Level 8: Roll The Dice

Rock Ur Body

Leo's POV 


I feel my heart break, not because of the field. But because of what Ken said, forgetting. What if I don't want him too? Am I selfish? I really am, I don't want him to stop liking me. I don't, but I don't even like him so why do I? I shake my head, I do the only thing I can think of.
"Yeah. Well. That's good." He looks up at me, his eyes show sadness. But he just smiles and nods, he looks forward, I sigh. I look to the front to see a table with two dices. We get off the platform, we go towards the table. 
'Players welcome!' I grab a dice, pink. I don't look at Ken, I can't. 
'This level is probably the easiest. Each of you has a dice, each of you will take a turn to roll it. Each number in the dice is an action, an action that will be displayed in the board. The bonus board.  So enjoy!' I groan, but then again what are the actions?
'Leo begin!' I nod, I roll the dice. I look up at Ken, he's staring at the dice. It lands on a two, I turn towards the board. It flashes on the screen, my eyes widen. A peck in the cheek from the other player. 
'Ken, you know what you have to do.' I turn to Ken, he's not looking at me. I cough, he needs to, hurry. But is this because I want to get this over with, and nothing else! He looks at me. 
"Hurry up. Your wasting time." He nods, he blushes and looks down. He walks towards me, cute. 
He looks down slowly and I look somewhere else, flustered. I feel soft, wet, plump lips on my cheek, they come quickly and and leave fast. I turn to Ken he's looking down, blushing. Really cute, he continues to look down. 
'Okay! Your next Ken! Roll the dice!' He looks up looking frantically around, I slightly laugh. He turns to me then quickly looks away, he blushes a deeper red. 
"A-ah yes!" He squeaks out, I try to hide my amused face by placing my hand on my mouth. He's really cute, I have to admit. Stop saying such things Taekwoon! I see him roll it in the table and it lands on a 3. He turns to the screen and so do I, peck on the nose. Or butterfly kiss, by the other member. 
'You know what to do Leo.' I nod and walk towards Ken, who is looking down. 
"Jaehwan." He looks up and hums. I look at him, and get lost in his eyes like I usually do. We continue to stare at each other. 
"Is it-is it okay?" He nods still looking at me. I lean in and I continue to stare in his eyes. He shuts his eyes and I place my lips in his nose. I pull back and look at him, he looks at me. He looks down, I smirk. 
"Jaehwan I-" 
'Leo your next!' The voice interrupts me, what was I about to say? Was I-? I shake my head. I wasn't, I don't. I roll the dice and look at it instead of Jaehwan. It lands on a one, I look up at the board. One is a hug. Ken looks up at me then turns away. 
'Ken, the action.' He nods and looks at me. He walks towards me looking down, once he's in front of me he stops. I look down at him, waiting. For what? I don't know.  I feel warm arms wrap around stomach, I look down and see Ken's hair, instead. His face is on my chest while his hands are around my stomach. And I have to admit, he really is warm. He slowly lets go and looks away. I grin. 
'Your turn Ken.' He nods and rolls the dice, it lands on a five, he looks up at the board and so do I and my eyes widen again. My mouth hangs open, he looks at me, then looks back down, blushing. A open mouth kiss a freaking open mouth kiss! I look at him, how I'm I supposed to do this and not make things awkward after? 
'You know what to do Leo.' Stupid voice. 
"Ummm.." He slurs out. He looks at me, but then looks away again. I sigh, this isn't going to get us anywhere. 
"Jaehwan." He looks at me, beet red. 
"Umm. What- I mean yes Hyung?" I roll my eyes. 
"This isn't going to get us anywhere Jaehwan. Lets just get it over with." He opens his mouth then closes it, and nods. 
"Ah. Oh o-okay." I walk closer to him, and he seems to walk backwards. I look into his eyes and he tries to look somewhere else. I continue to walk closer until he's about to hit the wall, I sigh. 
"Jaehwan.. Your wasting time backing up." He looks at me and nods. I walk closer, he doesn't back up. He looks down and I look at him, he looks up at me and I again, got lost in his eyes. I lean in close and he moves his eyes frantically, he closes his eyes once our lips meet. And I do too, I feel a spark, and my stomach starts to feel funny. But I don't know why I do. We continue like that, moving our lips without our mouths open. I pull away, he looks up at me. Flustered. 
"Your supposed to open your mouth, if not we'll never pass." He nods. 
"Ah.. Okay." I place my hands on his waist bringing him closer, his cheeks turn into a deeper red. I lean in again and he closes his eyes again, I bring him closer. My eyes close and our lips start to move together, I slightly pinch his hip and he whimpers but opens his mouth. I I start to move our lips together, no tongues. I hear a thump, every second, is it Ken? I feel my stomach churn and I slowly pull away, our lips closing at the end. I look down at him, he looks up at me. He's beet red, panting, I breathe in. He looks down, and I grin. 
'Your next Leo.' I nod, I move back and my hands drop. I blush forgetting I had my hands on his hips. I back away, I cough. I turn back and roll the dice on the table, it lands on a four. I look up at the board, four means a peck. I turn to Ken who is still looking down. Cute. 
'You know what to do Ken.' He looks up again and nods, he turns to me. He walks closer, he stops in front of me. 
"I'm-um-I'm going to- going to- yeah." I nod, a nervous Ken is really cute. What do you keep saying Taekwoon! 
"Yeah. I know." He nods looking down, he looks up at me. He places his hands on my shoulders nervously, it happens so quick. His soft, yet plump limps on my lips. How soft they were, and how I closed my eyes. They came quickly as they left, I look down at him and he's looking down. 
'Ken, roll your dice!' He rolls his dice and it lands on a six, he looks up at the board and shakes his head. I stare at him.
"No. I-I can't- I can't do this. It's-it's too much. I-I-" he starts to panic, I look up at the screen and my eyes fall out, and my mouth hangs open. French kiss, a French kiss. Not a open mouth kiss, but a freaking tongue, spit, lip lock. He looks away. 
"I-I- I can't do this." 
'Im sorry Ken but you have no choice.' I see him bite his lip. 
'So Leo, you know what to do.' I look up and get distracted, I nod. I walk closer to Ken. He looks up at me. 
"Hyung I-I-" I shake my head. 
"I know, but we have to do it." He bit his lip harder. 
"But I-" I shut him up with my lips, and no not because I wanted to but, because he wouldn't shut up. He has his mouth clamped shut and I slowly nibble on his bottom lip. He gasps and I move our lips together, he tries to push me away. 
"We have to." I murmur against his lips and its more of what I want to believe, I go back to kissing him, he slowly opens his mouth on his own. I place my hands on his waist and bring him closer. His hands that were hanging down by sides come up and automatically wrap around my neck. Our lips begin to move together, and out some point our tongues meet, he gaps. Again and tries to pull away but I hold him tighter by the waist, he gives in and our tongues find a rhythm of there own. Is it weird that I continue to hear a thumping noise? Its as if we are meant to be, meant to be like this. When we're out of breath we pull away, slowly. We both look at each other, Ken turns away flustered. And I can't help but grin. He slightly pushes me away and walks to the table, about to roll the dice. 
'Level finished! Onto the bonus!' I look at the bonus board, catching a glimpse if Jaehwan. Who is in a confused state. I try to hold back a laugh. The bonuses flashes, and it says quick peck from the member that is the oldest, I sigh. Ken continues to look down. 
"Jaehwan." He turns to look at me, I look at him. How I want to smirk, his lips are red and so are his cheeks, his lips are slightly plumper than they usually are. He looks back down. 
"Jaehwan." He looks up and I quickly peck him, this is what you get for doing your peck to short! Wait! What! He looks away flustered, he runs to the platform.
'Bonus pass!' I try to hold back my laugh, I walk towards the platform. I don't look at Ken because at this moment he might be feeling awkward so I leave him, but I can't contain my grin. So today I kissed Ken four times, and I felt a weird sensation in my stomach what was that anyways? But why do I feel the sensation to have his lips against my own again? I shake my head, I must be going crazy. Never, never in a million years will I ever- nope. Never. But my face starts to feel warm and I don't know if it's because of the force fielded that's up to my shoulders. But maybe just maybe it's because of that kiss, that kiss with Ken. Because after all I kissed Ken and well, I liked it. 

