
Forever Only Ever Loved You

Baekhyun POV

I imagined the look on Chanyeol's face. I didn't like it not at all. It wasn't him or maybe it was, but he's nothing like that to me so why? I need to ask him, its annoying me too much.

knock knock

" Chanyeol?" I called but he didn't respond so, I took a deep breath and opened the door saying " I'm coming in"  He looked vacant. He was sitting on his bed his hair was mess and so was his clothes. What happened to him overnight? " you ok?" I asked and he turned around and just nodded.

" I'm ok can you leave me alone for some time, please?" he asked and I was about to. But I couldn't i wouldn't.

" No, I won't leave you alone."I said staring at his eyes. He looked a bit surprised.

" Why?"

" Because I don't want to. I don't want you to go away from me." I said and I don't know why, but there were tears forming. His expression softened and he got up.

" Baekhyun, you know that I won't ever leave. Why would you ever think that?" he asked wiping my tears.

" B-Because you looked so.. distant yesterday. And I-I thought you didn't want me to be around you. " I said stuttering.

" You are really dramatic." he said laughing softly and it sounded just right with his deep voice. I just pouted and he pulled me closer to him. I hugged him tight not letting go. Now's the time..

" Why did you look so distant?" I asked and his expression slightly hardened, but softened again.

" Its my cousins. Let's just say I am not close with them never have been, never will be."

" oh." I said. I wanted to ask more, but I'll wait until he feels ready to tell me.

" Also my parents are coming to visit me soon." he said with a tired sigh. I didn't know what to do so, I just hugged tighter. The reality just hit me. Me the servant of this house is  going out with the only son of the richest business man. And to top it all of we are gay. oh god no..

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ann_HM #1
Chapter 3: Baekyeol... so cute...
kpopismaharmartia #2
Chapter 21: Baekkie is the new GIRL?
Huh? He's a guy rite...
First_Love #3
I'll update as soon as I can!
White_tigeress #4
Chapter 16: Something bad should happen like rei not talking to yui anymore cuz of a reason...
White_tigeress #5
In ur new story make me the heroine ok??? But call me something Koreany ok???? And the hero can be anyone from exo cuz I love them all but I want it like obs hero: Tao and side hero: beakhyun!!!! Plz beg ya if u do it then Ill make this really popular for ya cuz I know how!!!!
First_Love #6
Chapter 1: Thanks glad u liked it!
White_tigeress #7
Chapter 11: So cute love it
First_Love #8
not really
White_tigeress #9
Chapter 7: Ur swearing!!!!