cooking is delicious" said Mizuki pulling her grandmother to sit down.

"Why thank you honey" said Maki with a smile and Mizuki giggling.

"Since when did you learn how to cook?" said her grandmother

"Mommy always cook when we were in america" Mizuki replied for her mother.

"Soka" said her grandmother.

"Who did you prepare those food there? said her grandmother noticing the container

"I made them for Yamapi" said Maki. Her grandmother knew what was up after hearing her say his name like before.

"Maki-chan" said her grandmother who didn't like the idea of them moving out especially when her husband over heard their conversation.

"Yes, grandma?" said Maki looking at her. Her grandmother just nodded never mind to her and continue eating with Mizuki.
After the game, Yamapi looked all over for Keiko but she was no where in sight. It took two hours to finally find her. Keiko didn't want to see him because her heart was aching. She watched him out of her window with a basketball in his hand. She knew he was hungry from the game and that he had search for her after hearing it from her brother. She got food out from her refrigerator and went down to give it to him. She was happy that he worried for her.

"Here" she said handing him a sandwich. Yamapi took it from her hand. She smiled at him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you the truth" said Yamapi.

"No, it's not your fault. I already knew the truth ever since we were engaged" said Keiko.

"You knew?" said Yamapi looking at her as he ate.

"Yes, from the very first moment I met you. I had done a background check on you but I didn't know that she would come back" said Keiko.

"Why did you bother sticking with me?" Yamapi asked.

"I fell in love with you, I thought I could make you happy" said Keiko.

They both talked about their past.


Meanwhile Maki left the house with the food planning on surprising Yamapi. She was very excited to give him her answer and was happy that maybe it was another chance for them to be together and make up for the time they lost. When she arrived at his place, she heard his voice coming from the back. She followed it, only to find him sitting with Keiko eating and laughing.

After seeing Yamapi and Keiko together, the container filled with food that she had cooked for him had slip through her fingers. Maki's heart was torn into pieces with the feeling of betrayal and foolish in believing in his words. Tears rolled down her face nonstop. All those feeling that she had once forgot came back to her. She covered and cried silently as leaned against the wall to support her balance.

Yamapi on the other hand thought he saw Maki but when he looked again she disappeared.

Maki got herself together and started to walk away slowly while Yamapi was with Keiko still.

Maki POV

I find myself crying again to the father of my child. To think that he had feeling for me still was a foolish thing to do. Why did I ever came back? Why could I tell my own daughter that her father died like everyone else. I don't know who to turn to. I can't go home and face my daughter. I can't go to my bestfriend Aya since she would just tell me I told you so. I find myself walking like a zombie through town. I should have buried my feeling for Yamapi along time ago but why does my heart ache for him. Why am I so gullible to be by his side?

End of POV

Unexpectedly Maki's cellphone rang. She looked at her phone to see who was calling her, at first she thought it was Yamapi but her phone did not recognized the number. When she picked it up, she recognized the voice instantly.

"Hello" said Maki

"Maki-chan, is something wrong" said Mukai noticing the sound of her voice.

"Mukai! Is that really you? No nothing wrong" said Maki clearing up her voice.

"Maki-chan you can't lie to me. I can tell from you voice" said Mukai getting upset.

"Why does it matter to you? You left without even saying goodbye" said Maki as a joke but Mukai took it seriously

"I left because of the company. Are you coming back with me? I mean have you taken care of what you need to do here"said Mukai.

"Not quite yet. Why are you up so early in the morning?" said Maki thinking he was in america.

"What do you mean? I'm outside your house waiting for you to get back. I called earlier but your grandmother said you weren't home. So I waited for you" said Mukai.

"EH! Are you crazy? Wait you're in Japan? Why?" said Maki.

*Yes, I'm crazy in love with you. I had to see your face* Mukai wanted to say but instead he said "Ano...I have business to take care of here myself. So are you going to make me wait for you all night"

"I'm on my way" said Maki then she hanged up and ran straight home. Hearing Mukai voice made her feel a bit happier for some reason. She had to see him.

When she got there, she couldn't believe her eyes.


"Yo" said Mukai.

A/N: Thank You Zing for commenting regularly. So how was the chapter? Find out what happens next on the next chapter with Mukai being back. Who will Maki chose and what evil plan does Keiko have in mind. hehe :) Stay tuned for more

Copyrighted. © Laura 2009. All rights reserved.


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ohmygoddss! keiko is a !<br />
im soo sorry for mukai...and toma<br />
but both yamaki and mukai falled in love with her in 1 sight!<br />
even if i love yamaki....i love makiXmukai too....<br />
oh im soo coonfused!<br />
i dont know who to chose!<br />
please update soon!<br />
who is the cutest with maki i will shipp...even if i know she will stay wiwth p-chan in the end...<br />
*holding mukai as he cries*<br />
sorry i didnt review on the others 15 chaps...so engrossed on the fic...<br />
i love her!<br />
pleaseee update soon :D
akisan_sen #3
yay!!!! yamaki fanfics!!<br />
i'm waiting for an update ^^
SHEfan #4
HI thanks for the story really cool! Keep up the good work and support the YAMAKI FANFICS!! ther aren´t many of them anymore!! SOO keep writing YAMAKI stories PLEASE!! :)