Doubt Truth To Be A Liar

~ Tears of Love ~

Doubt Truth To Be A Liar

M: You want to know my feeling? I don’t love him anymore! Relieved now?!

C: Then prove it! Be my bridesmaid!


I couldn’t say no. I mean I could but I couldn’t see two people that I love being hurt again because of me. I know I’m stupid, I’m putting more salt to my own wound but this is what I deserve to get.

So this two weeks I helped Hyojoon to prepare her wedding start from choosing the location till make a list of whom should they invite. During my time with Hyojoon, he never appears. Sometimes other EXO members will ask us to have dinner or lunch with them but still there’s no him and I didn’t ask why because I know exactly his reason. He doesn’t want to see me. I miss him. Everyday, everynight I’m missing him even after I know the truth that he belongs to my bestfriend now. I really want him to know that and I’m afraid if I see him once again I’ll run, hug, and tell him that my heart is always trapped inside of him. That’s why I’m so relieve I didn’t see him.

Kr: …shin ah, Yoonshin ah…

Kris’s voice brings me back from my thought.

Kr: You’re crying! What happen? Are you hurt or what? *worried*

I’m just looking at him blankly. I… Am I crying? I moved my hand to my cheek and yes, my cheeks are wet and I can feel that my tears keep falling now. Am I thinking of him till even not aware of my own tears? I slowly nod at Kris’s question.

M: Ne, I’m very hurt.

Kr: Ne? Where? Which one is hurt? *panic*

I put my hand on my heart.

M: Yeogi… My heart is hurt, Ge. And I don’t know how to heal it. Even after three years this wound still hasn’t heal. I thought leaving him will lessen my love to him but no, I still love him. I still love him even deeper than three years ago.

His expression is change from worried become sympathy towards me but I am still same expressionless, it so contrast with my tears that keep falling. Kris is sighing and putting his arm around my shoulder to comfort me but it doesn’t help.

Kr: There’s a meaning in everything that happened in our life, Yoonshin ah.


M: Give us vodka, please!

I said to the bartender who gives me ‘seriously’ look.

C: Ya! Are you sure? You can’t drink alcohol, can you?

M: Just give us, please!

There’s no need for me to say it thrice as a minute later that bartender give two glasses of vodka to us. Tonight, we decided to have girls’ night at one of the most crowd club in Gangnam. For your information, it’s me who suggest go to a club like this. My parents are going to Busan for three days so they don’t need to be freaking out if I get home drunk. I’m moving my head up and down, following the music’s beat as I drink my vodka, one shot.

M: Give another one, please.

C: Yoonshin ah, are you planning to get drunk?

 I give her a smile and drink another glass.

M: Hey, hot man. What if you just put the bottle here so I don’t need to ask you refill it again and again?

I said it to him seductively and wink at him. Oh my God, am I just flirting at him? The alcohol must be start working on me, now. Just like Hyojoon said I can’t drink alcohol. But that’s my plan. I need to get drunk. This is the only way for me to being able forget about him even just one night. I ignored everything Hyojoon said to stop me and that’s maybe making her upset.

C: Fine! You really wanna get drunk, huh? I’ll accompany you get drunk too!


I don’t know for how long I and Hyojoon starts drinking but now both of Hyojoon and I are a dead drunk. I barely open my eyes but I still can hear everything around me. Few minutes later, I can feel that couple man approaching us. Their voices are so familiar.

“How can this two girls end up get dead drunk like this?” A heavy voice said in English fluently. He must be Kris Ge, I thought.

Kr: We need to bring them back home. Sehun ah, you remember Yoonshin’s room right? You accompany me to bring her back, ok? Kai, you better start bring Hyojoon and going back to her dorm.

Wait! He’s here? Kim Jongin is here? Why? Why it has to be now? In the night that I thought I can forget about him, why he has to appear now?

K: Wait, hyung! …. Let me drive Yoonshin back to her home.

His voice. How much I miss his voice and when he called my name, it sounds like music to me. I must be drunk because I heard he said that he’ll be the one that drive me back. Then I laughed in my mind. I am drunk! But a second later I feel a pair of hand starts carrying bridal style. This warmness. I miss this warmness so much. I can hear his heart beat since my head leaning on his chest now. I feel so secure in his arms. I can feel he takes few steps before Kris stop him.

