Level 12: Final

Rock Ur Body

Leo's POV 


I open my eyes and was met with siting down, trapped in a chair, with my hands tied behind my back. I looked around and panicked because Ken wasn't here. I see Ken knocked out in another chair far away from me, he starts to wake up. He looks around frantically. 
"Jaehwan!" He looks up and at me. He panics and tries to pull away. 
"Hyung! What is this!" I look at him. 
"Don't worry. Stop thrashing your only going to hurt your hands." He nods and just his lip out. 
"Why are we tied up? What is this is it like a dungeon?" I look around and I have to agree it kind of look like an underground tunnel, there was soaking water falling from on top, it was dark but there was enough light to see Ken, it smelled mushy, and there were tanks everywhere. I looked around and got shocked, there was N, Ravi, Hyuk and Hongbin tied up too, but in separate rooms. We could see them, and I knew we couldn't pass, not yet atleast.
'Players welcome to the last level!' Ken turned towards me, and smiled. We would finally be getting out of here. I smiled back at him and smiled. 
'This is the most critical level you'll ever do. There is a bomb inside your space, you have twenty minutes to untie yourself. Once your done untying yourself you can help your teammate, or the other teams.' I begin to think, if we don't make it out in time what will happen? 
'There no tool sto help you but your own hands, so lets begin!' I see a big countdown clock on the wall, it starts to count down form twenty minutes. Ken turns to me, a worried expression on his face. 
"Hyung.... What happens when.. You don't make it out?" I bite my lip, because I don't know. 
"I don't know Jaehwan. I don't know. Right now lets try untying our selfs." He nods, and goes to look behind, I go behind to see my back but I can't. I can't reach that far to see, I bring my fingers up from the knot and try to feel the knot. It feels really, knotted up. I move my hand to try and get it off, but nothing works. I continue to pull it off and my wrist begins to hurt, I slump my hand down and look up and see the freaking clock. Ten minutes left, I turn to Ken and see him whimpering. He was in a twisted hand turn, his elbows were out. 
"Jaehwan.." He turns is face to me. 
"Hyung. It hurts. Damn it, I moved to much my hands are now officially stuck." I laugh, but it no time to do this. 
"Keep trying we only have a few minutes, we need to take this serious." He nods and looks sad. He tries pulling away and I do too. 
"Do you know what happens if- we don't get out?" I shake my head as we both continue pulling away. I looks and see we only have five more minutes, and I pull harder. I groan how come this isn't coming off, I continue to fiddle with my fingers. I notice three more minutes left, I look to Ken who is looking at me biting his lips. 
"Hyung.." I see tears at the brim of his eyes, and I freeze. 
"Hyung.....we're not going to make it.... Are we..?" A tear falls down and how I want to reach over to him, and wipe it away. I shake my head, trying to keep hope into him. 
"No we are. We are. Don't worry. We will." He shakes his head and cries. 
"No. We're not. Please don't lie anymore, please.." 
"Jaehwan... I-" I get cut off and notices N came in, he comes over to me and starts to untie me. I look up at the clock, two minutes. I turn to N. 
"How come your helping me?" He doesn't look at me.
"All the other teams have left, I'm only here to help but it's really tough." He says as he struggles. He gets it off and goes to Ken, Ken shakes his head. I crawl towards him, and grab his hand. 
"Leave... Go... With out me. Your just going to hurt yourself." I shake my head at the thought of leaving Ken, I just can't. Ken looks up at me, he's biting his lip.
"Leave hyung. Leave, your just going to get hurt. Leave me. Hyung!" I shake my head and clutched his shoulders. 
"I won't leave you. I won't." N kept tugging at his rope. 
"It's really stuck." N said, and I bit my lip. I clutched Ken's hand harder and he tried pulling away. He turned away from me, I heard him whisper something to N but I couldn't hear it. 
'A minute left!' I panicked and Ken turned to me.
"Go hyung! Go!" I shook my head and tears feel down. 
"I can't! I can't, I won't." I shook my head, and he bit his lip crying. 
"You have to. You have to." I shook my head, I can't leave him. 
"I can't and I won't Jaehwan. I can't." He looks at me, trying to look angry. 
"Why can't you? Why can't you! You don't even like me! Your fine without me! Just leave me!" He looks down crying and I make him look up at me, I caressed his cheek and put our foreheads together. 
"I can't. I just can't..." He cried harder.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I open my mouth then close it because I don't know, he looks at N and they nod. Jaehwan turns to me. 
"I love you. I need you to know I've always loved you, I've loved you since high school. And I always will love you." He quickly pecks my lips and I freeze. And before I knew it, I was being pulled back. I looked at Ken in horror, and tried to struggle away. I turned to N and glared at him and tried to get away but he tightened his grip. 
"Let me go! Let me go N!" He shook his head and closed the invisible door. 
"I can't. Jaehwan made me promise to take you out." I shook my head and tried to go running back, I pounded on the door, I can't leave him behind. Not now, now that I realized he loved me, and that  I might love him back.
"Jaehwan! Jaehwan! I lov-" I see the room go with smoke and I freeze, processing it. It blew up, silently. I slump down on my knees in horror, crying my eyes out.
'Lee Jaehwan. Your out!' I pound on the door, crying hysterically.
"JAEHWAN! JAEHWAN! You can't- you can't leave me like this! JAEHWAN!" He kept pounding on the door and N came and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. He turned to N and N shook his head. 
"I'm sorry." I pushed him, glaring at him. 
"THIS WAS ALL YOUR FAULT! ALL YOUR FAULT! WHY DIDN'T YOU GET HIM OUT TOO! Jaehwan......." I fall onto my knees and cry in my hands, realizing I just lost him. I lost him for good, why was I so stupid and never realized what I felt? Why till now? 
'Players! I hope you enjoyed Rock Ur Body! Thanks for playing.' I freeze this is the end, I shake my head. I can't let it end like this. 
"Wait! Pleae! Please bring Jaehwan back! Please! I'm begging you! Please.." I go on my knees. Crying, I need him back. 
