Chapter 1 (You)

Lost Beat

"GET OFF OF ME!!!!" you yell at one boy at the orphanage.

"Why? Don't you-" he started, but you break free from his grasp and twist his arm. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! HELP! SUNGAH'S TRYING TO KILL ME!! HELP! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" he yells in agony.

"Sungah! What are you doing to Heowon? Come with me." a teacher said to you. She turned around and headed towards the door to get inside. You obediently followed her inside. After a bunch of turns down dark halls with old creepy portraits of old woman who worked at the orphanage. You shiver of creepy thoughts of the old woman coming out of their portraits and watching you in your sleep. Next you find yourself in the main office of the orphanage.

"Sungah, this is about the fifth time this has happened. I'm sorry to say this but, if this happens again, you will be in the psychological room." the teacher said to you once you sat yourself down next to her desk.

"Then tell Heowon to stop trying to me!" you yell at her. You stand up, pushing the chair you were sitting in over, storming out of the room.  Other people in the office were looking at you as you pushed your way thought the crowd outside of the office made up of kids watching what was going to happen to you. You made your way through the crowd to get to your room, pulling along your only friend at the orphanage, Shin Daeso.

“What happened?” she whispered into your ear as you were pulling her to side door.

“They said I would go into the psychological room. But we’re leaving.”

“L-L-Leaving?!?” she stuttered

“Yup. Leaving this place for good.” you announced as you reached your room. “Pack your bags. We’re leaving here at midnight. Pack only what is necessary.”

“Okay, but then where are we going?” she asked.

You thought about somewhere to go. “We’ll see. Now, pack.” You instructed Daeso.

 You and Daeso spent a minutes clearing the closest. Daeso came across a box filled of letters. “Sungah, is this yours?” Daeso asked you showing you the box.

“Let me see.” You said taking the box from her hands. You open the box, making the dust in the box and on the lid go everywhere. You start coughing due to the dust. Once the dust was not in your face, you picked up the first letter on the top of whatever was in there. It said:

Dear Sungah,

It has been a while since I last wrote. I hope all is well. Your brother just turned 10 on Monday. You might not remember, but your birthday is in exactly 2 weeks! I’m sorry I can’t see you anymore, but my wife was getting suspicious. I tried not to tell them about you. Happy early birthday!





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