“You are not, and never will be a bad person."

My Secret Boyfriend's Secret


Chapter 8: “You are not, and never will be a bad person."


[Byungmi’s POV]

The moment I stepped out of the cafeteria, I ran as fast as I could to the rooftop. Entering my favorite place in the school, I went to my usual spot - the area beside the ledge- and sat down, hugging my knees to my chest.

I couldn’t believe what I had just done. I broke my promise. Claiming that I hated violence but yet, the very first person who got the first hand experience of my ‘violence’ was Dongwoo Oppa, my very first love.

How could I break my promise of not resorting to violence ever again?

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch break. I sighed as I went down the stairs and into the hallway which was filled with gossips and stares of the rest of the school.

I couldn’t even stare back because I felt so ashamed of myself.

This is going to be a long, long day.

[No one’s POV]

The door to Byungmi’s apartment clicked open and outside stood Dongwoo with a smile on his face. Byungmi merely glanced at her boyfriend before changing the direction of her gaze to the plant beside him.

“I didn’t cook today, Oppa. Sorry. Please go have your dinner somewhere else. Bye.”

Having said that, Byungmi attempted to close the door in Dongwoo’s face, only to have the latter’s hand pushing on the door, refusing to let the door close.

“Byungmi, you’re my girlfriend, not some chef. I don’t come here just to eat your food, I came here to see you. So, let me come in.” Dongwoo chided the younger girl in a light tone.

“Okay, you saw me. I’m well and alive. Now, please go and have your dinner. Bye Oppa.” Byungmi said and attempted to close the door once again.

She didn’t mean to be sarcastic or a mean person; but Byungmi just couldn’t bring herself to face her boyfriend after what had happened during the lunch break.

Knowing how his girlfriend felt, Dongwoo pushed the door open fully and stepped in before closing the door behind him. Wordlessly, he hugged Byungmi without warning. No matter how much Byungmi struggled, Dongwoo just didn’t let go.

“Byungmi ah, it’s okay. Just cry it out. Cry it all out. Oppa doesn’t blame you at all. It’s going to be alright.” Dongwoo whispered, in a soothing voice.

And, that was all it takes to have Byungmi breaking down in Dongwoo’s arms.

“Oppa, Mianhe. I’m so sorry. How can be like this? I’m such a bad person.”

“Hey baby, look at me.” Dongwoo lifted Byungmi’s chin at her self-reproaching words.

You are not, and never will be a bad person. You’re an angel, you know that? Promise Oppa that you’ll never belittle yourself like this again. Promise me.”

More tears slipped down Byungmi’s cheeks as Dongwoo said those words.

“I-I-I I promise.” Byungmi said trembling slightly.

“Good. I love you Lee Byungmi.” Dongwoo whispered as he wiped away the tears from Byungmi’s cheeks.

And then, he looked into her eyes once again, before pressing his lips on hers firmly.


A/N: Aww... Isn't Dongwoo sweet?~ keke~ :D Another update! 

Hope you enjoyed it! ^^ 

Is anyone curious about her past? xD 

PS, The main image just fits... The guy looks like he treasures the girl alot so yeah :P


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Chapter 21: wow..will there any sequels?
Saemiy #2
Chapter 5: Ahhh. Dongwoo oppa just too awesome!!!!!!! His action always made my heart race, even in fiction. Hahaha.
I cant help it but to read it again. Kyaaaa~~~
Saemiy #3
Chapter 21: Going to the next sequel right away ^^
Chapter 21: Wow that was great! Off to the sequel! It'd be cool if all the gangs hold a soft spot to her xD
Chapter 21: Thanks for making such a wonderful story

i love it <3

sad ending though.. T_T
Chapter 21: That's some deep stuff at the end O.o
Chapter 21: omg lol I just finished reading this! I can't wait to read the sequel ~
jennifer1801 #8
Chapter 12: Good job!nice story!cnu bias here!
ybacon #9
Erhmerhgerddd. If Byungmi loves CNU as much as she says she does, why not just accept the fact he is a part of a gang?
KimHyunAe #10
Well it was ok...
Good job