'Im sorry, but that's not possible anymore.' I continue to cry, and shake my head. 
"No please. I beg you! Please I'll do anything! Please!" The voice sighed.
'Tell me one reason I should?' I looked at nowhere particular and shouted. 
"Because I love him! I need him back! I cant live without him!" Truth was he couldn't, he knew now, he couldn't. He needed Ken next to him.
'Are you willingly to give one of your life's away?' I nodded right away, I didn't care. I needed him alive. 
'Okay. Consider it granted.' I sighed in relief, and it turned pitch black. 
"Wait- where's Jaehwan! You said-" 
'Thank you for enjoying Rock Ur Body! I hope you play again! To replay insert a coin.' Before I knew it my eyes rolled back and I fell onto unconscious. I woke again, to find I am in the same arcade as we first came in, it was lonely as usual. I noticed I was now wearing my black sweats and white hoodie. I stood up and my eyes widen, Ken! I looked around for him. 
"Jaehwan! Jaehwan!" I turned around, and nothing. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I went to the Rock Ur Body machine and kicked it, stupid thing. Stupid. My tears continued to fall, this was all the machines fault. It was its fault because Ken wasn't here anymore, and it was its fault because he didn't know where Ken was. Thinking about Ken made my heart hurt more, I clutched onto my chest. It hurt really bad, it hurt. He knew now that the younger was important to him, but it was too late. Ken was lost and nowhere to be seen or found, or heard. I already missed the dork, his stupid laugh, his stupid, yet cute pout, his childish wining, he missed him. He knew he loved Ken, he knew it. Deep down he knew he did, he was just to afraid.  To afraid to reveal his feelings. 
"I hate you so much! It's all your fault! It's all your fault he's not here!" I kicked up the machine, a pain shot through me. 
"Who's not here?" I froze, that voice, that voice. I knew it, he turned around slowly. Only to be met with a smiling Ken, he froze and his tears fell down immensely. 
"Jae-Jaehwan..." Said guy smiled. 
"I'm back." I nodded and ran to him, bringing him to a hug. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I smiled against his neck.
"I thought you died! Jaehwan! Your alive!" He nodded against my chest, and I hugged him tighter. 
"I thought you died..." I sobbed into his neck, because seriously that was the biggest fear of my life. I pushed him. 
"Yah! How could you make N take me away! I could of gotten you out! I knew I could of!" Ken shook his head.
"It was impossible hyung." I frowned. 
"We only had fifteen seconds I needed to think for one of us." I glared at him.
"And making me leave you alone like that! Don't ever do that again! If we're ever in a life or death situation, ill die with you! So don't even think about dying alone!" He looked at me, tears in his eyes. 
"Hyung..." He brought me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around his waist. 
"I'm-I'm so sorry hyung! I-I- thought it was best! I-I-" I shook my head. 
"No its fine. Good thing is your here now and your fine. How did you get back by the way?" He looked up at me for my chest. And weakly smiled. 
"After I died, in the game world you are floating in blank space. So I was given an extra life, from you because you still had your three lives. I had to stay back to 'heal' I guess. And when I came back I was inside the arcades restroom." I nodded. He smiled at me. 
"Thank you for saving me. I appreciated it." He slowly removed his hands from my waist, and looked away. He looked back at me and slowly smiled. 
"But as I promised... I will forget this, everything, my feelings. And you." He looked me directly in the eye, and nodded. I stood there shocked. He turned around to leave, and then turned back to me. 
"Goodbye Jung Taekwoon. It was nice to meet you." He bows, and I walk up to him. He stands up and meets my eyes, I caress his cheek. 
"Taekwoon..." I look at him sadly. 
"Who told you, you could forget? Who told you I wanted you to forget? Who told you to forget everything? Who told you?" He should his head, and looked away. 
"No one did. It was my decision, I-I can't keep going on. Pretending I'm okay, when in reality. I get hurt each and everyday." I shake my head and put our foreheads together. I peck his nose and he closes his eyes. 
"Please.... Don't...." I shake my head and hover my lips over his, staring into his eyes.
"I can't. Who says your not hurting me Jaehwan?" His eyes widen and I lean in and kiss him. He stays still and ends up wrapping his arms around my neck, I place my hands on his waist. Our lips move in a smooth slow pace, and when we separate I caress Ken's cheek and he sighs. 
"I love you." His eyes snap open and he looks up at me, blinking. 
"W-wh-what?" I laugh and smile. 
"I love you." He smiles, and brings me into another hug, mumbling in my chest. I can't help but smile. 
"You don't know how long I've wanted to hear that." I smile and run a hand through his hair. 
"I'm sorry I made you wait." He shook his head and looked up at me.
"It was worth it." I smiled and pecked his lips again, he blushed. 
"So does this mean. You know, that we're. Um. Dating?" He looked away blushing and i had to hold my laugh, I pecked his cheek and he turned a deep red. 
"Yes sir." He turned to me and smiled, and I quickly pecked his lips. God they're addicting. He blushed. He pulled me over to the Rock Ur Body Machine. I interlock our fingers together, he turned to me. 
"What a weird game, right hyung?" I nodded. Indeed it was.
"It really is." Ken smiled at me. 
"It was fun though right? It was like an adventure." I nodded. 
"I guess." He looked around at it, and saw it was unplugged. 
"Wow it was working its unplugged. Cool." I nod, I noticed a white paper on the side of the machine, and went to look at it. While Jaehwan looked at the machine. I started to read it. 
The Rock Ur Body machine is not intended for people under 18. 
Please only play in pairs. 
Play with the special someone. 
There is use of weapons, dangerous toxins, and random challenges.  
Rock Ur Body machine is intended to bring you and your crush together. 
It's not an arcade game, but a simple love game. 
Its not to hurt both of you. 
I hope everything turned out right between you two.
I hope you enjoyed Rock Ur Body! 
What the ?

