part 1

A Locked story

You were going to school like every day. You didn’t like school. The classes were okay, but your class mates bullied you it wasn’t really bad they shut you out on purpose. 
The first weeks you tried your best to join there group but you gave up simply because you didn’t want to be friend with people like that. 
You class teacher made you visit the school therapist. Do this has been happening to you for as long as you could remember. So it was nothing new. You didn’t mind being alone, 
Do you still hated that people shut you out do you act like you don’t care. 

When you arrive at school you class mates sit on the big table in the middle of the room. It was the biggest table it had spots for every one of your class. 
Just a little look at the table made the rest of your class get there bags and blocks the last seat that was left. 
You ignored it and walk to the back of the room and take you laptop and look like you didn’t care. 

After a few minutes the teachers comes into the room calling you only other class at your school to come to the class room. 

You school was a small school and only had two classes. 
Not long after the other class left the room you teacher came to get the class. 

When you entered the class room everyone already had a spot. 
The only other one how was sitting alone blocked the spot next to him. 
You didn’t bother to give him a look and sat down at you usual spot alone. 

Hearing laugher behind you from your classmates made you feel lonelier as you already did. You tried to ignore it but it was hard to keep listening to the teacher. 
You looked at your notebook it was full of drawing you made in class. 

“es,” you thought “they are not good enough to be with me.” 

You tried to make some questions. 
Math wasn’t your best class but if you did some work you could pass the test since you didn’t have any friends you decided it was better to focus on you grades. 

At the end of the day the head master came in the class room handing out a piece of paper to the teacher who was you class teacher. He nodded looking at the paper 
“When will he becoming?” the teacher asked 
The class was talking so loud they didn’t hear it 
“It all in the papers” the headmaster replied turning and walking out of the classroom.
You wonder what they were talking about. But you didn’t ask you didn’t like to talk 
Nobody was worth it as you liked to say to yourself.
You guessed it could be a new class member.
You imagined him also getting shut out of the group like you 
And you would sit next to him and you turned into good friend 
Thought that would never happen he would join the rest of the class
And small fear came up inside of you that he would  turn the bullying even worse
You shacked you head getting the idea out of your head it was probably not going to happen.

The next day at school you could swear someone threw something at your head but you ignored it because there was a new guy sitting at the spot you used to sit. 
You weigh your options you could scared him away like the bold person you’re not, you could also just go sit anywhere else but you didn’t. There was something with is face.
You slowly walked at him. When he looked up at you. His eyes breaking through threw to your soul. He removed his bag from the table next to him. You gave a look at you class
See how has manners ed. And you sat down next to him.
“That’s my seat” you said without looking at him and got the books out of your bag
“Kim Ki bum” he said 
Making you look wearied at him 
“Kim Ki bum my name is Kim Ki bum” he said before you could say anything “I’m new here”
“I knew that” you said “that you’re new here I mean”
“And what is your name?” Ki bum asked 
You opened your mouth to answer but before you could the teacher called 
your name asking you to stop talking and pay attention to the lesson.
Ki bum passed a note in your book 
But you didn’t pay any attention at it until he started poking you.
“That’s a cute name” it said making you smile inside but you tried not to 
“Thanks” you wrote back “I’m not looking for friends” you added 
You wanted to writhe back but didn’t know what 
You felt his eyes watching you 
When you rubber the back of your head 
“It’s a long story” you wrote “I’ll tell you later”

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Chapter 14: Ehhh, it ended just like that?!
Kpopgirl808 #2
Kpopgirl808 #3
Chapter 11: So violent! I love it! Lol update soon!
Chapter 10: Hehehe key gon be jelleh! Hello I'm a new reader! I really like your story so far and I hope you continue and update soon! Ill subscribe now!
Chapter 8: Ah! The tension is building up. I really want to know who the familiar face is! (>_<)
Chapter 7: This is really good! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Kpopgirl808 #8
Chapter 6: Oh it's really good, please,update soon!