Level 9: Spray

Rock Ur Body


Leo's POV 
We get out of the platform and its a abandoned subway station, I look around warily. I feel like something is going to happen. We look around and no screen. 
'Players! Welcome!' I look around and nothing, I look up and the Rock Ur Body logo is still there. I turn to Ken, who is shaking, I guess in fear.
'In this level, you will be given a can of spray paint. It should appear in front of you, right now.' I take a step back, there's a blue spray paint can in front of me. Floating, I grab it, I turn to Ken who has a pink spray paint can. He grabs his, I look forward again. 
'With this can of spray, you will be making a picture on the subway walls. It doesn't matter what, but beware of the cops that surround the subway. Once your caught, your caught.' I nod. 
'So Leo your wall will be the pink wall, and Ken yours will be the blue wall. Now begin!' I go to my wall, looking out for the cops, I see one at the edge of the stair way, looking the other way. I begin to paint, well I'm just going to write my name. My game name. I finish the L, I turn to Ken who has barely spray painted a figure in the edge. I shake my head, I turn back to my drawing. I look to the cop in the corner, and he's still facing the other side, I draw the E. I turn to Ken and see two figures, is he spray painting people? 
"What are you spray painting Jaehwan?" He turns to me. 
"Oh. Hyung. I'm spray painting us, plus the guys." He smiles. I tilt my head. 
"What guys?" He frowns. 
"N, Ravi, Hyuk, Hongbin, I'm spray painting all six of us in the game." I nod. I turn to see the cop. He's about to turn this way. 
"Jaehwan. Put the spray down. The cop." I point behind me and he hides it, and moves closer to me. He moves to the side, almost hiding in my chest. I look at him and gulp what is he doing? He looks behind me and then up at me. He looks behind me again. He puts his hand on my jacket, and holds onto the sides. He looks back at me, he blushes and looks down. He leans in close, on his tippy toes, almost close to my face. Too close for comfort, he doesn't look at me though, he looks behind me. And I can't help but look at him. He looks behind me again, he slowly lets go of my jacket, and slinks down. He looks at me and blushes. 
"Thanks." He moves and I shake my head, what was I-? Nope, nope. Never.
"Sorry. I was looking out for the cop, but he left." He turns and continues to draw. I stand there stunned, he played me. I frown but go to my drawing, oh ill get you for this Ken. I look out for another cop but see none, I draw the O. I walk backwards and nod, I'm done. I walk towards Ken, he has another figure done, I stare at him in amazement. 
"Okay I know your good in drawing, but not this good." He turns to me and smiles. My heart churns and my stomach feels funny, dang this feeling. 
"Thanks Hyung." He turns back and continues to finish that figure. I go back to my drawing, I don't know what else to draw. I look out for another cop, I draw circle around my name. I turn to Ken and see he's drawn out Hyuk, N, And Ravi, and he's starting on someone else. It looks kind of like Hongbin. He continues to spray paint and I watch out for cops, none so far. I get bored and start to draw random lines on my name, I turn to Ken who has spray painted Hongbin. I walk towards him. 
"Nice job, it's really good." He turns to me, smiling again. 
"Thank you hyung. Seriously it means a lot, but I don't think it's that good." I snort. 
"Not good. It's amazing, litterly. Look how well you drew Hyuk, N, Ravi, and Hongbin. Really, it's impressive." He smiles and blushes. 
"H-hyung!" He comes over and hugs me. 
"Thank you." I feel that heart sensation and a tingle in my stomach. I hug him back. He separates himself and looks down.
"Sorry." I shake my head.
"No. It's okay." He nods and looks back up at me.
"Thank you though hyung! Thank you!" I nod and smile to him. He smiles back. 
"I should finish it." I nod. He looks around and starts to spray again. He continues to spray, he's drawing another figure, I stare at him in amazement. How his hands move swiftly with each and every movement he does with the can of spray. Is he natural at this or what? I go back to my drawing and spray over my name. I keep thinking of everything, or more to say of Ken. I start thinking about Ken, and why my heart churns when I'm with him, why my stomach feels weird. Why is it that my stomach feels funny, it feels as if its grumbling. But I'm not hungry, why is it my heart feels like it closes each and every time, as if I'm loosing my air. Like I can't breathe each and every time. What is this? What is happening with me? I sigh, I turn to Jaehwan and see he's done spray painting himself, I smile. It was really good, he spray painted himself perfectly. He started in the next one, put the outline first. And I realize its me, I smile. I continue to watch him, he turns to me. He widens his eyes and turns back, I grin. He turns back to me.
"You don't mind if I keep looking at you, right?" I quirk my eyebrow. 
"What?" He nods. 
"Yeah, I need to get your details straight. Is that okay?" I nod. 
"Yeah. Either way I'm done." He nods and goes back to spray painting. He continues to throw glances at me, and I smile. He continues spraying, and once he's done he asks me to close my eyes. And I do so. 
"Okay. Wait, I need to finish something on you!" I nod, and laugh. 
"Okay. Now open them." I open my eyes, and stare at it, it was amazing.

