
My Sweet Devil


Luhan led Chaerin back after she moved on from her little distraught episode of being marked. 

“I doubt I should be seeing you here. Mr. High and Mighty would have a fit.” She murmured, recalling the one bastard that was hell-bound to keep her out.

The glowing angel near her beamed, laughter pouring from his lips. “Don’t be too hard on him. He’s a big softie, he just lands into leader mode sometimes. Trust me when I say the idiot can be kind of cute at times.”

She snorted, “Are we talking about the same Kris?”

“Ah, he’s trying to look out for you. It’s not every day we have a human stumbling into our business.”

 “I didn’t stumble. I was unintentionally drawn in by one of your ranks.”

“Oh, that’s right. Forgive us, we let things get to our head. Lot of tension in our midst.”

“Why?” She questioned. “Wait, sorry, I shouldn’t even be prying.”

He faced her, aghast, “Who am I, Kris? I honestly believe you should know more or at least fully comprehend how you got dragged down into our mess.” She prompted him to continue.

“Our pack consists of twelve, and like others wolves we must have one to lead us. Unfortunately, two potential alphas emerged, Kris, whom you are already acquainted with, is one. An elder figure, from a closely-allied pack, instructed us to resolve our issues on our own, he won't be around forever you know." He paused, allowed the first slips of information to sink in.

Clearing his throat, he pressed on, "We split among whom we favored to be the leader, and as you can imagine, arguments ensued. A couple of us got a little rowdy, which is why you were chased. The youngest of our group was pissed after one bout of debate, he fell prey to his emotions, and wanted to have a go at Kris, pursued his scent, found you instead." He brushed his hair to the side."He’s awfully sorry. He doesn't normally lose his cool and allow the beast to retain control."

"I don't hate him for it." Seeing this was the golden opportunity, she flung another question his way. “What about the second time?’"

“Kris didn’t say?” He said, stunned.

Chaerin responded with a confused expression. "Should he have?"

The corners of his mouth stretched into a smile. “Of course not, the sly dog. I’m afraid I have to let him tell you that one.”

She gave up. “You guys are unbelievable.”

He winked. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

She ushered him on.

His occupation as her guide ended on their arrival at the entrance.

"Why did you tell me all of this?"

“I’m not leader material, but I believe you deserve to know this much after all you have gone through because of us."

“Thank you, I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.” 

“That’s because I didn’t throw it at you. It’s Luhan, don’t forget it anytime soon, Chaerin.” She could have sworn his wink sparkled, she nodded, and left.

Luhan groaned, sensing another presence, “Please, don’t tell me you’re Kris.”

“You’re safe this time around. Lay’s helping him scout.” Xiumin muttered, poking his head out from the foliage. “Weren’t we told to avoid her?”

“Did you honestly buy that? As if Kris wants that! He’s a conflicted, mangy mutt. Putting other’s needs before his own. That boy needs to learn how to prioritize.”

Xiumin shrugged. “It comes with being the leader. Also, I thought she knew this road very well.”

“Yeah, I thought so, too. I think she was scared off into a different direction. I don’t know what could have possibly terrified her, though.”

Xiumin grunted, “Liar, you were tracking her.”

“Okay! I caught her scent and went to check on her. But, I wasn’t as light on my toes as I should have been.”


“Yah! Xiumin, I was just making sure she wouldn’t get into danger, she always does!”

Xiumin trudged away, commenting he didn’t associate with erted dogs.


Chaerin dried her wet hair, peered at her reflection in the hallway mirror, narrowed down her choices. Luhan had been denied access to her, and he went and helped her anyways. He went so far as to mention the whole issue underlying the first attempt on her life. Kris could punish him greatly for it, seeing as he defied him.

What was deterring her from a similar course of action?

All it took was a terrified cry the next afternoon to have Aron dash to her rescue and she easily pinned him to the wall, her face shoved directly in view. She demanded he relay what progress they made with Baekho.

He didn't miss a beat, informing her that they failed to find him at this point. His scent was stale, they were trying every route possible, roaming beyond the campus, even expecting a corpse. She had him take her to the rest of the group where she announced she was in, she wanted to contribute more to saving Baekho.

Ren huffed, he wasn't too fond of allowing an outsider barge his or her way into their personal issues. Minhyun was stunned, and JR seemed to be the only one to welcome his 'sister', a small smile reaching his eyes.

The presentation went out with a bang, the group passing with high scores. Sandara celebrated with the freshman, downing a cup of cola, the two wildly singing to their own tune. Chaerin searched for her camera to seize the priceless moment; she knew this group would be irreplaceable. Yongguk playfully bumped into her, she elbowed him, the two laughing throughout the exchange. 

He smiled, wondered if they could be friends and hang out sometime. The young woman laughed, agreed without a doubt. 

"Alas, I'm going to be booked the next couple of days. Perhaps, next week you can show me the rest of the town? I'm still not too familiar with what lies beyond the campus."

Yongguk was all gums by the time she finished her suggestion. "Anything for you, Chae."

