Less time

Forever Only Ever Loved You

Baekhyun P.O.V

Oh great! School's gonna start soon and I'm the new boy. Why couldn't I take a leave for a month? Stupid me. I hate being the new boy everyone stares at you and you feel their eyes burning on your back. Just hope that the students in my class are nice. " What's wrong?"

" Nothing I was just sad that I'd have to go to school again."

" I'm sure its not that bad." He said walking over to me and bringing me in for a hug. How I'm gonna miss all this at school.

" I guess so, but...you won't be there." I said while feeling my cheeks heat up.

" aw thats why you are sad, well I'll miss you aswell." We stayed like that for a long time until the tutor had to ruin it!

Sorry the chp is so short. I just couldn't think of anything.

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ann_HM #1
Chapter 3: Baekyeol... so cute...
kpopismaharmartia #2
Chapter 21: Baekkie is the new GIRL?
Huh? He's a guy rite...
First_Love #3
I'll update as soon as I can!
White_tigeress #4
Chapter 16: Something bad should happen like rei not talking to yui anymore cuz of a reason...
White_tigeress #5
In ur new story make me the heroine ok??? But call me something Koreany ok???? And the hero can be anyone from exo cuz I love them all but I want it like obs hero: Tao and side hero: beakhyun!!!! Plz beg ya if u do it then Ill make this really popular for ya cuz I know how!!!!
First_Love #6
Chapter 1: Thanks glad u liked it!
White_tigeress #7
Chapter 11: So cute love it
First_Love #8
not really
White_tigeress #9
Chapter 7: Ur swearing!!!!