No problem

Perfect Creature

"For once... I respect that youre richer than me"

Yongguk inspected the yacht. You remembered that you owned a yacht so you all decided to go to the harbor. Zelo and Youngjae were already inside. You beamed and braggingly flipped your hair as you went inside as well. Yongguk smiled softly and shook his head. He looked at the exterior once again before he went in... feeling happy you guys were friends again.

"Uh-oh..." You said as soon as you stepped in.

"What?" Zelo said.

"What could be bothering my baby?~" Youngjae swayed over to you. You stepped away and stomped your foot. Then, you smothered your face in the pillow you found next to you.

"Woah~ Whats happening?" Yongguk said when he saw you.

"Do any of you know how to drive the boat?" You asked desperately. Yongguk furrowed his eyebrows.

"We can hire someone around here. It shouldnt cost much since we only have to pay him to drive"

"Money's not a problem, you know?" You said.

"Shut up. You should learn to budget that money now, Ahri. There's no one earning money for you anymore"

You glared at him for scolding you and went outside.

"Where are you going, baby?!~~" Youngjae yelled. You ignored him. Zelo, as usual, followed you.

"You okay?" Zelo said as he strolled by your side.


"What are we doing?"

"Boat man"


Zelo smiled.  He didnt know why. Maybe it was because... you were together. Zelo swore in his head that when all this is over... he would love to just walk like this with you, without worries.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH" You shrieked. Some stranger bumped into you and dumped all the fish he was holding on to you.

"Ahri!" Zelo immedietly went to your side and helped clean you up.

"Im so sorry!" The person bowed down repeatedly as he helped pick up the fish. You sent him a nasty glare that sent shivers to his spine. You softened up a bit when you noticed he was wimpy. *Well... wimpy equals clumsy dweeb...* You forgave him.

"Its okay" You smiled and stood up. You looked over to Zelo... who was removing his shirt. You gasped.

"What the are you doing?!" You yelled. He shushed you as he put it over your head. He forced you to wear it.

"Why arent you wearing a bra?" He whisper yelled to you. You pinked and kept silent. *So embarassing...* You didnt wear one because they were getting tight these days... it was uncomfortable. You figured they showed because your shirt was light colored and it got soaked. Thank goodness Zelo's shirt was black and that he noticed it before anyone else did.

"Hyung!" You heard someone yell out. The person who bumped into you cowered.

"J-Jongup ah~" The person managed to say.

"Himchan hyung" The other person scolded.

"It was an accident!"

"I apologize in behalf of my hyung... he... He's just like that..."

"Its fine" You smiled and shook your head in order to assure him.

"Its not fine" Zelo spoke up. You looked at him confused. Zelo always forgave people easily. Why did he look... scary? And hot... Zelo being angry and shirtless was making you heat up.

"... Is there something we can do to make it up to you?" The guy named Jongup said.

"Nothing... seeing as you two are just fisherboys... Unless one of you can drive a boat"

Wow... Why was Zelo acting like this? An arrogant Zelo? You shouldnt feel like this but... he looks too hot. He should be arrogant more often. This must be one of his mood swings. You noticed Zelo easily changed moods. He was probably getting protective...

"Himchan hyung can!" Jongup exclaimed. Zelo raised a brow. Jongup nudged Himchan.

"Y-yeah... I can" He said.

You and Zelo raised a brow.

"He can! He's actually pretty good... He's just... umm... I guess he's just more... graceful on water" Jongup explained.

"Okay" Zelo said. You widened your eyes and tugged at his sleeve.

"Look... we'll take what we can get" He whispered to you.

"There are other boat drivers here" You reasoned back.

"Come on... We wont even have to pay them~"

"Whatever... Im gonna look for someone who's selling shirts" You said and left them.

Zelo looked at the two fisherboys.

"So... can we drive the boat?" Jongup asked. Zelo nodded.

"Its the one at the end. The other people I'm with are inside already. Tell them Zelo sent you, arasso?"

"Dae!" Himchan saluted. Zelo and Jongup gave him a 'WTH' look. Then Zelo went after you.

Of course,

he was still shirtless...




After buying a shirt, you thought of getting the guys treats. So, you decided to pass by a convenience store as well. *Now... where is that convenience store?*

Getting lost wont be a problem, right?





*Where the heck is she?*

Zelo scanned the busy street only to find you nowhere. He saw a shirt stand and decided to get a shirt. He picked one randomly and put it on.

"How much is this?" He asked the lady, who was tending the store.

"5000 won ($5) " She said. Zelo handed the money and continued searching for you.

*Where would she go?... Did she go back yet?*

Zelo decided to check the boat briefly to see if you went back.



"She's what?!" Youngjae shrieked. "My baby!!!~~~"

"Shut up! Its not a big deal. She can protect herself anyway.... The problem is that we cant leave without her" Yongguk said.