Lol did anyone expect it to finish this way? wow there you go it is the end of Rock Ur Body. I want to thank everyone that subscribed, commented, up voted, it meant a lot. So THANK YOU READERS! SO THIS IS THE END OF ROCK UR BIDY, BUT IF OYUR LOOKING FOR MORE KEO CHECK OUT MY STORIES THANK YOU AGAIN! 






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Please read chapter 5: I added something to the end note, please.


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Loveiscomplicated #1
Chapter 15: OMG it was awesome!!! I love Keo, thanks for the amazing story <3
Chapter 15: Loved it tho I thought Ken was gonna die u almost cried ah . Great story :)
Chapter 10: This chapter tho omg I was listening to the song at the same time they "were" in the story and omg it's so perfect so far this chapter is my fAvorite ... On to the next chapter
Chapter 15: I liked it
I luv how it is in a video game
Chapter 15: Lol plot twist! Loved the ending the paper on the side of the machine had me laughing.
Chapter 15: Nooo the end u.u ...I loved this story because it was so funny,unique and creative ! a little bit of sadness sometimes But I really enjoyed it ! I'm waiting for more of ur stories ~
Chapter 15: ;-; It's over. BUT I KNEW KEN WOULD DIE I KNEW IT T-T. *weakly punches authornim* Don't do that ;-;.
Chapter 15: Simple love game???
Oh well... thats liar.. bcs thats not really simple game...
But i really enjoy it...