part 12

A Locked story

Key’s POV

When we got outside we made to groups Taemin and Onew went searching together. 
So did Jonghyun, Minho and I. first we looked around the house. 
But quickly gave up and stared looking on the streets. After a long hour 
of searching we finally found her. She was crying behind a pile of garbage 
all curled up in to a ball. I softly called her name getting a bit closer.

She didn’t react so I called her again coming a bit more closer. 
Again no reaction so I got closer again calling her name louder. 

She looked up at me. Her face was wet of tears her eyes where full of fear. 

“don’t be scared everything will be okay.” I said coming closer again. 
The fear in her eyes got bigger and she got back in her ball. 
I wanted to get closer again, but someone stopped me. I looked around to see it was Jonghyun. 

“you’re only scaring her more.” He said to me 

“I know but she can’t stay here.”

“Let me give it a try.” Minho offered. “she must be scared because of your fight.”

After saying that he sat down before here. He kindly introduced himself and within a few minutes he got her to climb on him back so he could carry her home. 

After the guys brought you back Minho carried you 
to your and Jonghyun's shared room. 
He stayed there with you so you wouldn't run away again. 

After Taemin and Onew came back key explained them your story. 

"she can't stay here" Onew said after a short silence. "I mean after all that happened to her she must be traumatized. I don't think any one of us can take care of her. 
She also ran away from home. The police must be looking for her right now 
and we could get in trouble for helping her." 

"I get that but" 

"Key if you really love her you got to let go we all know it's for the better" Key agreed with his hyung. 

A little later Minho you and Jonghyun where sitting in the car driving to the police station. 
To break the silence Jonghyun turned the radio on. 
The news had just passed 
and the dj's where talking about a family drama that was in the news. 
A man killed his wife and their child was still missing. 
It was said that it happened in their neighborhood. 
Making the guys look at each other. 
Something telling them it was about the girl on the back seat. 
They hoped she didn't realize that it was about her. 

For as far as they knew she didn't know about her mother jet.


sorry I uplaoded this a lot later but I got sick so I coundn't write (combination of to mush sun and not enough to drink)

that's why this is not the las part jet

I don't know when I will be uploading the last part 

I got it in my head I only have to write it down 







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Chapter 14: Ehhh, it ended just like that?!
Kpopgirl808 #2
Kpopgirl808 #3
Chapter 11: So violent! I love it! Lol update soon!
Chapter 10: Hehehe key gon be jelleh! Hello I'm a new reader! I really like your story so far and I hope you continue and update soon! Ill subscribe now!
Chapter 8: Ah! The tension is building up. I really want to know who the familiar face is! (>_<)
Chapter 7: This is really good! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Kpopgirl808 #8
Chapter 6: Oh it's really good, please,update soon!