part 2

A Locked story

You were sitting on a swing and Ki bum was sitting on the one next to you.

After school ended he insisted you’ll tell your story to him. You hated that

Because you didn’t want to talk about it because it still happened and it still hurts.

Why did he bother anyway he just knew you since today


“So?” he asked “Are you gone tell me?”


“Why do you want to know so badly?”


He ignored your question. “Why  don’t you want to have friends?”


“Well I never had any friends” you started “and when I had it was only for short.

Everyone just left me in silence. On my second school they bullied me because I was all alone. I still tried to get friends but everyone pushed me away and I give up my hope of ever getting friends. I tried again but sadly had to give up again” closing your eyes stopping the tears from coming. You smiled ad him proving him you still could be happy even if you were all alone. “So how about you?” you asked him “Got any interring life story?”




You looked at the ground between your feet the atmosphere felt awkward now you didn’t have anything to talk about. Looking at the time you decided it was a good time to go home now. As you got up saying you goodbye Ki bum admitted that he only lived here for only today and had no idea how to get home. So you agreed to walking him home. Walking together you keep looking at the ground since you still can’t find anything to talk about. Do Ki bum seemed to have the same problem since he didn’t say anything ether. You keep walking till you hear him call your name from behind you. You turn around and see him stand almost two meters behind you. “My house is here” he said trying not to laugh. “Well see you tomorrow”


“Ehm, yeah, see you tomorrow Ki bum” you say turning around about to leave when he calls you name again “what?”


“You can call me Key”


You look confused at him


“That’s what my friends used to call me” he tells and close the door behind him.


You shrug and walk him wondering why he was so interested in you. By the time you got home and thrown yourself on your bed you guessed it was because he was new and you here easy to talk to because you didn’t have any friends to block him from talking to you. And it would be over tomorrow when he would make friends with the others of the class since you where to boring to talk to

Do the next week’s Key stay by your side and you’ve grown to be good friends walking home together every day talking and laughing. It felt good to have a friend again to talk to

And not having to be alone


“Are you scared?” key suddenly asks you one night when you were making homework together in your room


You look confused ad him “what do you mean?”


“Well remember the first day we met you told me all the friends you had left you”


“Yeah, so”


“Are you scared I will leave you like they did?”


You keep staring at him not knowing how to react. Finding it wert for him to talk about this


“Because this morning you looked like you had been crying. So I thought maybe you were scared of losing me”


You looked at the floor. You had been crying this morning because you really were scared of losing Key and using your old friendship to hurt you but you didn’t want to tell him. You frown thinking about what to tell him  you can’t tell him you were scared, but you also can’t say you were crying for no reason.

You take a dream breath as you feel tears burning in your eyes. Getting mad at yourself because you didn’t want to cry.


“Are you okay?” Key asked getting up from your bed. You sniff when your tears roll down your face and know you can’t hide them anymore. You feel key putting his arms around you.

Feeling the warmth of his arm sweep into your skin calm you down.

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked” he says after you stop crying. And wipes your tears away. And smiles at you. “Let me promise something to you” he offered you as he raised his pinky to make a promise to you. You push it away. Saying you don’t what him to do that because everyone broke that promise. You still give him a smile and thank him for offering.


After you and Key finished your homework. You both sit on your bed and listen to the radio as soon as the first girl group comes up Key eminently jumps up to start dancing.

You laugh never have seen him do this before. Do you stop when you realize he is really dancing it perfectly. You watched him dance. 

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Chapter 14: Ehhh, it ended just like that?!
Kpopgirl808 #2
Kpopgirl808 #3
Chapter 11: So violent! I love it! Lol update soon!
Chapter 10: Hehehe key gon be jelleh! Hello I'm a new reader! I really like your story so far and I hope you continue and update soon! Ill subscribe now!
Chapter 8: Ah! The tension is building up. I really want to know who the familiar face is! (>_<)
Chapter 7: This is really good! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Kpopgirl808 #8
Chapter 6: Oh it's really good, please,update soon!