(Just imagine its sprainted lol XD))

We were all really spray painted in detail I stare at it, he made every detail on me. I turn to him. 
"Wow. Jaehwan, that's amazing." He smiles. 
"Really?" I nod. 
"It is look at it!" He smiles.
"Thank you. I nod.
"Your welcome." 
"Are you done with yours hyung?" I nod.
"I did nothing." He nods, then frowns.
"I forgot something on my wall. It might take awhile." I nod.
"It's alright. I'll wait." He nods and smiles. He goes back to spray painting, and I go back to my wall, I stare at it. It has nothing but blue spray paint. I grab the can, I'll see what I draw. A flash happenes in my head, and ill I see is Ken, of how I act with him? Of why I act like that? And before I know it my hand starts to draw, it just starts to draw and I don't know what. I pull back and I see I've drawn Ken's real name. I've drawn it huge, but why? I hear a shriek and I turn to Ken. I see him being pulled by a cop, I try to rush to him but I'm held back by a invincible force.
"Jaehwan! Jaehwan!" I thrash but nothing, I can't move. The field won't let me, I start to pound on it.
"Hyung! Hyung!" I see the cop let him go, he runs towards me. He's pushed back by the field and the cop stings him with the taser. His eyes roll back and I stand there mouth open, he falls and the cop leaves.
"Jae-Jaehwan!" He lays there unconscious. I panic, I pound on the field, only to find its not there anymore. I run to Ken and place his head on my lap. 
"Jaehwan! Jaehwan! Wake up!" I shake him but nothing. My eyes then widen, he vanishes. My eyes dart everywhere. 
"Jaehwan! Jaehwan! Where are you!" I turn and bump into someone, I turn to face them. It's Ken, I envelop him into a hug, he sobs. 
'Ken, you have one more life left.' He continues to sob. 
"Hyung...." I hug him tighter. 
"It's okay Jaehwan. It's okay. You're fine." He clutches onto my shirt. 
"It's so horrible. Y-your in a dark room a-and-" 
"Shush. It's okay." I rub his back. What can I do to stop him from crying?
'Players onto the bonus!' I look up and there's a screen in front of us. I slowly let go of Ken, but he stays in my chest. A peck in the temple to one of the players. Ill do it. I go down and kiss Ken's temple.
"It's okay." He looks up at me sniffling. He nods and wipes his eyes. 
'Bonus pass! Onto the next level!' I nod, and grab Ken's hand. I interlock it with mine, I tighten my grip. 
"It'll be alright." He nods and follows me, I take us to the platform. He turns to me, sniffling. 
"Hyung.... I want to go home already. I'm tired of these games. I'm tired of being scared of dying again, I'm scared." I bring him into another hug, I run my hands through his hair. 
"It's okay. It'll be fine." He pushes me, and wipes his face. 
"It's not. Quit telling me that! You have three lives and I have one. What happens when I loose my last one! What happens then? Will I just really die in the game? Or-" he cries harder and I bite my lip. Because he's right, what will happen at that point? What will happen to him? What will happen to Ken? We get transported in silence, with him crying and sniffling.

Okay new generations is back, yeah we killing this track by now. We started from the bottom, but we just do it now. Lol, anyways I probably confused some of you guys in the chapter before So let me explain, I was not in a mood, but I updated, a hour later and I was still at Starbucks and I ordered my VIXX concert tickets, to which I got in a better mood. So I hope that clears it out, but yeah I'm going to go watch VIXX. I'm excited. Nough about my life, so Kenny died, again. And I guess you could say this sTory is almost over, five to six more chapters, I'm almost done with the last level, which is with Hyukie, well his picture I mean. And I might do an after chapter but its till deciding. HUm, Starbucks is so good, I'm back here doing homework. Again, because I'm lame anyways. Tell me what you thought? Liked, disliked? Yog Sok! 


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Please read chapter 5: I added something to the end note, please.


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Loveiscomplicated #1
Chapter 15: OMG it was awesome!!! I love Keo, thanks for the amazing story <3
Chapter 15: Loved it tho I thought Ken was gonna die u almost cried ah . Great story :)
Chapter 10: This chapter tho omg I was listening to the song at the same time they "were" in the story and omg it's so perfect so far this chapter is my fAvorite ... On to the next chapter
Chapter 15: I liked it
I luv how it is in a video game
Chapter 15: Lol plot twist! Loved the ending the paper on the side of the machine had me laughing.
Chapter 15: Nooo the end u.u ...I loved this story because it was so funny,unique and creative ! a little bit of sadness sometimes But I really enjoyed it ! I'm waiting for more of ur stories ~
Chapter 15: ;-; It's over. BUT I KNEW KEN WOULD DIE I KNEW IT T-T. *weakly punches authornim* Don't do that ;-;.
Chapter 15: Simple love game???
Oh well... thats liar.. bcs thats not really simple game...
But i really enjoy it...