Bonus Level

Rock Ur Body


Leo's POV 
We walk inside, I see two chairs in the front. Our names in each of them, I sit on the one with my name and Ken does the same. We look around. Ken turns to me. 
"What do you think this round will be?" I shrug my shoulders not looking at him, the screen lights up pink. 
'Players! Welcome to the bonus round!" I look up and it says bonus round, the screen turns black again. I look nowhere particular. 
'In this round you'll be answering questions. About each other or of just you.' This game, I swear it like it just wants to make it awkward. 
'Theres no consequences, but you have to answer each question till the end. Enjoy! Now lets begin!' I sit straight. 
'Leo, when did you meet Ken?' So questions of Ken first. 
"I met Jaehwan, first day of college. Roommates." I remember that day so clearly, him bursting in, with his stupid "I'm finally here! Oootokaji? College!" Then I turned to him from my unpacking and glared at him. "Move! Now!" I screamed, good times.
'Ken, what did you first think of Leo?' I slightly turn to see him. Kind of curious, real curious. 
"Jerk. Cold hearted, bad, cold, mean, rude, anything you could think of as being mean, and a jerk. But most of all....incapable of love......." I snap my head towards him, my eyes widen. What did he say? I roll my eyes, it's not that I'm incapable. I just don't need it. 
'Leo, what was the first thing you though of Ken?' I smirk. 
"Annoying, too bubbly, childish, loud, weird, anything you could think of as annoying.' I hear a huff. I turn slightly to see Ken, he's slightly pouting. I slightly laugh, not enough for him to hear me. Still fun to mess with him and, Still cute, wait what? 
'Ken, what was the first conversation you and Leo had?' I hear scuff. 
"Move out! Now! He said, we were fighting. First day of school, he didn't want me as a roommate so we fought with words. Childish though. I mean he should of known he was going to have to share." I snap my head towards him, I glare at him. He smirks, then turns away.
'Leo, what do you look in a guy or girl?'  My cheeks start to burn, how do I say this. 
"I'm not answering this.." I look down at my hands. Ken turns to me. 
"You have to! We have to get out idiot!" I snap my head towards Ken and glare at him. 
'You have to answer Leo.' I look up at the screen, I sigh.
"Fine, I look in a guy or girl that's responsible. Understanding, sweet, nice, clean, organized, well, isn't rude, but can defend himself." I hear a scuff. I turn to Ken, this is for you Ken.  Annoying brat. Wait why is this for him? 
'Ken, what do you look in a guy or girl?' My ear perks up, I shift uncontrollably in my seat. I am so curious, but why I'm I? Why do I even care? I cross my leg over the right and place my hand on top of it, under my chin, resting on it. Why do I care so much! I can't. He hums.
"In a guy I look in him is, that is respectful, not degrading,  caring, love able, cares not only about himself but me, loves me, cuddles me...." I hear him start to grit his teeth, my ears truly perk up. He continues. 
"That's not rude, not a jerk, isn't rude, doesn't shut me out, opens up, doesn't yell at me when I do something that means true intentions.......someone that understands my love.......someone who I can't help but like..........that I can't help but like for seven years........."I hear sobs, my head slightly turns to him. My eyes widen, he's crying. I panic, what do I do? It's like his fish all over. 
"Jae-Jaehwan......" He looks at me, he bites his lip than looks away. Why is he-? Realization hit in, "doesn't yell at me when I do something that means true intentions," I've done that before. 
"Hyung! Look what I made!" I look around my half space of the room, he moved my bed far from the window, my desk was next to my bed, the drawer was now next to the window. Everything was shifted, I look over to him who was smiling. I glare at him. 
"Who gave you permission to move my stuff Lee Jaehwan! Move it back!" He frowns. 
"But I did it for you! You kept complaining how the sun hurt your eyes every morning!" I look at him in disbelief, how did he know that? Is he paying attention? I shrug it off. He cant touch my things, it nice gesture but he should of asked. 
"That doesn't matter to you Jaehwan! Now move my things back!" He pouts. 
"But hyung!" I glare at him harder. 
"No buts Lee Jaehwan. I want it fixed now!" I say as I leave the room and slam the door, all I hear before I leave though is;
"Stupid jerk!" I roll my eyes and leave to the living room.
I stare at Jaehwan who covers his face with his hands, he continues to cry. Again realization, "someone who doesn't shut me out". 
"Hyung! What is it! Hyung!" I look at Jaehwan and glare at him, he's so annoying. 
"Leave me alone." I walk inside our room, he comes in behind me.
"Hyung! You looked shocked!" I nod. 
"I am, now get to your side of the room!" He pouts.
"Hyung! What is it!" I glare at him.
"No! Your so annoying! Leave!" I yell as I lay down on my bed. 
"Jerk!" He huffs
I stare at him, blinking profusely. Another flashback comes in, "opens up".
"Taekwoon hyung! Guess what?" I turn to Ken, and tilt my head. 
"What so you want?" He smiles.
"I like Chopper." He grins, I roll my eyes. 
"Was that it?" He pouts. 
"Your supposed to tell me something of you now." I glare at him.
"Why would I?" He frowns.
"Because it's a new game I invented, called Get to know Taekwoon hyung better." I stand and walk to the door.
"Hey! Where are you going?" I turn to him then leave.
"Living room." I close the door behind me. 
"Jerk!" I hea
"Jae-Jaehwan..." He snaps his head up to me. 
"Don't even say anything. Please. You don't, feel the same so, spare me this humiliation." I look at him shocked, I slowly nod and turn foreword. He liked, no. He likes me, since when. Seven years, seven years, when I was a sophomore and he was a freshman. How come I didn't notice, why I'm I so clueless. He starts to hiccup and my fist clench on my jeans, this is all your fault Ken. This is all your fault for breaking down, you weren't supposed to. You should of holded the feeling inside, jerk. 
"I wasn't going to say anything anyways, Jaehwan...." I look down, he snaps his head towards me. 
"Don't lie Taekwoon. I know you." I shake my head. 
"Whatever you say." He nods, mintues pass of silence, he then looks at me. 
"Forget all this." I snap my head towards him. 
"What?" He removes his tears from his yes and face. 
"Forget all of this, what you fourth out today. Forget it." I open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off.
"Please. Forget." I close my mouth and nod, I turn away. Biting my lip, and holding back some tears back, it seems. Forget, I can't.
'Bonus pass! Onto the next level!' We stand up, and walk to the platform in silence. I see Ken holding his hand looking down, how could he ask me to forget. I can't, no it's not that I can't. I just.
I don't want to forget.

