
Forever Only Ever Loved You

Baekhyun P.O.V

We reached Chanyeol's home no mansion and went inside. The security guards were staring at us for a while, but stopped afer a while. It made me feel insecure so, I held onto his hand tightly and he held onto it while smiling at me. Making me feel safe!

I stopped outside my room, Chanyeol turned around came up to me and said "So, do you want me to sleep with you tonight aswell?" smirking.

"No!" my cheeks were boiling.

"Aw, I thought it would be fun."


"Sorry, sorry." he said while laughing and walking towards his room.

I stood there for a while thinking about what he said. After a while I was going to go inside my room, I was stopped by someone hugging me from behind."Chanyeol" I said knowing it was him. He hugged me tight for a moment until he turned me around so I'd face him. "I am sorry about before, I was just joking."

"Its okay Chanyeol, I know that."

" I know I am over-reacting, but I don't even want to hurt you even by mistake."

"Chanyeol." I said almost in a whisper, tears were forming in my eyes.

" I thought I told you I don't want you to be sad, silly." he said kissing my forehead and bringing me into a hug. I put my arms around him not wanting it to end. " Goodnight." he said while gazing at my eyes. He was watching my every move as I walked into my room.

Chanyeol P.O.V

 I can't believe I said something so chessy . But the happiness in his eyes were totally worth it, another chessy line, he's going to turn me into a poet, but if its for him then its okay, I will do anything for him. I thought to myself smiling. He is the first person I have ever liked and I don't want to make him sad. While thinking about Baekhyun, I fell asleep.

Baekhyun P.O.V

I kept replaying the sentence he told me in my head " I know I am over-reacting, but I don't want to hurt you even by mistake." I squealed in joy cuz he's so sweet. I'm so lucky to have him as my boyfriend. Boyfriend? Is he even my boyfriend?

Wait we are not really going out though so, what about all these stuff we did together...



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ann_HM #1
Chapter 3: Baekyeol... so cute...
kpopismaharmartia #2
Chapter 21: Baekkie is the new GIRL?
Huh? He's a guy rite...
First_Love #3
I'll update as soon as I can!
White_tigeress #4
Chapter 16: Something bad should happen like rei not talking to yui anymore cuz of a reason...
White_tigeress #5
In ur new story make me the heroine ok??? But call me something Koreany ok???? And the hero can be anyone from exo cuz I love them all but I want it like obs hero: Tao and side hero: beakhyun!!!! Plz beg ya if u do it then Ill make this really popular for ya cuz I know how!!!!
First_Love #6
Chapter 1: Thanks glad u liked it!
White_tigeress #7
Chapter 11: So cute love it
First_Love #8
not really
White_tigeress #9
Chapter 7: Ur swearing!!!!