The First Story

If You Come Into My Heart


I was carried away with full care, making sure that none of the part of my body reaches the floor. He took full care inspecting every second in every part of my body with his eyes that seems to be able to burn a hole in my body. That glare especially, when he found some dirts, just dirts on both of my legs. He put me down slowly and clean up the dirts with the tissues he fishes out from his pocket. Later on, he carried me again but this time, he lifted me higher and balance me right onto his shoulder as he carry me back to his place. The way he care even for a mannequin is a guy whom you will want to marry in the future. I was of course, embarassed as he scans my body from top to bottom.

As he walk towards the end of the street and make a left turn, there I see alot of residential houses all the way till the end of the road. This was my first time saw everything made so beautifully. The different colors painted in every building, high and low, big and small was a sight to see with trees as tall as the sky and pets along the way. It sounds harmonious but I was carry passed all these buildings into another slot of buildings, poorer this time. There's only 1 variety of building and 1 variety of color painted on it. It seems gloomy but nonetheless, there's also a place where everyone can call home.... just poorer.

As he carry me through, he stopped at one of the building and fishes out his key to unlock the front gate and enter inside. Though the house maybe poorer, but the inside was fascinating. It was colorful and bright, and lots of clothes? I mean LOTS and LOTS of clothes hanging everywhere. Scissors, cloth, needles, and everything a designer would have was on the living room. It was quite a mess but still a nice place to stay. As he was ready to put me down onto the floor, a voice came from the kitchen.

"Ah dul, you back?"

"Oh? Ya, omma" he replied him.

"Dinner will be ready, go and clean up yourself" his mom replied him.

Though I can't smell whatever that was happening in the kitchen room, (I can only see and hear for now) I can assure you that the man who carry me back was drooling right now.

He put me back onto his arms in a huggy type and carry me back to his room with full care. He placed me just right beside his bed and hurry on to his cupboard to search for some clothes. As he did, he undress right in front of me and hurry himself into the bathroom.


This was my first time looking at such wonderful human body and I admire him having those muscles around his arms.

"What am I thinking?" I thought...

It seems like a couple of minutes has passed and he was out from his bathroom, with his towel around his waist. He put on his clothes and then ready out from his room.

The next couple of hours, I was alone with lights off in his room.

Many thoughts has come in.

What would my fate be? What would I ended up be? Will my fate be the same as my first?

Such thoughts creeping in. It scares me.

Suddenly, a tear form in my eyes and roll it out to the floor. I was deeply sadden by my own thought.

"Don't worry, you will be free......"

A voice came in.

I was surprised! I try to look everywhere but I can't move my head. My eyes only fixed onto the location of the door but I was sure that I saw a feather flew in and some glittering dust brighten the corner of the room.

An angel with a wide wings flew in from the opened window.

A beautiful angel that was seen in front of me, examine me thoroughly. He told me....

"Remember what I've told you that night...... and you will be free"

That night? What happend that night? 

I want to ask him millions of question, but I can't even speak at all.

What you mean that night? Which night?

He smile to me and flew off to the sky, vanished from my sight.

What happened on that night?

As I was thinking out to myself, exactly what had happened that night, I can't recall anything at all. The light suddenly on and a young man came into the room.

He take a sit onto the working chair just beside me and started drawing, on and on and on. 

"Why didn't he say something?" I thought to myself.

The thought became reality when he pushes his chair back as he lean on it, he examine me again with his burning eyes.

He stand up and headed towards me as he land his arm onto my shoulder saying....

"I'm Yang Seungho" he introduce himself.

"And you gonna make me rich" his eyes burned with passion as he stare right into my eyes.







To be continue.

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Chapter 34: Oppa I like both of the endings!!! The 1st one is too sad TT it's really heartbreakingTT but the 2nd alternative ending is really beautiful><~ though it still a bit sad, but it has such a beautiful ending ^^
But Oppa, the letter that cheondoong wrote to seungho is really sad TT great job and great story Oppa ^^ Thankyou Oppa to making a beautiful story *bow* ^^
random-user1234 #2
Chapter 34: omg i read both endings... my heart broke the first time, i love the second ending much much better ^o^ wow author, you really are the best!!!!
Chapter 34: I love you so so so much! And yesterday you just broke my heart by not letting doongie and yng panda have their happiness!! Hahahaha <3
Chapter 34: glad-glad-glad.... ahahahahahha...
so surprising... jeongmal... I think that is the end... ahhh.. authornim... you jeongmal... something.. its amaing...
I love this end... hahaahahahahah
happy write story again... authornim... :)
Chapter 34: This ending is better, by the end of the first and sad ending i cried for them, this why this one is better because it does not make me cry
Chapter 34: Glad for this happy ending :)
Kyung1Ari #7
Chapter 34: I'm so glad it has an happy ending too. I enjoyed reading this story very much. Thank you for a wonderful story with both endings.
charlot #8
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaahh happy ending for both of them! kyahahah thank you authornim! I love you three times day!

anyhoo..please prioritize the Step by step! thank you thank you! mwah mwah chup chup
Chapter 33: So, my fic had ended. Do you guys enjoy it? Which fic should I write? Prayer or Step By Step?
Chapter 33: This as totally unexpected, seriously, i would have never thought it could turn this way, and even thought it wad really sad, it is still good that they could be together "sobs"

Thanks for writing this wonderful story : D