yeah they kissed there first kiss, well there first open mouthed kiss. And I'd ont know what else to say, if you read my other stories en you know that I'm not in the mood right now, hopefully ill tell you next week why. I'm in good mood now!! GUESS WHAT! OH MY HOT Y SHY LEO IM GOING TO GO WATCH VIXX LIVE AND IN PERSON!! I CAN'T ING WAIT OH MY GOD UYS IM SO EXCITED!!! And I hate schoo. So tell me what you though? Liked, disliked? Yog sok! 


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Please read chapter 5: I added something to the end note, please.


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Loveiscomplicated #1
Chapter 15: OMG it was awesome!!! I love Keo, thanks for the amazing story <3
Chapter 15: Loved it tho I thought Ken was gonna die u almost cried ah . Great story :)
Chapter 10: This chapter tho omg I was listening to the song at the same time they "were" in the story and omg it's so perfect so far this chapter is my fAvorite ... On to the next chapter
Chapter 15: I liked it
I luv how it is in a video game
Chapter 15: Lol plot twist! Loved the ending the paper on the side of the machine had me laughing.
Chapter 15: Nooo the end u.u ...I loved this story because it was so funny,unique and creative ! a little bit of sadness sometimes But I really enjoyed it ! I'm waiting for more of ur stories ~
Chapter 15: ;-; It's over. BUT I KNEW KEN WOULD DIE I KNEW IT T-T. *weakly punches authornim* Don't do that ;-;.
Chapter 15: Simple love game???
Oh well... thats liar.. bcs thats not really simple game...
But i really enjoy it...