lol did anyone get My Hunger Games reference? No oh okay, we'll its the I don't want to forget at the end, I'm a major Kpop fan, STARLIGHT, But I'm also a Hunger Gamer. I'm so excited for Catching Gire oh my Leo!! But anyways drama, drama everywhere. Don't worry this is the only drama, well except for later. Muahaha. I'm still in Mexico and I'm in another city with my unt and her husbands on house and she has wifi. Good thing I brought to iPad. Woot. So seven years, Ken hs liked Leo. Leo found out. Snap. I a happy becasue i get to see VIXX's live performences, like when i eard the video came ut i went to an internet cafe, and i spaazed and scarrred the manager. lol. So yeah tell me what you thought? Liked, disliked?

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Please read chapter 5: I added something to the end note, please.


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Loveiscomplicated #1
Chapter 15: OMG it was awesome!!! I love Keo, thanks for the amazing story <3
Chapter 15: Loved it tho I thought Ken was gonna die u almost cried ah . Great story :)
Chapter 10: This chapter tho omg I was listening to the song at the same time they "were" in the story and omg it's so perfect so far this chapter is my fAvorite ... On to the next chapter
Chapter 15: I liked it
I luv how it is in a video game
Chapter 15: Lol plot twist! Loved the ending the paper on the side of the machine had me laughing.
Chapter 15: Nooo the end u.u ...I loved this story because it was so funny,unique and creative ! a little bit of sadness sometimes But I really enjoyed it ! I'm waiting for more of ur stories ~
Chapter 15: ;-; It's over. BUT I KNEW KEN WOULD DIE I KNEW IT T-T. *weakly punches authornim* Don't do that ;-;.
Chapter 15: Simple love game???
Oh well... thats liar.. bcs thats not really simple game...
But i really enjoy it...