Will You Still Love Me? Or Will You Hate Me?

Yamapi POV

There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you.


Today, my eyes merely played a trick on me


Was it really you that I had seen at the airport?

If I had only filled out my Custom Form like I should,

I'd probably could have gotten a better view.


Then again, the lady I saw could not have been you.

First of all, you would never cut your hair that short as I remember you telling me that you love your hair long,

Second, the way she dress is more sophisticated, more matured not that I'm saying you can't be

Lastly, she had a little girl in the pink stroller asleep.

If only I had gotten a better view of her, but she disappeared through the crowd of people.

"Yamapi" a familiar voice called out to me.

"Keiko, what are you doing here" I asked, while searching for the lady who resemble you.

"I came to see my fiancé" Keiko said blushing and then she held onto my arms.

Keiko Kitagawa is the girl that my parents had picked out for me to marry even though I did not like the idea. I couldn't see myself with anyone else except with you.

I told her so many times, that I had someone already in my heart.


She still insisted to go along with my parents which left me no choice.

"You didn't have to come and see me," I said removing her hand from my arms.

I tried to get rid of her, but she just tagged along like a puppy. Every where I went, she would be there.

Sitting in the back with Keiko still clinging on to me, I drift thinking of you.

It's been five years since you left without even saying a word.

The day you said you were pregnant, I took it as a prank.

I didn't think you were serious and thought that you were acting a bits strange.

My friends suggested to give you space so I gave you space.


I did not expect you to leave me like that.

You being pregnant didn't hit me until your cousin Mao came looking for me.

It was the same day, you got on that plane and left.

"Tomohisa, you jerk. How could you just let Maki walk out on you?" Mao shouted as she barraged into my cousin Jun's place.

"What are you talking about?" I said bluntly.

"Maki got on the plane because of you. She pregnant with you child" Mao punch me on the chest.

"Maki's pregnant?" my buddy Ryo said.

"Yamapi's going to be a father" my other buddy Jin said.

"Your joking right?" I said pale as a ghost.

"Why would I be joking on some matter like this" said Mao who had been crying nonstop since Maki went on board.

"Where did Maki go?" my cousin Jun asked her.

"She went back to the States. Maki doesn't know I came here. I just couldn't resist to see Yamapi's face. I hope your happy" Mao gave me the I'm going to kill you look and then storm out.

I chased after her, begging to give me your address in the States but she didn't give it to me. None of your friends wouldn't give me your address.

I gave up searching for you as years passed. Your cousin Mao never told me the gender of our child all she told me is that you gave birth to a healthy baby and that there was no complication during your labor.

When I'm feeling down or lonely I'd take out an old picture of us together.

I wonder what our child look like.

"Is it a boy?"

"Is it a girl?" 

And then I ponder about your well being.

Unanswered question that formulated in my mind over times that I've always wanted to ask you.

"Whose taking care of you?"

"Are you eating well?"

and so on.

I've lost my right to loving you and our child. You'd probably thought I only played with your emotion and use your body.

Which isn't true. I really did care for you and I always have.

If only you'd given me a chance...


I got inspired in writing this from one of Maricris fanfic called "Why Is It You" a yamaki story. My sister Kelly had send me a copy of her script although its not finish. The idea came from that and from the taiwanese drama "Fated to Love You". I can't stop writing this fic for some reason so it will probably be updated more than Wings of An Angels.


Copyrighted. © Laura 2009. All rights reserved.

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ohmygoddss! keiko is a !<br />
im soo sorry for mukai...and toma<br />
but both yamaki and mukai falled in love with her in 1 sight!<br />
even if i love yamaki....i love makiXmukai too....<br />
oh im soo coonfused!<br />
i dont know who to chose!<br />
please update soon!<br />
who is the cutest with maki i will shipp...even if i know she will stay wiwth p-chan in the end...<br />
*holding mukai as he cries*<br />
sorry i didnt review on the others 15 chaps...so engrossed on the fic...<br />
i love her!<br />
pleaseee update soon :D
akisan_sen #3
yay!!!! yamaki fanfics!!<br />
i'm waiting for an update ^^
SHEfan #4
HI thanks for the story really cool! Keep up the good work and support the YAMAKI FANFICS!! ther aren´t many of them anymore!! SOO keep writing YAMAKI stories PLEASE!! :)