Wanting one last normal night before she dipped into supernatural shenanigans, she committed to drinks with friend Bom, her beau Siwon, Sandara and her brother Sanghyun. They let loose, blowing off much needed steam and stress.

"It took you long enough to finally join the party, Chae." Bom purred. "I was beginning to worry you were avoiding us."

Chaerin snorted, "I couldn't if I tried, Unnie."

"I don't see why you would want to try." Siwon intercepted, hugging his bride-to-be closer to his side. 

Sandara and Chaerin clasped hands, sighed together wistfully, envying Bom's fortune in snagging a husband in Siwon.

Bom playfully smacked Siwon, her face pouting. "Don't be so greasy."

"For the bedroom, then?" He suggested with a arch of his brow.

Sanghyun choked on his drink, and the table roared with laughter. 

By the end, Chaerin had Sanghyun under her arm, his head resting comfortably on her chest, his hand curled around his sister's purse. Sandara attempted to catch herself a man with her cute charms meanwhile Bom and Siwon couldn't keep their lips off each-other, the alcohol partially responsible.

She inhaled, exhaled. This was a moment she wanted to cherish, she wanted to forget everything else just for this moment. Firmly, she downed one last shot to commemorate her last night ahead of playing supernatural detective.

She arranged for someone to take over her shift, relieved Mr. Lee was fine with it. In fact, he felt she had achieved over-time and needed a huge break. As soon as darkness descended, she headed out with JR and Aron flanking each side. For inspection sakes, they returned to the oak. Aron fidgeted nervously, relentlessly till he finally moved on up ahead without them. 

Piqued, she gazed at JR, her unspoken question transmitted to him.

"Don't sweat it," He replied. "He's just wrecked with guilt." Her eyes continued the interrogation and JR mentioned that Aron was the reason Baekho got out of hand after deciding the sister of the group could be trusted with this much information. He had been reckless, revealed his true form and Baekho couldn't handle it. He ran off. They thought he would come back, so they patiently waited for his return. "It's my fault we sat around, hoping he'd come back. I told them to wait."

"I see." Chaerin nodded, stringing the pieces along. "So, that’s why Baekho said ‘they’ were coming to get him. I’m sure he doesn’t blame him.”

JR smiled wistfully. “I know. Aron’s the one that needs convincing.”

The two continued on searching for minute details the group could have missed in silence. Chaerin wandered in the direction the fight-zone rested and JR warned her to steer clear of the area. She jumped onto another path, but the ground shifted and she slid down, a slight cry ripped from in surprise.

Aron caught her, her arms instantly wrapped around his neck. They reached the ground safely, all in one piece, her shallow breathing cut short by the intrusion of a familiar face.

Luhan arrived onto the scene, eyes searching for danger. Once he spotted her, he gaped. "What are you doing here?"

Her response died when he spoke.

“Yes, Chaerin, what are you doing?”

Aron stiffened beneath her, he felt the great threat this man imposed.

She turned her head towards the face tentatively. Kris loomed above, his swirling red eyes burning them with its intensity.



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There wasn't really a plot for this, omg. I think I have improved since MSD. Yes, yes.


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babycresent #1
Chapter 2: Accidentally chanced under this story n I must say I like your writing style . N have been binge reading your stories ??
Authornim, I only stumbled upon this ChaeKris ship this afternoon (I know, my bad) and I've been turned crazy by the little amount of ChaeKris fanfictions out here until voila! I found yours! May I just say that, your story just rocks?! I apologize for the excessive use of exclamation marks, but I'm practically b with excitement here over the wonderful and oh so mighty pairing of ChaeKris.

Have a great weekend!
Chapter 31: I really enjoyed it. Will definitely subscribe to your stories.
shiniheiji #4
Chapter 31: Normally, I'm not really like supernatural story, but this is amazing. Because of chaekris, I try to read it and I not disappointed at all !! Thanks because write such a beautiful story ^^
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful story. I love it! I thought them leaving was gobna be the end, but yay!!! They're back together. I wonder who the young man was. :3
Chapter 10: So, I've been reading up til now and I gotta admit, it's super good, super interesting, and super omg, but I'm confused as hell. Lol. It's like, I get the big picture, but not so much of the little picture. Like, some parts are kinda confusing cause all of a sudden something just happens and some parts I don't really get what's going on. But then again, maybe it's just me and my brain that isn't working so well at the moment, hahah. So far, this kinda reminds me of them college papers, the words are simple and not difficult but the main point is difficult to grasps. Hahah. But now that there are names though, I'm finally getting it! :D
Anyways! All I really wanted to say though was, omgggggggg, I died when Yongguk came into the picture. ♥

P.S. Sorry for this super long comment! And please, don't take my comment badly, I really love your fanfic! C:
xxcherryblossomsxx #7
hanbeannie #8
HowGoddess #9
Chapter 31: Can't handle my feeling,OMFG!!! it'll be nice if NC, LOL LOL LOL. author youre daebak, make another Chaekris story juseyooooo.