
Perfect Creature

You woke up to the sound of Jingle Bells from your annoying alarm that your parents gave you for Christmas. You've wanted to get rid of it... But of course you couldn't. You treasure everything your parents give you. You may be arrogant and a narcissist but you're not a brat. You listen to everything your parents say, you never talk back to them... you love them... so much.

You opened your eyes and saw a big dirty pillow infront of you. *Probably from the paint...* 

You tried to process what happened yesterday and remembered your dream about Zelo. Now, what is Zelo to you?

He's been with you since you were very little. You could say he's your imaginary friend. He comforts you, plays with you, stays by your side... He's your non-existent best friend. Your only friend at that...

You stood up and looked at the mirror at your bedroom door. You had paint all over your hair and body and you looked like a typhoon went past you but... as expected... you still look gorgeous. *I should consider getting highlights :D*

You walked towards the bathroom while daydreaming about Zelo. *I dreamed about Zelo~*

Your walking suddenly slowed down until it cam into a halt.

*He had black hair... He's always had blonde hair though... He looks... kinda hot with black hair :D* You squealed like a fangirl and continued walking. 

You grabbed hold of the doorknob and... *Do I hear the shower running?*

You opened the door and the bathroom was filled with steam and smelled like soap. You quietly approached the shower and opened the shower curtain.

You couldn't believe your eyes. *Am I still dreaming?*

You just saw... a Zelo... with shampoo all over his hair.

"AHRI-YAH!~" *What a beautiful voice~* You thought before you wiped out.



You woke up with a jolt on your bed. "Am I finally awake?" You asked yourself.

Your bedroom door opened and Zelo stepped in with breakfast on a tray. Zelo stepped in with freaking breakfast on a tray!

You started slapping your cheeks. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"

"Hey! Hey! Stop it Ahri-yah!" He put the tray on your study desk and grabbed hold of your hands. *He's touching me.... Why am I not waking up?!*

"Ahri-yah! Are you okay?" He held your cheek with both of his hands and looked into your eyes. *I'm not dreaming...*

"Zelo... you're really here" You said with a soft voice. He smiled.

"Yeah... I'm here :) with breakfast :D" H took the tray from the study table and laid it out in front of you. You still couldn't believe yourself. You ignored the breakfast and stared at him.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here for you... you need me :D" He took the fork and stabbed the eggs with it. "Say ah~"


You just watched him as he started cleaning your room.  None of you said a word to each other after he fed you.

He appeared in front of you with a towel and a set of clothes complete with underwear. "Go shower"

You just nodded and took them. He, then, went back to cleaning.

So, you started your journey to the bathroom once again.



You stepped out of the bathroom after showering and telling yourself that this was impossible. You went downstairs and saw Zelo vacuuming the living room.

"Hey... Zelo" You called out. He stopped what he was doing and looked at you.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"No... You're definitely not"

"Then explain how you could be here! Right in front of my eyes, wearing a frigging apron!"

"I didn't want to talk to you about this till later... Cant we just wait till nighttime?" 

"No! Tell me now! Or I think I might go crazy!" He bit his lower lip and sighed.

"Fine... Just let me put this away" He put the vacuum back in the storage room.


"Its about mom and dad..." He started.

"My mom and dad?" He slowly nodded.

"I want you to take a deep breath okay?" You hesitantly nodded. *Something's disturbing my stomach*


"Wait... Why do you know about mom and dad?"

"I was with them"

"You what?"

"Ahri... listen. I can only give enough information. If I tell you everything, you wont be able to handle it."

"Goddammit Zelo! Just tell me! I can handle it"

"Your parents are dead"


"I thought you said you could handle it?" He smirked and rested his back on the couch. He saw your expression and softened. "Im sorry..."


He pulled you into a hug as you dampened his shoulders with your tears.



Lol sorry if you guys are confused :D





You're supposed to be confused~ For a little while :D


Thanks for reading~

And to those who subscribed~





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Chapter 15: omg! Please update soooooon!
YYSdyno #2
Chapter 15: <3 update jebal !
Chapter 14: unnie... update... PLEASE!
and about that thing I was supposed to ignore... :P
YYSdyno #4
Chapter 14: THANK GOD YOU UPDATED..... lord , i was gonna die ! BUT ! yes , hahaha i like how everything came it , and all the members met eachother (: hehe , please continue :3
YYSdyno #5
Chapter 13: Dude..... you gotta hurry up and UPDATE'! Omggggg ..... a great story. Love it.
Chapter 13: Omo! Unnie! You fainted D:
Im so glad youre okay now!
Now you can update more XD
I love youngjae here!!!
geum-byul #7
Chapter 13: Haha lmao Youngjae omg hahaha. Yongguk really hates it that he can't dump Youngjae somewhere hahaha. But i'm glad you feel better now dear Author! Update soon!
Chapter 13: Lmfao youngjae xDDD
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 12: Update Soon.. ;))