Chapter 11 (You)

Lost Beat

“Hi! I’m Lim Hyunsik.” A buff looking guy bowed to you and Daeso. Both of you bowed back. A guy jumped on Hyungsik’s back. He looked a bit like an American.

“Hi~ I’m Peniel!” He waved. Again, you and Daeso bowed back. “What are your names?” Peniel asked.

“I’m Shin Daeso. And th–” Daeso started.

“I’m Yook Sungah.” You replied. Hyunsik and Peniel made their mouths into o’s.

“Sungjae’s sister?” Hyunsik asked. You nodded. “But, you’re younger than him! His only has an older sister!”

“Yeah, our appa had an affair with someone, got her pregnant with me, gave birth, put me in an orphanage to be safe from harm. And I don’t know who my mother is.” You informed. The guys made an “ah~” face. Peniel started to open his mouth before you said “Daeso was also at the orphanage, we ran away.” Again the guys made an “ah~” face.

“Um… we should go.” Hyunsik said awkwardly. He turned  towards the door, with Peniel on his back. Daeso giggled at them. Peniel was still on his back.

*              *              *              *

“You two should be in school. How are you going to get a job without education? Girls, I’ll enroll you into school.” Bohye said as the car passed a school.

“Okay… Make sure that it’s a good school.” Daeso said as you stared out the car window.

“So, I have another lesson in an hour. Would you want to come with or stay home or what?” Bohye asked.

“BtoB.” You mumbled.

“What’s that? BtoB?” Bohye questioned.

“BtoB. We can stay at BtoB’s dorm and get to know them.” You said yawning. Bohye picked up her phone, unlocked it and handed it to you.

“Find Im Jaehyun under contacts.” She instructed. You found the name quickly. “Call him.” She said putting her Bluetooth in. You pressed his name. It instantly dialed.

“Hey, Jaehyun, it’s Bohye. I have Sungjae’s sister with me right now, can she come to the dorm?” Bohye asked. There was a silent pause. “Okay! Thanks! See you in a bit.” She hung up. “Okay! You are going to BtoB’s dorm. We’ll stop at my house to get what we need. Okay?”

“Nae~” Daeso replied. The rest of the drive was silent until you reached the parking lot of the apartment. When Bohye opened the door, you pushed her aside and ran in, you went straight to the bathroom. After you were done in the bathroom, you opened the bag with all of your stuff. You got some of the money you had left and the phone.

“Ready?” Bohye asked you and Daeso, you both nodded.

“Let’s go!” Daeso walked out the door. Apparently she knew the way to elevator. She pressed the down button. Soon the elevator doors opened. The three of you walked into the elevator, Bohye pressed the first floor button.

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