Will You Still Love Me? Or Will You Hate Me?

Maki spent the whole day with Aya and got free clothing since her cloth was wet from earlier and totally forgot the time. Meanwhile Yamapi decided to go see his daughter at Maki's grandparents house where he had drop them off. He remembered the place because he would always walk Maki home back in the days. Pi parked his car to the side of the house. He then got out of his car and walk toward the front gate to knock. He adjusted himself before knocking.

"Did Maki forget her keys?" Her grandmother said to her dear husband.

"I'll get it grandpa" said Mizuki getting up and heading to the door.

"Mo..Daddy! You came"said Mizuki squealed. Yamapi picked up his daughter off the floor for a big hugged. He took off his shoes while Mizuki was still in his arms.

"Tomohisa" Mizuki's grandma said. Mizuki's grandpa decided to get up and leave without greeting Yamapi. Yamapi bowed his head to them to show them respect but he knew Maki's grandfather hated him after what he had done.


"Please be good to my granddaughter. Maki is my only granddaughter and for the first time in years, she has been happy." Maki's grandfather said bowing to him.

"Hai" Yamapi replied.

End of Flashback

"Why don't you have a seat?" Mizuki's grandmother said being polite.

"Is Maki around?" Yamapi asked.

"Mommy been out all day, daddy" Mizuki replied before her grandmother said anything.

"Soka (I see)" Yamapi said.

"Maki had to take care of business but she hasn't been back since noon. Do you want anything to drink?" Mizuki's grandmother said. Yamapi then remember that Maki had met up with him during noon.

"I'll have water" Yamapi said.

Thirty minutes later, Maki had finally went home. She didn't noticed Yamapi's car parked outside.

"I'm home" said Maki as she enter the house taking off her shoes.

"Mommy" said Mizuki zestfully as she ran toward her mother to greet her. Pi smiled at her daughter and followed her. Maki gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek not realizing that Pi was staring at them.

"What are you doing here" Maki said as she noticed him but before he replied Mizuki replied.

"Daddy's going to take us home Mommy" said Mizuki in her cheerful voice.

"EH!" Maki's eyes went wide.

"honey, mommy needs to talk to daddy. Grandma can you take Mizuki" Maki said getting up and then taking a hold of Pi hand dragging him outside. This made Pi more happy.

"Nande (Why) did you tell Miizuki that your going to take us to live with you? You can't promise her that" yelled Maki.

"Who said I can't. She is my daughter and don't forget its you who made her like that" said Yamapi.

"What do you mean?" said Maki.

"Mizuki thinks were married. For god sake Maki our daughter wants us to be a family even if you don't agree to it. I will fight for custody of her after all those years you took away from me and my daughter I think the judge will favor in my side" said Yamapi as a threat. Yamapi walk toward his car to get the paperworks from the lawyers.

"You can't do that to me. Do you know what this will do to Mizuki if you take this to court? You'll ruined your daughter." said Maki looking at the paper works in his hand.

"I'll let you chose. We can pretend to be a family infront of Mizuki or will let the judge decide who will Mizuki stay with" said Yamapi.

"What about Keiko, your fiancee? Does she know what your doing? said Maki.

"This got nothing to do with her and why are you avoiding the subject" Pi said. *Is it that hard to be with me? Do you really hate that much*

"I'm not trying to change the subject. It's just...ano?" Maki mumbled.

"I want you to know that I never stop thinking about you. Did you know how much you've hurt me when you left without saying goodbye. I maybe engage to Keiko but I don't love her. It's you that I loved. Please I'm asking you to give us a second chance to be a happy family" said Yamapi with watery eyes.

His words struck her like thunder.

"Let me think about this tonight. I'll give you an tomorrow" said Maki stepping away from him and going back inside.

Yamapi followed her inside to say goodnight to his daughter. Mizuki didn't understand why they weren't going home with him.

"Tomorrow" said Yamapi.

"Promise daddy" Mizuki said.

"Promise" said Yamapi with a smile. Maki could hear every single word they said and it tore her into pieces.

A/N: Enjoy. Don't hesitate to comment...please this way it can give me ideas for this stories. I thank zing and jsmilez for always commenting. I really get inspired reading ur comments. I know its been a while since i started uploading chapters.

Copyrighted. © Laura 2009. All rights reserved.


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ohmygoddss! keiko is a !<br />
im soo sorry for mukai...and toma<br />
but both yamaki and mukai falled in love with her in 1 sight!<br />
even if i love yamaki....i love makiXmukai too....<br />
oh im soo coonfused!<br />
i dont know who to chose!<br />
please update soon!<br />
who is the cutest with maki i will shipp...even if i know she will stay wiwth p-chan in the end...<br />
*holding mukai as he cries*<br />
sorry i didnt review on the others 15 engrossed on the fic...<br />
i love her!<br />
pleaseee update soon :D
akisan_sen #3
yay!!!! yamaki fanfics!!<br />
i'm waiting for an update ^^
SHEfan #4
HI thanks for the story really cool! Keep up the good work and support the YAMAKI FANFICS!! ther aren´t many of them anymore!! SOO keep writing YAMAKI stories PLEASE!! :)