Kr: Jongin ah, you already till here. Don’t mess it up.

Mess it up? Is Kris ge trying to tell him to remember that he’s a going-to-married man?

K: Araseo, hyung. Take care of Hyojoon.

I bitterly laugh without no one knows. It’s no way he’ll forget that he’ll forget that he is going to married, he is so caring to his fiancee. He starts walking which I believe to where he parked his car. He put me to in beside driver’s seat carefully, he helped me fasten my seat belt. I don’t know why my mind is still awake but it’ll easier for me to really being a dead drunk without I need to feel his careness again. After about an hour, Kai stopped his car and got down. Seems like we already arrive in my home. He gently carry me again and somehow we already inside my home now. Of course it’s not his first visit to my home.

Have you ever feel the same with what I feel now? Being carried by the man that used to be your boyfriend. You still love him so much but he already belong to someone else and that someone else is your best friend. Have you ever feel that? It’s hurt right? It’s hurt so much. When he’s struggling to open my room’s door, I force my self to wake up and I end up lying on floor now.

K: Yoonshin ah! *bout to help me stand up again*

M: Don’t come closer! Don’t you ever come closer and touch me again! *tried to stand up but can’t*

K: Let me help you to stand up! *take a step to help me stand up again*

M: I said don’t come closer!! I can stand up my self! *using wall to help her standing* See? I can stand up my self right? So just get away from here!

K: Yoonshin ah, why are you being like this? You even can’t stand up properly, just let me help you to your room!

M: Why? You asked me why, Kim Jongin?? Because it hurts so much for me! It hurts so much for me just to feeling your existance around me! You are here with me but you’ll never ever be with me again! Three years, Kim Jongin. Three years, I hold my self to not see you. Everyday and everynight for three years I slept and woke up there’s only you in my head! Are you healthy? Are you happy? Do you still love me? But after three years keep asking that, I finally got the answer. But then I’m still wondering why, jongin ah, why? Why it has to be my bestfriend? Why not me? Why didn’t you looking for me a bit harder? I love you. I still love you and it hurt so much...

My tears are overflowing now.

But then I can feel his lips in mine. He pinned me as he keeps kissing me passionately. He aparted our lips to take a breath. I close my eyes. I have no guts to open it because I might see his regretfull face because kissing me. But I’m wrong. He kisses my jawline down to my neck. I gasped when his lips touch my collar bone, he kissed it hard and left a mark on it. Suddenly he stopped and he looked so shock with what he just done. For me, I feel like being thrown back to the earth after fly in heaven. How can I forget that he’ll married with Hyojoon sooner?

K: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t do this.

He walks away from as I falling sit on the floor with tears. I laughed sarcasticly making him stop.

M: I’m sorry after all I can’t meet you again. Tell Hyojoon that I won’t be able to become her bridesmaid.

After he heard that he walks away again and leaving me alone. I cried again as I heard his car drive away.


A/N: I updated again >.< and ahh, i don't know about this chapter [T-T]  thank you for read, subcscribe, comments and votes for this story and good news! It's only left a chapter again hoho Please looking forward it and find out what kind of happy ending is waiting for her ^-^ Anyway don't forget to comment bout this chapter. I really love to know what you think about it :D





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I'm so excited writing bout them and I cant ignored my mind to thinking what if i make their marriage life...*thinking* hohoho but I'm so thankfull to all of u.


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Chapter 21: Awww was so beautiful story !!! Congrats author-nim :)
Chapter 21: the best sweet story I had ever read,, althought is was kida sad at first,,but in the end it was too sweet,,omg,, I love you so much authornim <3
Tinkerbell94 #3
Chapter 19: authornim sequel juseyoooo XD
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 20: Awesome fanfic ~
Chapter 20: ♥(ノ´∀` ) a baby!!!
KimJongMin #6
Chapter 20: So sweet!!
Chapter 20: Two thumbs up for you author-nim.. d^^b
This is great... ;))
Chapter 20: this was sooo sweet!