Hot August Day

How I Met Jay Park and His Cousin

            Well it's one of those hot summer days where you feel so lazy you don't want to do anything. It's Saturday and I am glad I don't have to go to school today. It's 110 degrees farienhiet and it just doesn't want to get any cooler. The cooler broke so I decided to go to the mall. I take the bus because my mom and aunt are busy, my brother's lazy and my little can't drive either. I wait at the bus stop for the bus that goes to the mall. It takes a while, but I wait. After 5 minutes or so the bus comes. I am so happy. Also there's AC on the bus so the ride to the mall is great. This is actually my first time riding a city bus. I'm kind of scared because I am all alone and I know no one. Everyone on the bus is different complaining about their lives, kissing their boyfriend or girlfriend, or falling asleep. I just pop in my ear phones and blast k-pop. I listen to SHINee's "Why So Serious~". Some guy hears it and comes sit next to me. I am kind of shy so I just stay quiet. He say Hello and I say Hi. "Well you like k-pop?" He said.

            "Well yeah," I said turning it down so I can hear him better.

            "I think that's great K-pop is such a genre. It's unique and popular all over the world. To bad I can't go to any of the concerts, ohh I forgot to introduce myself my name is Alexander no not from U-Kiss but that would be awesome," said Alexander.

            "I'm Kimberly but you can call me Kim. I can't go to any concerts because no one will take me and no one wants to go with me but I guess I can watch it live online," I said.

            "What a nice name I think Kimberly suits you better. Not many asians name Kimberly and to many named Kim." Alexander said.

            "Thanks no one tells me that. People just abbreviate my name because it's 3 syllables," I say.

            "That well I think your name is nice and it should be said... Todays pretty hot huh?" he said.

            "Well yeah it's summer but I just want winter to come." I said.

             "Winter's nice to bad it doesn't snow here it could be like in a Korean Drama," Alexander saids.

             "Well it's my stop I hope I see you again," I said.

             "Ohh it's mine too. You came to the mall alone?. It's not safe being all alone there's creeps everywhere. Wanna walk around together?" he askes.

             "How do you know I am not meeting anybody?" I ask.

             "Well you seemed very open and you don't look like you have any idea on what you want to do.... So lets walk around." He grabbed my hand and took me to Auntie Anne's Pretzels. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked.

             "It can wait I rather hangout with you," he said. I blush. He ordered two pretzels and two lemonades, I offer to pay but he just paid for it. We look for a place to eat and we find and empty bench. "So you like it?" he askes.

             "Yeah I love pretzels but it feels kind of awkward to eat with a stranger I never met before," I said.

             "Who says we never met before I got to school with you except I am a year older," he said, "I just never had the courage to say anything to you...."

             "Really?? Well I don't remember seeing you at school," I said.

             "Well my life is pretty busy with all the clubs I join and at lunch I have to help out one of the teachers because she broke her hip," he said.

             "Then when have you seen me?"I ask.

             "I seen you in the library reading anime while listening to music... You seemed very sad and your mostly alone. I wanted to talk to you but I didn't know what to say. It would just be weird," he said.

             "I wasn't sad and I am not alone. If you wanted to talk to me then you could've said Hi..." I said.

             "I'll remember next time," he smiles. " Are you almost done eating it's been twenty minutes?"

             "Yeah,"  I said even though I had only half a pretzel. Then we hear music, k-pop, Jay Park's "Joah" to be exact.            

             "Oh no I'm late.... I am Jay Park's cousin and I am suppose to do the lights......" Alexander said.

             "Wait your Jay Park's cousin and you just tell me now?!?!?!?!?!?! What wrong with you?? Jay Park is my Idol. You say you don't get to go to concerts? Well you certainly go to his...." I yell.

             "I'll explain later let's go," he said. He grabs my hand and we dash to the concert. He tell me to wait in the crowd and wait for him. I cheer for Jay Park and sind along to "Joah". Then he sings "What's Your Name" and then announces "Want to hear more come to the benefit concert downtown L.A. 8:00. The concert is for those hungry or starving in Asia. Come out and support us. Everyone who supports count. Thanks and see y'all later."

             After that I wait for Alexander. I see him and I yell, "Hey Alexander!"

             "Hey I thought you left.." he saids.

             "Well I am stil here," I say. Then he askes me, "Do you wanna meet my cousin, Jay Park?"


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Chapter 5: Sorry short chapter but don't worry I will keep writing more ^.^
Chapter 1: This is my first fanfiction I hope you like it :D