The Football Game

What Love Is About

5 PM

“HA!” The football team says out their strength with one word, ‘ha’ as the game is about to start. They go out from their changing room and directly go to the field. Game field.

Sungjong is standing in his team’s uniform. *Has Jieun already come?* He calls Jieun but she doesn’t pick up. Finally, after not knowing how many times he has called, Jieun picks up.

“Sungjong-ah! I’m so sorry for not picking up! The art teacher just let us go!!! I’m running to the field now!” Jieun’s voice is heard, and it seems like she is really running by the way she panting.

Sungjong smiles, his sister loves him a lot too. Jieun is always the one who cares the most about him, and she is the one who always comfort him whenever he's sad, and it’s one of the best thing he knows about having a twins.

He kisses his phone, thankful that his sister would come to see him. He walks out in happiness. *Art class and the field is near.*

“Why are you so late coming out?” His friend, or should be call senior, Woohyun asks.

“I just called my sister, she is coming to see me.”

“Your sister? Older or younger?” Woohyun asks, grinning.

“On the same age,” Sungjong says sheepishly.

“You are twins!” Woohyun says, quite surprise with the fact.

“Right,” Sungjong says, smiling. “And I’m quite happy by bragging about it.”

“Is she really sweet?” Woohyun asks.

“WOOHYUN, SUNGJONG, WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING THERE?!” The loud voice come from their strict couch which make Woohyun and Sungjong running to him. “So as you all are here, now I’ll tell you, we are going to bring down the greens! So, Blues, are you ready?!” The coach shouts out loud.

Blue are the football team name. For those who is inside the football, call blues. Green is the opposite team, they called them green not because their name green. They just like it.

“WE ARE READY!” They shout in union as the marching bands begin.

“Sungjong, covered the black one!” The captain, Myungsoo, says. “Woohyun, block number 5! Dongwoo, number eleven!” He yells there and here, even though the game hasn’t started yet. They are just getting ready.

“Whoa,” Woohyun taps Myungsoo’s back. “Relax, man, we’re going to win this game.” He smiles.

“I’m not sure.” Myungsoo replies. “The greens have achieved a lot games for a few times, and if we’re careless, we might lose the game in any minute.”

“Then, let’s put our best then.” Then they toss their hand in the air.





Jieun has been running for ten minutes before she gets to the field. She looks at it and lets out a relieved sighed. *They haven’t started yet.* she thinks happily and finds a seat for herself.

“Excuse me, is this seat available?” She asks to a guy in the middle row.

“Yeah,” He replies.

Jieun sit and smiles to him. He offers his hand and introduce, “I’m Sunggyu, Kim Sunggyu.”

“Jieun, Lee Jieun,” Jieun says.

“Who are you watching?”

“It’s my school’s, the blue one,” Jieun says.

“Ah, then do you know Kim Myungsoo?” He asks.

Jieun shakes her head. “I came here because my twins asked me too. He is Lee Sungjong,” She points Sungjong who is discussing things with his group. Sungjong sees her and waves his hand. Jieun does the same.

“Twins? Cool,” Sunggyu says. “I wished I have too,”

“Eh, having a twins doesn’t mean so good! When we were still kids, we have to fight for anything!” Jieun grumps.

Sunggyu chuckles. “The game is starting,” He says, focusing his mind now on the game.

Jieun looks on the field, the two teams have readied on their position and she smiles seeing her twins there. *He looks so cool, maybe that’s why a lot of girls like him.*

The game has started from thirty minutes ago and the scores are blue : green; 2 : 4. The field and the supporters can feel the tense between the two teams. Jieun can’t sit still on her seat, she is really nervous as she sees the disappoint face of Sungjong.

*Do they lose?* She thinks worriedly, but reminding herself to think positively.

“BREAK!” The referee says, and the two teams back to their place.

“AKH!” Myungsoo shout in despair. “We are not going to lose!” He says determinedly and his teammates nodded in agreement.

“We cannot lose,” Woohyun says.

Sungjong also thinks the same. Most of all, he couldn’t lose because Jieun is watching. His precious sister is watching, he reminds himself all the time.

“Sungjong, you need to be more focus on the game, or I’ll fail you.” The couch points at Sungjong. “What are you thinking while on the game before?!”


“He is thinking that he won’t disappoint his sister by winning the game.” Woohyun cuts him, looking at him while saying, “After this, if you really won’t disappoint her, then focus on the game,”

Sungjong nodded.

The couch sighs, a problem solved. “Myungsoo, you are the captain and don’t disappoint me. I mean it,”

Myungsoo nods, in his eyes, everyone can see fire flaring there, the aura for winning can be feel. He is indeed an ambitious man. He gets everything he wants, though he never gets it easily. He is a cold man, with cold heart, he can only glare and smirk, but girls fall easily to him. He is football’s captain, one of the top student, and most of all, he is known to be a rich clan. He rarely shows his good sides, and no one know why.

“BREAK IS OVER!” They heard the announcement from the speaker in their waiting room, and after shouting their yell one more time, they go out with confidence.

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I'm too lazy to edit my stories. Please bear with the grammar mistakes!


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Kksecret #1
Chapter 18: God myungsoo is so sweet!! ❤
Kksecret #2
Chapter 18: Ahhhh! I'm so angry when are you going to update. You know we're waiting for you so could you please hurry up and update!!!
Chapter 18: Are you planning to update this fic? Or...?
xiaohope #4
Chapter 18: Please update soon and hope they become a couple
Chapter 18: Oowwww myungu... <3
rainbow_bananas #6
Chapter 17: Please update soon.
Chapter 17: Wow, it is amazing!
I wonder how will dating.
I can't wait to read the next section.
Update soon pls.
clyne22 #8
Chapter 17: please update soon......
clyne22 #9
Chapter 17: i really like your story...
update soon please
Dhanaletta #10
New subbie here ;)
Can't hardly wait for what happen next in their date movie :D
Please update, fighting!!