The First Conversation

If You Come Into My Heart

- The Next Day, early in the morning -

The slightly bluish with dark greenish tree greeting the early rising morning sunrise. The now still sleeping Seungho and Cheondung was greeted happily by the dancing alarm clock sitted on the drawing table as a hand slap him in frustration.

Scanning at the hands in the clock, 6:30AM, he yawn continuously. Blinking his eyes, adjusting to the darkness of his room, he saw Cheondung was still sleeping on the mattress. 

"Now that I notice it, he actually looks cute" He thought to himself.

Many events has happened the night before and he still unable to digest everything into his mind. He decided to just put it aside first and focus on what he's gonnna do from now on.

Taking his face towel and putting it on his shoulder, he left to the toilet and brushes his teeth.

Not long after that, Cheondung wake up from his sleep.

As he was still blur and confuse by his sudden transformation, it takes time for his eyes to actually adjust to the surrounding compare to when he was a mannequin. 

As he try to stand up, he did fall down after that but after awhile, he did able to adjust the strength on his feet and am able to walk fine right now. As he head towards the door, he did stumble a few times and hit himself on the door right away. Not knowing how to open the door that is closed, he try to knock, bang, push and pull but still unable to open it. Finally after a few tries, the door suddenly open from the other side and was greeted by Seungho.

"Yah! Are you crazy?!" He said while his mouth full with toothpaste with bubbles foam filled his lips all over.

Blinking his eyes again, he look at Seungho innocently.

"Aishhhhh, forget bout it" he walk away towards the toilet while continue to brush his teeth.

Cheondung follow him from behind.

Gargling the water in his mouth, together with the now melted toothpaste and bubbles, he pour it all out into the basin. Cheondung was standing beside him, looking at what he was doing.

"I..." Cheondung finally trying to say something.

"Call me hyung" He said while applying some facial foam into his face.

"Eh?" startled by the sudden acclaimation, he was confused.

As he wait for Seungho to finally cleanse himself off with the foam, he wipe the remaining water on his face with the facial towel he brought along him just now.

"No matter how I look at you, I am still older than you, so call me hyung" He said that right onto my face, overpowering the little me.

"Ahh... Ye" I nod my head.

"Here, use this and brush your teeth" He handed his tooth brush and tooth paste that he just used onto me. 

I took it away from his hand politely as I stare blankly onto the tooth brush and the tooth paste and then back to him, trying to recall how to use this 2 item but nothing seems to come to my mind.

"Ahhhhhh right. I forgot you don't even know how to do this" He scratch his head, messing his hair again. Luckily he haven't tidy up his hair. 

He seriously look sooooooo cute with bed hair stuck onto him. He looks cute, really.

I giggled.

This was my first time ever doing it after I became a human.

"You look really cute when you do that, you know?" He said.

I blushed.

A tiny red mark was seen obviously on my cheek as I am not used to such compliment before even when I was a mannequin. I hope he doesn't notice it.

"Here, let me show you how to brush" He walk directly behind me as he adjust my position right in front of the mirror. He gently lift up my left hand, holding myself tightly with the tooth brush and then he gushes down the tooth paste foam, and help me to apply it onto the tooth brush that I was holding.

"This is how you brush your teeth" Gently again he lifted up my hand and position it in front of my mouth, helping me to brush my teeth, every single of my teeth without hurting me.

Something happening in my heart.

Something pumping furiously.

I'm getting hot for some reason.

But all I heard was the fast heartbeat of the man behind me.

I guess he felt the same too.

"Now, in some water and try to gargle it in your mouth. You've seen me doing it just now, don't you?" He said.

I try to do what he has told me and what I've seen myself, I some of the water, gargling it in my mouth and pour everything out into the basin.

Surprised myself, I jumped happily.

"I've did it!" I was overjoy of course. This is at least the first task I have ever complete it on my own after I become a human.

He laugh and grin happily. I was too!

As I stopped, he notice there's still some bubble foam on my lips.

Gently, he uses his thumb and wipe away those foams on my lips.

I can assure you, I have no idea what is happening to myself right now.

I blushes madly. He is too!

I can see that he was staring at me blankly himself.

Red cheeks was seen on his face.

Blushing, he walk away out from the toilet and into his room, locking the door.

I stand there, blinking away to myself.

I gently put my hand onto my chest.

Pop pob, Pop pob, Pop pob

I feel my heart pumping furiously.

"Ahh, this is what a heart is" I thought to myself....

- In the room -

"What was that? What am I doing?!" lying my back onto the door, recalling what I've done a few seconds ago, this is something not right. Definitely.










Author's Note : This is quite a far journey off from the day I've started writing this fanfic. How do you feel about it? Please kindly comment. Thanks.

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Chapter 34: Oppa I like both of the endings!!! The 1st one is too sad TT it's really heartbreakingTT but the 2nd alternative ending is really beautiful><~ though it still a bit sad, but it has such a beautiful ending ^^
But Oppa, the letter that cheondoong wrote to seungho is really sad TT great job and great story Oppa ^^ Thankyou Oppa to making a beautiful story *bow* ^^
random-user1234 #2
Chapter 34: omg i read both endings... my heart broke the first time, i love the second ending much much better ^o^ wow author, you really are the best!!!!
Chapter 34: I love you so so so much! And yesterday you just broke my heart by not letting doongie and yng panda have their happiness!! Hahahaha <3
Chapter 34: glad-glad-glad.... ahahahahahha...
so surprising... jeongmal... I think that is the end... ahhh.. authornim... you jeongmal... something.. its amaing...
I love this end... hahaahahahahah
happy write story again... authornim... :)
Chapter 34: This ending is better, by the end of the first and sad ending i cried for them, this why this one is better because it does not make me cry
Chapter 34: Glad for this happy ending :)
Kyung1Ari #7
Chapter 34: I'm so glad it has an happy ending too. I enjoyed reading this story very much. Thank you for a wonderful story with both endings.
charlot #8
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaahh happy ending for both of them! kyahahah thank you authornim! I love you three times day!

anyhoo..please prioritize the Step by step! thank you thank you! mwah mwah chup chup
Chapter 33: So, my fic had ended. Do you guys enjoy it? Which fic should I write? Prayer or Step By Step?
Chapter 33: This as totally unexpected, seriously, i would have never thought it could turn this way, and even thought it wad really sad, it is still good that they could be together "sobs"

Thanks for writing this wonderful story : D