New Pet

Daelo Crackfic (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

I was at the grocery store with Yongguk and Jongup. We ran out of vegetables, snacks and..toilet paper. Jongup just had to spend time thinking about life while taking a dump. He says he thinks best in the bathroom. 

I pushed the cart around while Yongguk gave orders on what to get. Jongup was here with us since he was the one at fault. 

"Do we have everything, Junhong?" Yongguk asked.

I held up the organized list that Himchan gave us. I cringed at the glittery pink ink he used to write with. "Yeah hyung."

"Alright, where's Jongup?" Yongguk looked around. "That crazy guy, getting lost so easily."

"Oh!" Jongup appeared around the corner. "There you guys are! Why did you guys get lost?"

Yongguk snorted. "Babo, you were the one who got lost."


"Yeah we were just looking for you," I laughed.

After that we went in line and paid for everything. We got out of there when suddenly I felt something furry brush past my leg. I yelped and saw what it was. 

"Hey look, it's a hamster!" I bent down and picked it up with my hands. It had caramel fur with white paws. I poked the tip of its rose colored nose and it twitched its whiskers. 

"I think the hamster came from that pet store next door," Yongguk said as he petted the hamter's head. We entered the pet shop and a middle aged woman greeted us.

"Hello! Welcome! Can I help y---" the lady paused when she saw me carrying the hamster. "Bonnie! How did you get out of your cage?"

"We found her in front of the grocery store," I said and gave her the furry animal. 

She went to put Bonnie in her cage and glanced at us. "Thank you for finding her and bringing her here. She seems to always escape her cage once in a while, such a sneaky hamster."

I smiled and nodded. I looked at Bonnie at her cage and I saw her in the corner, nibbling a seed. Slowly I made way to her cage and saw that she looked lonely. Her eyes were watery and I thought of an idea.

"Hey guys, should we keep her?" I asked curiously.

Yongguk and Jongup looked at me like I was crazy. The lady beamed. "Why that would be wonderful! Now I won't have to deal with finding her everytime heh."

I saw Yongguk thinking really hard. "Ok then but Junhong, you're responsible for Bonnie. Daehyun too."

I quickly nodded and Yongguk grinned. We now have a pet.


"Omo omo omo, is that a hamster?" Himchan said as he came from the kitchen. He had on a pink apron with 'Kiss the Chef' written on. I snickered.

Yongguk sighed. "Yeah, her name's Bonnie. Junhong and Daehyun will take care of it."

"Ahh. Oh doesn't she kinda resemble me Yonggukie?!" Himchan squealed. Yongguk raised his eyebrow.

Youngjae who was reading a book on the couch said, "You wish, hyung."

"You mister don't get any dessert! Hmph," Himchan said and went back to the kitchen.

I sat down on the sofa across from Youngjae and Bonnie. "Can't wait to take care of you," I softly said.

"We have a new pet? Wow it's cute!" Daehyun said from behind me. I turned around and froze. A sleepy Daehyun was stretching. He had bedhead hair and slightly rumpled clothes. As he stretched his arms his T-shirt lifted up a bit, revealing his toned stomach. I couldn't take my eyes off him, even when he went down to sit next to me. 'What's wrong with me? I see him like this all the time in the morning,' I said to myself.

"What's its name?" Daehyun leaned closer to me to pet Bonnie. My face was getting hot, I could feel his body warmth.

"B-Bon Bon," I said without thinking. Oh no.

"Really? Even the name's cute~"

"I thought its name was Bonnie?" Youngjae questioned while he flipped a page.

Daehyun chuckled. "Guess it's the nickname then."

"O-of course," I murmured. I wanted to bang my head on the wall now. 

Luckily Himchan saved me from embarassing myself even more. "Guys! Lunch is ready! I made my famous cupcakes for dessert~ Youngjae doesn't get one though!"

Youngjae got up and rolled his eyes. I stood up but then Daehyun held onto my wrist. "Junhong."


"Isn't this hamster," he said and pointed to Bon Bon, "like our first child?"

He smirked when I stepped back with wide eyes.


And what does he mean by first? 

Hamsters are so cute! x3 Haha their lovechild

Thanks for the nice comments guys <3 

I can't update tomorrow, I've got plans with le family T_T

Really sorry but here's a HOT pic of daelo! too bad it's edited haha
























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Chapter 15: Oh my god I just fell in love. Pretty please update soon <3
hi author!
i just in love with your crackfic <3
can i translate it to Vietnamese?
i promise to credit and put a link to your page.
reply me as soon as you can ^^
Chapter 15: LOL at this chapter haahah. I actually died of laughter. PLEASE UPDATE SOON. It's one of my favorite stories ever like omg
SuperJunior713 #4
Chapter 15: Oh no! I don't want to die, I guess I'm going to comment then. xD
Classy Youngjae.... My mole is falling off... That's something everyone would say. > w <
Himchan, you are one special person.... UNIQUE SQUAD, UNITE~
Chapter 15: Yaaaaaay. Now Daehyun can spent time with Junhong ~ Lol update soon
wishful_promises #6
Chapter 15: The Unique Squad... Pfft. I was right. They are very, VERY unique xD Dae Baby, wth? I'm laughing so hard right now I don't even know- The top gif is soooo cute :D
Chapter 14: OMG so he wasn't that bad... Hahahaha. I wonder which BAP member would be paired up with Kangjun ~ Kekeke update.
SuperJunior713 #8
Chapter 14: Ah, okay~ He wasn't trying to do anything bad~ ^^ But I'll still be watching.... *backs out like a cool spy
Who is he going to get paired up with... Hmm...
wishful_promises #9
Chapter 14: And I still don't hate Kangjun :3 I wonder... There's only Himchan and Yongguk, and both of them are together so they're gonna give Kangjun hell if ever, or if they continue their mindsets as part of the... unique squad.... *cough* Zelo in the pic, I'm squealing xD
Chapter 13: omg i just read it and i already fall in love with your fic, update soon author-nim. pretty pleaseee