The Greater The Love

~ Tears of Love ~

The Greater the Love


♪ Kai’s POV ♪


D.O: You didn’t take a sleep at all yesterday night, did you? You were yawned many times in backstage and you even snoring in the plane just now. Still can’t contact one of them,huh?

I just can give him a weakly nod and not even trying to response his joke. How can I sleep if this bad feeling doesn’t want to gone? I can’t focus doing my job this morning because of this feeling and I keep trying to contact her but the result is same even after we arrive in Seoul. It’s already 09:00 pm, but a lot of fans still stand by in Incheon Airport to welcoming us. I appreciated and felt so happy but sometimes I’m worried about them, don’t they have other thing to take care? What about their school, don’t they have to doing their homework? Ah, it’s not the time to think bout that.

I borrow D.O’s phone to call her again as we trying to reach our bus. Fans are screaming every where and I can’t even listen to what my manager said.

F1: Kyaaaaaaaaaaa, oppa! Look at me please!!

F2: Baekhyuuuun-ssi!! Chanyeoooool-ssi!

F3: Opppaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, why you’re so cute???

F4: Kai oppa! Please send my pray to Yoonshin eonni! Hope she’ll get well soon! Saranghae!!

F5: OMO! OMO! Kris oppa smiled at me just now!

F6: *sobbing* Kai oppa! Why why you have to have a kiss scene?

F7: Oh.My.God. I just touched Luhan’s hair!

Wait! Did I just hear Yoonshin’s name being mention? Wha, what get well soon? I stopped for going further to the bus and walked to the fan that mentions Yoonshin. That fan looks so surprise when I approaching her.

K: what did you say?

F4: eh?? Sa…saranghae?

K: Before that.

F4: Hope she’ll get well soon?

I keep questioning her eventhough hyung start pulling my arm.

K: Who’s she?

F4: Eh? Oppa doesn’t know it?  Yoonshin eonni.

K: Wha…what happen with her?

My heart beating faster, anticipating anything that will she says.

F4: Yoonshin eonni got accident yesterday night. She fell from stairs and now being hospitalized in xxx hospital. But oppa, eventhought it said an accident, I heard there’re people who see someone pushed her till she fell. So, it might be not an accident.

I can’t hear her last sentence since hyung already pulled me to bus but I can get what she said to me just now.

Yoonshin got an accident and now being hospitalized? Is this why there’s none of them answer my call? Is this the truth from bad feeling I’ve got? Without I realize the bus already further from airport.

L: ya! Kai! What happen? Why are you just quiet? Btw, why did you approach one of the fans? Is she your acquitances?

I don’t answer luhan’s hyung question, I shouting to the driver instead.

K: Please drop me to xxx Hospital!

By: Ya! Why so sudden? 

Sp: What happen, Kai?

Different from the other members’ reaction, my manager hyung being so calm and telling the driver to follow my order.

K: Hyung, you already know bout it, don’t you?

Mh: What?

K: You already know that Yoonshin is now in hospital, don’t you?

He becomes silence for a while, the other members being shock listen to my question.

Kr: What you mean that Yoonshin is in hospital right now, Kai? What happen with her?

Kris hyung asked me worriedly, among all the others Kris hyung is closest to Yoonshin. He treated her like his own lil sister.

K: I don’t know what happened, hyung. A fan that I approached before told me that Yoonshin got an accident and still in hospital now. I thought none of us know bout it seeing how calm our manager right now I doubt that he doesn’t know about it.

I sarcastically said the last sentence while looking at manager hyung.

Mh: Fine, I do know it.

I make a fist, holding my anger.

Kr: Since when?

Mh: Yesterday night about 12:00 am, Sung Rin called me, so yeah, I know bout that since then.

K: Why don’t you tell me earlier??

I raised my tone I’m mad since he doesn’t tell me about my girlfriend condition right after he got the news.

K: Don’t ever say that you told Rin noona to not tell me or accept my call too!

Mh: Yes, I told her to. That was midnight and there’s nothing we can do since we’re still in China.

Kr: But you can tell us in the morning right? At least let us aware of how our hoobae’s condition so we can call, give her a fighting or don’t have being surprised when some of fans mention it and—

Mh: And what? And let all of you being unfocus on job and wasting your time? No! I won’t do that! I know that all of you are close with her and will being worried thinking of her!

I can’t hold my anger anymore. I'm sick with his decision! He’s my manager and I already feel like he’s my own hyung. He treated me well too when I sick or when I’m down. But this is too much.

K: Is it because of me? It’s because she and I are dating, isn’t? I treat you as my real hyung. I believe you. I still thinking that you’ll understand me and will accepting the fact that I and her are dating, but that was until a minute ago! You make me like a bad boyfriend, hyung! My girlfriend is in hospital while me? I don’t even know her condition!!! Are you happy now??

I’m panting because yelling at him like a crazy, giving him a hateful look.

The crowded outside hospital that I see from bus’s window distracted me. We already arrive at xxx Hospital. As soon as the bus stop, I’m running in the hospital without bother to give Yoonshin’s fans a smile or bow.



As soon as I arrive in front of her room, through the small window in the door I see Hyojoon sitting beside bed, holding her friend’s hand. She looks tired. I opened the door, hoping her smile will welcoming me and say that she’s okay and can being discharged tomorrow. But the sight in front of me isn’t like what I hope.



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I'm so excited writing bout them and I cant ignored my mind to thinking what if i make their marriage life...*thinking* hohoho but I'm so thankfull to all of u.


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Chapter 21: Awww was so beautiful story !!! Congrats author-nim :)
Chapter 21: the best sweet story I had ever read,, althought is was kida sad at first,,but in the end it was too sweet,,omg,, I love you so much authornim <3
Tinkerbell94 #3
Chapter 19: authornim sequel juseyoooo XD
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 20: Awesome fanfic ~
Chapter 20: ♥(ノ´∀` ) a baby!!!
KimJongMin #6
Chapter 20: So sweet!!
Chapter 20: Two thumbs up for you author-nim.. d^^b
This is great... ;))
Chapter 20: this was sooo sweet!