part 11

A Locked story

Taemin’s POV

How did I get in this mess.
Okay I guess you don’t know why so let me explain the situation I am in right now. 
Key, Minho and Onew-hyung and I went to Jonghyun-hyung. 
As soon as we got in Key grabbed Jonghyun by his shirt and pulled him into the other room.
After that we only heard them screaming and yelling at each other. 
Leaving us with this girl who is crying and we have no idea who she is or what to do.

After some time Minho-hyung got op 

“I got to stop those two from fighting” 
was all he said. When he walked to the other room but Onew-hyung stopped him.

“I am the leader I should be the one stopping them”
He said walking at the room. Not long after that he came out with a bleeding Jonghyun-
hyung. It looked like his nose was bleeding very badly. Onew supported Jonghyun to the 
kitchen. And Minho-hyung rushed to the room where Key-umma still was. 
So I was left with the girl. 
Oh god why must this happen to me. 
I got up with the only idea I had. I got to the kitchen to get some water for her.
But when I came back she was gone. I three double checked the sofa were she was before 
she disappeared, I checked the bathrooms, I checked the whole house. There was no side of 
her. Leaving me totally panicking in the living room when Key came back in.

Key’s POV

Onew got it right at the moment I hit Jonghyun right in his face. he pulled him away from my 
since Jonghyun was trying to hit me back again. Right then I saw his nose was bleeding. I 
must have hit him there and chased it to bleed. Onew-hyung saw this too and got him out of 
the room. Soon after that Minho got into the room looking at me. Right then I noticed that my 
lip was bleeding. But I was too angry to mind I wanted to get back at Jonghyun. But Minho 
stopped me. When I calmed down we got to the living room. I thought you would be there but 
the only thing I found was Taemin who was totally panicking about something.
He turned to me. “Key please help there was this girl here and she was all crying and I didn’t 
know what to do so I got her some water but when I came back she was gone and, and now 
I can’t find her anywhere. I already searched her whole house but I can’t find her. Please 
what do I do.” he cried. 

“So you mean she left and she is not anywhere in the house?” I asked. “Then she must be 
outside. Well, what are you waiting for we must find her.” That was all I needed to say and 
the three of us got outside to look for you.

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Chapter 14: Ehhh, it ended just like that?!
Kpopgirl808 #2
Kpopgirl808 #3
Chapter 11: So violent! I love it! Lol update soon!
Chapter 10: Hehehe key gon be jelleh! Hello I'm a new reader! I really like your story so far and I hope you continue and update soon! Ill subscribe now!
Chapter 8: Ah! The tension is building up. I really want to know who the familiar face is! (>_<)
Chapter 7: This is really good! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Kpopgirl808 #8
Chapter 6: Oh it's really good, please,update soon!