Declaring War

Tell me the Truth.....

You pace back and forth back and forth, contemplating in your empty Student Council Room, you are the only memeber of teh council, since no one thinks they are capable enough to fit the role or work with you, at first it was an honour to be thought and seen that way, but it got lonelier and sad, since everyone were too afraid to sit with you for lunch and such, thats why you never ate lunch in the cafeteria it would just be you at the Student Council table, with evryone elses gaze on you.

You were pacing in your student council room for one reason and one reason only....EXO. They have already cause ruckus at school, clearing pathways when they walk through the halls, putting fear into the junior parts of the school, they've only been here for a good hour and they've managed to turn things into wack! You rub your head in frustration........are you going to do it? Are you going to slip into the old you to protect what is left? You sit down and tap on the table, this was a huge decision to make, while you drop to your old ways to protect this school and their students? 

You looked at your hands, your hands that once bore blood, that use to led a group of the strongest fighters back then, the hands that use to be a delinquent. You sighed and rested your head on the table. Then you heard a bang! you jumped up and out the door. What you saw shocked you

The one called Oh Sehun had a kid by the throat, the kid was crying and trying to pry his fingers off, Oh Sehun's grip tightened you saw the kids face and to your fear it was the one who came to you before with his friends , you didn't know what happened but you acted on relfex you ran towards him and upper cut Oh Sehun in the face, he stumbled back and let go of the kid. The kid fell to teh ground gasping for air, you rubbed his back and stood up and turned to Oh Sehun

"YOU CRAZY!!!" and he massaged his jaw, you then realised all the other EXO members casually leaning against the wall...the fact that they were casaully leaning against the wall pissed you off even more. Soon they halls were empty, you felt a tug and you looked down and you felt a peck on your cheek "gomawo unnie" and he ran off, your moment was cut off

"oh aint that sweet" and you looked up at Wu Fan "i swear you touch anyone again" and you looked at Oh Sehun "i will deal with you personally" and then all you recieved was laughter from all of them "do you know who we are?!?!" and then one moved away from the wall "we're EXO" and he clenched his fist and i shrugged "and theres people called Bowie down the street that beg for food, your point?" and then he ran for you and pinned you against the lockers "you have no idea who you're dealing with" and you smirk "neither do you pal, neither do you" and then there was a hand and he looked up "Kai, calm down" and he looked back at you and sighed, but he didnt restrain from shoving you hard before going back. You looked at kris "show us what you got President" and he smiled, you start to walk off before stopping and turning back "this is war EXO, i won't let you harm anyone, not one" and you continued walking, hearing snorts in the back.

The decision is made, everyone's depending on you. What is going to happen now that you've declared war on EXO? How will things turn out? And will you be able to back up what you said? Can you really protect everyone??

*HHHHEEEEEHHHHH heres another ^^ my battery is going to die so i'll have to update later!!! BYE

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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
Chapter 2: ahaha I will stand my ground! XD
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 1: They're all gang members!!!!! :O lol
I like their nicknames. =P