
Forever Only Ever Loved You

Chanyeol P.O.V

I don't know why, but I have a feeling that BAekhyun is avoiding me. At first I wasn't sure, but now I am because whenever I smile at him he avoids my gaze. And he never does that! Have I done something wrong? Maybe its because of the joke or the guards. Whatever it is I need to talk to him and apologize. I can't stand this any longer.

Baekhyun P.O.V

I feel really bad cuz Chanyeol has been smiling at me for ages but all I've done is avoided him. I can't help it though, not after what came to my mind yesterday. Whenever I see him I have this doubt if anything that happened between us was serious for him. When it shows this kinda situation in mangas and dramas I feel like the girl should just go up to him and talk about it.

But in real life its difficult cuz I feel like I might be rejected. When I was thinking about this stuff when someone suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me in to a corner. I looked up and saw that it was Chanyeol. Oh no. What am I gonna say to him? There was an awkward slence between us as he was trying to look in to my eyes but I kept avoiding it. He broke the silence by saying " I am really sorry about what I did yesterday and about the guards, I really am so, please don't ignore me." with the saddest eyes and it wasnt or was his fault I'm not sure.

" Its not cuz of that, that I'm ignoring u." I said feeling guilty and mad.

" Then what is it?"

" Its nothing." I said while walking away. Chanyeol grabbed my hand again but he let go of it when he heard a voice calling for him.

Chanyeol P.O.V

Mr A.K had to come at this time. I have to talk to Baekhyun though, I have to.

----After few hours----

I went to the dining room and as usual he was there. He was looking down trying to avoid my gaze. I grabbed his hand and I didnt let go of it until we reached my room. Once we reached inside I finally let go of it. He was staring at me in disbelief, I know I shouldn't have done that but I am just mad that hes ignoring me and I don't even know why. " Baekhyun please tell me what I did to make you ignore me."

" Its nothing."

" Please." by this time tears were forming in my eyes and that has never happened.

" Fine, I'll tell u." he said and was looking sad.

" Thanks"

" The reason why I've been ignoring u is because I don't know what we are I mean we are not going out but we both like each other I think. Well I know I do, but I'm not sure about you" I swear my face was blank because of what he said.

I know its kind of late but P.O.V stand for point of view.


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ann_HM #1
Chapter 3: Baekyeol... so cute...
kpopismaharmartia #2
Chapter 21: Baekkie is the new GIRL?
Huh? He's a guy rite...
First_Love #3
I'll update as soon as I can!
White_tigeress #4
Chapter 16: Something bad should happen like rei not talking to yui anymore cuz of a reason...
White_tigeress #5
In ur new story make me the heroine ok??? But call me something Koreany ok???? And the hero can be anyone from exo cuz I love them all but I want it like obs hero: Tao and side hero: beakhyun!!!! Plz beg ya if u do it then Ill make this really popular for ya cuz I know how!!!!
First_Love #6
Chapter 1: Thanks glad u liked it!
White_tigeress #7
Chapter 11: So cute love it
First_Love #8
not really
White_tigeress #9
Chapter 7: Ur swearing!!!!