"Im going back to find her" Zelo said and sped off.

"Im coming!" Yongguk said and followed Zelo.

"Me too!" Youngjae yelled. Yongguk managed to block him before he continued out.

"You need to watch over those two" Yongguk whispered to him. Youngjae pouted but complied.

Soon, he was left with the two fisherboys.

"But... Im sure Ahri baby will only hear my calls... Hmph" Youngjae whined to himself.

Jongup and Himchan shifted uncomfortably in their seats wondering what they just got themselves into.


A loud voice that sounded a lot like yours was heard.

"Is the girl from earlier here now?" Himchan wondered.

"No... thats just my ringtone..." Youngjae cheekily smiled and answered his phone. "Hello?....."




You found convenience store... finally.

You went straight to the freezer section and looked for the icecream. After deciding on what flavours everyone would like, you headed to the cashier. You happened to pass by the chips section so you grabbed some on the way.

"Song Ahri..."

You heard someone growl. You looked up and found Yongguk and Zelo right in front of you.

"Mwoh?" You said as you handed money to the cashier.

"Seriously?!" Yongguk said. You simply raised a brow at him and handed the stuff you bought to him.

"There's chocolate in there"

"Like I care"

"It comes with Dora™ stickers"


Yongguk immediately dove into the bag and searched for it. You shook your head and continued out the store. Zelo blocked you.

"Ahri..." He whispered. You looked at him.


He suddenly hugged you.

"Please... dont worry me..."


"I cant stand it if youre away from me for even a minute..."

The hug was awkward....

really awkward...

but at the same time...

you liked it...

You didnt know why Zelo suddenly hugged you or why he was worried but... it felt nice.

*Because Im Shadow Shadow Shadow~*

Your phone suddenly buzzed. Its Youngjae. You answered it.



"What the Jae? I was only gone for a little more than an hour"


You hung up. You smiled as you closed your phone. It amused you that Youngjae didnt annoy you as much this time. Its was like... you opened up to him. You felt closer. You had to admit... you never really hated Youngjae. Not once. It was pure annoyance. And the fact that you have an attitude. You know... maybe if... maybe if you werent so irritable... you wouldve really liked Youngjae. Or maybe you actually do now but you just dont notice it....


The three of you entered the yacht and found yourselves face to face with someone you didnt expect to see...






"What the is Ninja guy doing here?" Yongguk said as he held on to his Dora™ ice cream. Youngjae and Daehyun stopped playing rock, paper, scissors and stood up straight as if theyve been scolded.

"Umm... Daehyun called and told me he missed me and asked where I was... so I told him... and well... as you can see... haha... he came..." Youngjae explained.

You shook your head as Zelo just raised a brow.

"Youngjae... we cant take him with us..." You said as you rubbed your temples.

"Ill be good! I promise!" Daehyun bursted out. Zelo stepped to your side and whispered into your ear.

"We can always just ditch them at the harbor there" You nodded.

"Fine" You gave in. Youngjae and Daehyun hi-fived.

"Umm... should we start the boat now?" Jongup raised his hand. Himchan was hiding behind him. Zelo nodded and shooed them to the bridge[1].

"What's in that bag?" Daehyun popped up a question.

"Ice cream" You answered. You swore... you just saw his eyes twinkle.








To those who dont know ^^ - A bridge is the place where the captain steers the boat. Its basically the equivalent of a cockpit of an airplane.


Update! ^^

Mian... I ... umm... had writers block :D

Sue me :))))


Im sure most of you has seen BAP's Hurricane right? *wriggles eyesbrows*

Oh my gosh... this is definitely my week... ^^

Bap's Hurricane came out, BEAST released an awesome teaser, BTS released a part 2 of bullet proof... the WGM episode this week was fantastic as well... :D

(ignore this) ----> ...... ialsogotkissedonthecheekbythisreallycuteguy :D





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Chapter 15: omg! Please update soooooon!
YYSdyno #2
Chapter 15: <3 update jebal !
Chapter 14: unnie... update... PLEASE!
and about that thing I was supposed to ignore... :P
YYSdyno #4
Chapter 14: THANK GOD YOU UPDATED..... lord , i was gonna die ! BUT ! yes , hahaha i like how everything came it , and all the members met eachother (: hehe , please continue :3
YYSdyno #5
Chapter 13: Dude..... you gotta hurry up and UPDATE'! Omggggg ..... a great story. Love it.
Chapter 13: Omo! Unnie! You fainted D:
Im so glad youre okay now!
Now you can update more XD
I love youngjae here!!!
geum-byul #7
Chapter 13: Haha lmao Youngjae omg hahaha. Yongguk really hates it that he can't dump Youngjae somewhere hahaha. But i'm glad you feel better now dear Author! Update soon!
Chapter 13: Lmfao youngjae xDDD
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 12: Update Soon.. ;))