First meeting

Forever Only Ever Loved You

Baekhyun P.O.V

I finally clearly saw the boy's face, it was the most gorgeous face I had ever seen! It fitted perfectly with his tall height and just perfect body not too thin or fat.  Now I need to ask him for help otherwise I'm gonna stare at him forever.

Chanyeol P.O.V

I was in my own world until I heard a voice saying "um.....can you help me please?" it was a boy with brown hair and light-brown eyes. His cheeeks were all red from the cold air, he must've been lost. But how did he get here anyway noone's allowed come in this area except the workers. Well, its none of my business so, I replied saying " Yes how may I help you?" I said with a smile remembering Mr A.K's lessons of being a gentlemen.

Baekhyun P.O.V

Wow! He actually smiled at me, but it doesn't look real. Ugh why am I getting so caught with this? I need to ask him before he thinks I'm a freak. So I said " Do you know where this house his?" pointing at a map which I didn't get at all. He looked at it for a moment until he said " In order to reach there you need to go straight and then take the second right lane." He said it with a smile again! He really speaks formally, I haven't really met anyone who speaks so formally. I replied " Thank You." and he said

"You are most welcome." I wish I could stay with him for longer. What am I thinking? I don't like him right? I just met him though. I'll probably get over it since I haven't really fancied anyone.

Chanyeol P.O.V

I watched as the boy went away following the directions I told him. He must be the head butler's relative since thats where he is heading towards. But he was wearing the most casual clothes I had ever seen anyone wearing. As far as I know all the other people who are "near/my standards" as my teachers says wear formal clothes all the time. And the head butler's daughters wear formal clothes. So, why's he not wearing it? I thought to myself. I looked at my watch and saw it was my time to go home. Therefore I walked towards my house which is empty after all the workers go. I'm used to being alone and I like it better when it's only me in the house because it's always been like that.....


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ann_HM #1
Chapter 3: Baekyeol... so cute...
kpopismaharmartia #2
Chapter 21: Baekkie is the new GIRL?
Huh? He's a guy rite...
First_Love #3
I'll update as soon as I can!
White_tigeress #4
Chapter 16: Something bad should happen like rei not talking to yui anymore cuz of a reason...
White_tigeress #5
In ur new story make me the heroine ok??? But call me something Koreany ok???? And the hero can be anyone from exo cuz I love them all but I want it like obs hero: Tao and side hero: beakhyun!!!! Plz beg ya if u do it then Ill make this really popular for ya cuz I know how!!!!
First_Love #6
Chapter 1: Thanks glad u liked it!
White_tigeress #7
Chapter 11: So cute love it
First_Love #8
not really
White_tigeress #9
Chapter 7: Ur swearing!!!!