part 4

A Locked story

“I don’t want to have it”

“But daddy” you whine. It was just after dinner when you asked your dad if Key could sleep over.

“I don’t want Ki bum to sleep in my house” he said on an angry tone 

“I know why you are saying no but it’s not like that, I don’t see him that way and he doesn’t see me that way ether he is like a brother to me”

“He will not be sleeping here” your dad says one last time “I don’t even want to hear about it”

“Honey” your mom interferes “let them have their sleep over they don’t have to sleep in the same room”

“Yes” you almost scream “please, daddy Ki bum can sleep in the living, and I will be sleeping in my room”

Your dad signs “Fine, you can have your sleepover”

You jump up from you chair to give you dad a big hug and a kiss on the cheek 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you” you say.
And give your mom a hug to for helping you.
You clean the table and do the dishes to please you dad so he doesn’t change his mind.

After the dishes you run up you room to call Key to tell him the good news 

A week later on Friday the doorbell rings. You run down the stairs to see your dad opened the door and Key was standing in the doorway.

You and Key where watching a movie in your room. You were lying on your bed and Key was sitting on the ground because you kicked him out. When he tried to tickle you 
Thought you found it boring and just stared at Key. Thinking about how you felt about him. To you he was your best friend. But sometimes he felt like something more. Like. Well you didn't know what it was. I could be like loving him but you didn’t believe that. Right? I can’t see him like that. But what if I really like him that way it would ruin your friend ship and you would lose him forever never to have a friend again. 

“Hey, sleepyhead wake up”

You hum “what?”

“I the movie was that boring you could tell you know”

It takes some time you realize you had fallen asleep
“I wasn’t that boring I’m just a bit tired” you answer rubbing you eye

He laughs “okay maybe it’s a good time to go to sleep”
Key pulls the blankets over you
“Get some good sleep”

You nod watching him get up and leave your room
“Where are you going?”

“I had to sleep downstairs remember”

“Oh yeah, right”

“You sleepyhead” he says closing the door.

“Key” you yell to wake him up after spending a long time trying to wake the sleeping angel softly.  Ki bum scares up and fall of from the couch. Since you were in his way of falling down he took you down with him and was now lying on you. 
“Ki bum get off from me you fat ” you said after you tried pushing him off

“Hey, I’m not fat” he pouts 
His face was just above yours. Making you heart beat faster than ever. He gets up quickly when you keep lying on the ground, hoping Key wouldn’t see you blush.
“Get up” he says grabbing your hand pulling you up. “What was that for a wakeup”
“You didn’t want to wake up at first” you pout looking away not showing Key your blush.

The next Monday you were waiting at the train station to go to school. When you suddenly felt someone grabbing your shoulder. After truing around mad and all yelling you see it’s the boy how tried to warn you about Key. “What do you think you’re doing” you yell at him. 

“Why do you stay with him after I warned you about him” 

“Maybe because I have no idea how the hell you are and how you know Key if you even know him”

He looks mad pulling your arm taking you into the train with him. After making sure nobody can hear you to he signs and starts talking.

“Well answering your first question. My name is Jonghyun. I knew Key because we were in the same class since we were little. Thought if you still don’t believe me than listen to this”
He says pulling something out of his pocked, probably his mp3. He started playing a song. You recognize the melody as one key always used to hum to and sometimes even sing to.
Then you clearly hear Key’s voice singing on the tape together with Jonghyun and tree others. You look confused at Jonghyun waiting for him to explain this. “We were part of a band when before we had our first live show and he never showed up” 
With the train started to slow down as it almost arrived at the station. You quickly started staring out of the window like you had no idea how the person before you was. Because you knew Key was waiting for you at the station. What would you do when you see him.

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Chapter 14: Ehhh, it ended just like that?!
Kpopgirl808 #2
Kpopgirl808 #3
Chapter 11: So violent! I love it! Lol update soon!
Chapter 10: Hehehe key gon be jelleh! Hello I'm a new reader! I really like your story so far and I hope you continue and update soon! Ill subscribe now!
Chapter 8: Ah! The tension is building up. I really want to know who the familiar face is! (>_<)
Chapter 7: This is really good! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Kpopgirl808 #8
Chapter 6: Oh it's really good, please,update soon!