The Twist

If You Come Into My Heart

Seungho shout scares the customers away as two of the staff heading towards Seungho and try to drag him out from the shop.

"Who the hell are you?! Who you think you are?! You scare the hell out of the customers!" said one of the staff, holding Seungho left hand, trying to drag him out.

"There's no one name Cheondung here. You have to leave." said the other staff who took Seungho right hand and both lifted him up and drag him away.

Seungho hyung refuse to give up. He keep on struggling here and there while landed a few punch on both of their face and dash into the shop. He search high and low, left and right, up and bottom but nothing was found. All the female staff are afraid of him, even the male staff trying to hold him down but was beaten into a pulp. One of the many staff actually try to call the police but was stopped by Byung Ki and Ji Hoon who just came down from the floor above. Amidst all of the ruckus, Jihoon spotted Seungho hyung and rush towards him and push him down on the floor, stopping his every movement.

"LET ME GO YOU BASTARD!!" Seungho hyung shouted while struggling himself free from his grip.

"Well well well, look who is here" Byung Ki said, standing not far away from Seungho.

"Where the hell is Cheondung?! Where did you keep him?!" Seungho said, boiling in anger.

"Cheondung? I'm afraid I don't know this person" Byung Ki said, acting all innocent.

"I SAID WHERE THE HELL IS CHEONDUNG?!" Seungho hyung yell at him this time, struggling to break free from Jihoon's grip but of no use.

With all the ruckus and noise, especially Seungho hyung's yell, Cheondung heard him.

Despite with all the injuries, bruises and wounds, Cheondung almost had all his energy depleted from him but he try to shout, try to call out his name, try to push out all his energy for a final shout, hoping that he would able to hear him.

"Seungho hyung......." said Cheondung, in a whisper voice, panting and breathing heavily at first. He give a few try while in pain.

"Seungho hyung...." he called out his name, louder this time.

With all his energy, he give his final cry.

"SEUNGHO HYUNG !!!" Shouted Cheondung before his pain take over him.

His scream got through them. Seungho hyung try his best to break free from Jihoon's grip, headbutting him on his face and finally dashes out to the sound that he heard from the top.

"Get Him NOW!!" Byung Ki commanded Jihoon who brushes his face from the hit and rushes up to where Seungho is, tailing him from behind.

As Seungho hyung rushes to the floor where he heard the scream, he search each and every room but was nowhere to be found. On his final attempt, he finally found a dark room at the far corner of the hallway. He try to open the door but the door was locked. Desperate, he bang the door with all his might and got through it. 

"Cheondung!!" He saw Cheondung covered with bruises, wounds and blood all over him and almost got him to tear up.

"Cheondung! Cheondung! Wake Up!!" He slap Cheondung, shake him and try to wake him up while trying to untie the knot. In an attempt to free him, suddenly, a loud bang hit him from behind and fainted on the spot.

"Hahahaha, good job Jihoon! You have done well." Byung Ki said. Jihoon on the other hand, smirk with his eyes fixed on Byung Ki.

Byung Ki walks towards Seungho and grab him on his head and give a few punches and slaps on his body.

"Bastard! You think you are stronger huh?" Byung Ki said while throwing his head back to the floor.

"Jihoon, tie him-" His words stopped half way as a loud bang was heard from behind him.

As he landed on the floor while the blood gushes out from his wound, he clearly saw the man standing before him.


"You-" Byung Ki said.

"You fool! You think I'd be loyal to you?" Jihoon said while giving him a few nice kick on his body.

"Grahhhhhhhh!!" Byung Ki screamed in pain.

"I'll have you know that once you die, your company will soon belong to me! The person whom you think will be loyal to you forever!" Jihoon grab his head and look straight into his eyes.

Byung Ki spit on his face. 

"That will never do!" Byung Ki said.

Jihoon wipe his face and then push his head down onto the floor with a loud bang. Byung Ki scream.


"When you die, nobody will take over your shop. Your sister? Your sister is a fool who knows nothing about business but fun!" Jihoon said as he stand up and walk towards the table. He take up the knife that he used on Cheondung and walk back to Byung Ki.

"You don't even know who is your customers. You don't even know how to tend your business and you pass it all to me." Jihoon squat down facing him.

"Wh-What are you gonna do?!" Byung Ki shiver in fear as the knife shines his pointy part.

"You are of no use is better if you die and vanish from this world. Your face disguise me!" Jihoon lifted his knife up high, ready to stab right onto his heart.


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Chapter 34: Oppa I like both of the endings!!! The 1st one is too sad TT it's really heartbreakingTT but the 2nd alternative ending is really beautiful><~ though it still a bit sad, but it has such a beautiful ending ^^
But Oppa, the letter that cheondoong wrote to seungho is really sad TT great job and great story Oppa ^^ Thankyou Oppa to making a beautiful story *bow* ^^
random-user1234 #2
Chapter 34: omg i read both endings... my heart broke the first time, i love the second ending much much better ^o^ wow author, you really are the best!!!!
Chapter 34: I love you so so so much! And yesterday you just broke my heart by not letting doongie and yng panda have their happiness!! Hahahaha <3
Chapter 34: glad-glad-glad.... ahahahahahha...
so surprising... jeongmal... I think that is the end... ahhh.. authornim... you jeongmal... something.. its amaing...
I love this end... hahaahahahahah
happy write story again... authornim... :)
Chapter 34: This ending is better, by the end of the first and sad ending i cried for them, this why this one is better because it does not make me cry
Chapter 34: Glad for this happy ending :)
Kyung1Ari #7
Chapter 34: I'm so glad it has an happy ending too. I enjoyed reading this story very much. Thank you for a wonderful story with both endings.
charlot #8
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaahh happy ending for both of them! kyahahah thank you authornim! I love you three times day!

anyhoo..please prioritize the Step by step! thank you thank you! mwah mwah chup chup
Chapter 33: So, my fic had ended. Do you guys enjoy it? Which fic should I write? Prayer or Step By Step?
Chapter 33: This as totally unexpected, seriously, i would have never thought it could turn this way, and even thought it wad really sad, it is still good that they could be together "sobs"

Thanks for writing this wonderful story : D